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Okay, that's great Siara. Thanks for starting it.
I have no idea how I would've.
We already met at the meeting :)
Caitlyn could be a close/best friend. She is quite reserved and quiet, very trustworthy. She is also the sort of person to only have on best friend to know well, and trust.
She is most likely going to be a Ravenclaw, but will be fine with being friends with Slytherin, because she is very open and accepting of different backgrounds ^_^


Caitlyn: Okay, I think they would be friends, maybe best friends. I think Lily/Livia would really trust her. Yes. Would you like to RP somewhere?

Henric: Enemies would be good, we'd have to wait until the Brightstone weekend to RP though, but she is at the moment getting quite a few enemies so it would be good.

Peyton: What is Peyton like, because I see her as either someone Lily/Livia could be someone that they look up to or just friends. Which ever you think would be best

That would fantastic. Thank you.
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