Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y47 S1

Michael Watson

Biggest Sport Nerd | 7th Year | Claw Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
18 (29/09/2044)
Ravenclaw,PracticeIt was a bright sunny morning, and Michael was glad to throw himself into another training session. Admittedly, playing keeper didn't allow for much free flying, but he could focus entirely on the team and planning things out for their upcoming game, which was enough of a distraction for him. He had jogged down to the pitch and was now going through a few stretches as everyone got ready with their brooms, looking over the team with a tired smile.

"Alright, let's just get into some game practice. Let's keep up communication and use of the whole pitch, alright? Slytherin aren't exactly a huge powerhouse at the moment, but we're going to still have to bring our best against them." After all, they had blindsided Hufflepuff. "If you need a break, or wanna work on something specific just give me a yell. For now, though, you all know what to do." The team was mostly veterans at this point, though Rion was back from a break and Kharon had changed roles. With that, he passed the quaffle over to the chasers, let the bludgers and snitch fly free, and headed up to defend the goals as everyone else took to the skies.

OOCOut of Character:
No need to post arrivals, just straight to it!
Audrey had to make up for almost actually severely injuring the Ilvermorny seeker last year, so she was determined to improve her accuracy as she flew around looking for a bludger to hit.
Lucy felt electric as she made her way to the pitch, high pigtails bouncing with her excited steps. She had made it. She was really on the Quidditch team. As excited as she was, she knew expectations were higher than ever. She had been Michael's MVP last year, and now she needed to earn that title. She beamed as she listened to the captain starting practice, nodding seriously. He looked so handsome and confident, and she knew there was no way they wouldn't be getting another victory with him at the helm. Lucy's heart gave a tiny flutter at the thought and she looked away quickly, trying to focus as the practice began. Sure, Michael was cool... really really cool, but she couldn't let it distract her. She needed to prove he had made the right choice. She shot into the air full of determination and bubbles, and headed right for the nearest bludger. As soon as she calculated the angles, she realised she had an easy clean shot, and well... what better way to prove to the captain that he'd chosen the right beater? So she swung hard, watching as the ball sailed straight into Michael. If he had any lingering doubts about her abilities.... well, he had proof now?
@Michael Watson
Rory shot up on his broom and grabbed the quaffle quickly and headed towards the goal taking a quick shot but it was saved.
Savannah got up into the air and began searching for the snitch.
Audrey was kind of impressed Lucy managed to hit Michael so quickly, even if he wasn't the prime target it was funny seeing keepers getting hit. She wasn't having much luck, though.
Michael managed to block a quaffle (good) and a bludger (bad) with his body. He wheezed, tossing the quaffle back out and giving a thumbs-up to Lucy. At least she hadn't lost her touch over the break.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Still buzzing with pride, Lucy grinned at the thumbs up from Michael and circled around, quickly pulling up to another bludger. Eager to keep the roll going she swung again, aiming for Savannah this time, but to her dismay the ball flew wide and struck her fellow beater this time. Still, a hit was a hit.
@Audrey Beauchamp
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Michael caught his breath as he kept an eye on everything going on.
Audrey had lined up a hit on one of the bludgers, but just as she did the other one hit her in the back and knocked her off her trajectory, the bludger instead hitting @Rion Pendleton . Great, she thought. That was probably going to cause drama. For her part, she was just glad she had stocked up on bruise paste on the break.
Buzzing with pride, Lucy circled round the pitch, swinging her bat cheerfully at her side.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
As no one else seemed to go for the quaffle Rory grabbed it once again and looped back around to head for Michael's hoops. This time he was able to score, probably due to the keepers recent hit by a bludger.
Audrey thought she'd try and do something helpful for the captain and hit Rory to stop him scoring, but she didn't manage it, probably because the bludger decided that really wasn't that helpful. The bludger instead hit @Ambrose Webb.
Lucy hummed to herself as she flew up on a bludger, swinging hard to strike, but her angle was off and it flew harmlessly past Savannah.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Lucy flew a little loop de loop as she chased after the bludger, enjoying the wind on her face. And if Michael noticed how pretty she looked as she flew, that would be a nice bonus.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Audrey looked around for a bludger to hit, wanting some shots to go the right way.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle as it went back into play. She had something fiery about her today - she was oddly more determined than usual, as though playing quidditch would somehow make everything else go away. She practiced going around the pitch, flying with the quaffle.
Lucy caught up to a bludger and swung, sighing as she watched her shot go straight past Savannah again.
Lucy threw the quaffle, watching in glee as it sailed through the hoop.

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