Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y45 S1

Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (18)

Hamish stood at the pitch, looking at his new team. "Alright, everyone!" He called for their attention. "Rory, Zach, Lucy M, I want to see you guys working as a team. I want passing, stealing. Work together! Monday, Audrey, I want more aim than force today, okay? I want you hitting targets, not taking us out. Force can win, but so can quick hits. Michael!" He looked to Michael. "I want to see you after practice. I've moved you to Keeper for a reason- you are an expert in strategys and I want you watching the teams, ours, the opponents, everyone. You and I will be working together closely," He looked to the alternates. "Savannah, I need you ready to jump in the second someone takes me out, ready to win. Lucy H, I want you working on distance and aim today, okay?" He clapped his hands together. "Come on guys, let's do this!" Hamish took off into the air, ready to start things off.

((no arrivals just get right into it))
Savannah set off into the air, looking immediately for the snitch.
Once practice got underway Rory grabbed the quaffle and headed towards the hoops.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Michael gave a small salute to Hamish, he was happy to help the older boy out but knew he could learn a lot from Hamish too. He was good with people and while Michael wasn't bad, he could definitely stand to improve. He saw Rory had already taken up the quaffle and quickly moved to defend.
Audrey was glad to be back, Quidditch with the school teams was fun and there was a lot less pressure than with her parents. She was thrilled that Lucy was going to be playing too, and mentally decided she would try to avoid hitting her if she could. She took off with the others and started looking for bludgers to hit.
Quaffle in hand, Rory flew closer to the hoops and took a shot. He missed.
Lucy was buzzing with excitement as she joined her teammates on the pitch. She hadn't expected to make it onto the Quidditch team on her first try, even if it was only as an alternate. Her grin near split her face in half as she stood with her teammates and listened to the captain's speech, nodding seriously when he gave her an instruction all for herself. She knew her age and size wouldn't make her the most effective beater in any match, but she was determined to put in the work and make her presence known. When the practice started she took to the sky, bat in hand, and started looking for a good bludger to whallop.
Savannah did not catch the snitch.
Zacharias flew up onto the pitch, he was insanely excited to get started with Quidditch. He watched as one of his other chasers failed to score and quickly flew up to catch the Quaffle himself. He didn't try for a goal just yet, but he got himself into position, ready to go.
Lucy had to grip her broom tightly as she accelerated a little too quickly, pulling back after a moment to a more manageable speed. She spotted a bludger and started heading towards it, ready to make her mark.
Monday mounted his broom, and took off in the air to find a bludger to hit.
Zacharias flew forward and wound up his arm in order to attempt to score, and as he shot the Quaffle towards the hoops it unfortunately missed.
Michael was glad neither chaser got a goal on him, though admittedly one was only a first year. "Not bad," he said, encouragingly as he tossed the quaffle back out. "You just wanna make sure you've got good control of the quaffle, so you have enough power at your release point."
Audrey warmed up a bit with some swings while she flew, not actually hitting any bludgers yet.
Zacharias nodded in receipt of their Keepers advice and flew forward to catch the Quaffle again before turning back around to get into position for another shot, which promptly missed the mark once more. He sighed to himself.
Hamish kept his eye out for the snitch, though he was also working on keeping an eye on the team.
Lucy was elated that she'd made the team - especially that she got to be on the same team as Audrey. She got to her broom and started to fly around, getting used to the broom she'd been given.
Michael was glad to see the first year keep trying - it reminded him of himself when he'd first joined the team. Which made him feel old, even if he was only almost-sixteen.
Audrey finally tried to line up a hit, but it didn't make contact with its target.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle that had missed the goal, and worked herself up to try and throw. She threw it hard, and it made it through, scoring a goal. Lucy made a congratulatory fist pump, pleased with herself.
Maybe Michael had been distracted, or maybe this girl was good. He did a double take as the quaffle went through, but collected it, tossed it back out, and grinned at her. "Nice throw! Someone's been practicing."
Audrey was glad to see Lucy score a goal, but went back to looking around for bludgers to hit.
Lucy carried on her way to the nearest bludger and swung, groaning as her bat glanced off the ball and sent it off in the wrong direction entirely. At least she had tried.
Lucy grabbed the quaffle once again, praticing flying around with it in the air.

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