Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Buoyed by her success, Audrey sent another bludger towards Milo. @Santiago Torres got in the way, it seemed, but at least she seemed to get the bludger onto him rather than his bat.
Alicia managing to score was about the best thing going on right now. Teddy preparing for Ravenclaw chasers to start coming his way.
Theo groaned when Gryffindor managed to score. The Ravenclaw got a hold of the quaffle when it was thrown back into play, and made his way towards the other side of the pitch.
Lilith watched the Gryffindors score and she was sort of wishing she hadn't been put to play. Suddenly she was well aware Savannah would have done better and she was scared of letting her captains down, however she continued her search trying to stay positive.
Veronica didn't hit anything.
Audrey decided she ought to try and hit the young chaser, since Gryffindor were technically ahead on the scoreboard. The bludger went past her, and Theodore, and all the other chasers...and directly into @Teddy Pirrip . Well, she hadn't intended that one, but she wasn't sure Teddy would believe that.

dont worry im going to bed audrey will cease going on a tear for a bit
Santiago swore as he got hit by a bludger. He grit his teeth and kept moving.
Teddy knew the bludger had come from Audrey, it would be strange if she didn't try at least once in every game. Teddy made an oof sounds then tried to compose himself before Theodore attempted to score.
Lilith saw the snitch then she blinked and it was gone again.
woo. Go alicia Ivy cheered when Alicia managed to score. She was pleased for her teammate and for the team but wished she had managed to get her shot in. But she guessed it was good teamwork, them both working together to score. She could take her shot next time.
There wasn’t long to ponder before the young ravenclaw took the quaffle again and she followed him up the pitch.
Veronica caught sight of a bludger and headed straight for it, bringing her club up to make contact and intending to send it in the direction of the seeker, but it hit @Theodore Harper instead.
Milo wasn't looking too good after his last hit. Teddy signaled Fraser and with his nod then called a time out to switch out seekers. "Time out!" He signalled a T with his arms "We'd like to switch out seeker for @Aroha Blenheim"

@Reeve Buchanan
The bludgers were flying with one Ravenclaw player in particular having quite good contact with them. Reeve heard the time out that was called, and blew his whistle, signaling his acknowledgement of the time out. The referee made the appropriate changes to his lineup card and then signaled that everyone should return to the air. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character:
Gryffindor has used 1 time out.
Ravenclaw has possession of the quaffle and has 1 hour 27 minutes to make a move or the quaffle is fair game.
A timeout had been called by the Gryffindors captain. She took the time to give herself a bit of a pep talk before the referee gave them the go ahead to continue. Lilith returned up with her broom, having found a new surge of confidence, there was a reason she'd been put out in there, she had been good she had proved herself already, now she just needed to push a little more.
Both teams were mixing it up today, not that Santiago was helping as he missed again.
Lilith really was having a breeze, she just wasn't catching anything.
Just as Theo was making his way to the goals, he had been hit. He groans in a bit of pain, but still keeps a hold of the quaffle, it isn’t long before there is a time out and then they were back in the game. When Theo is close enough, he throws the quaffle towards the right hoop, but failed… darn!
Fraser grabbed the quaffle after the Ravenclaw chaser failed to score. Eager to try and score.
Teddy ached from the bludger hit but the Ravenclaw chaser looked even worse off. He missed his shot and the quaffle was back in Gryffindor's possession without Teddy having to do much.
Santiago continued looking for a bludger to hit.
Lilith watched Theo get hit and let out a wince for the boy, he missed his scoring too but Lilith thought the young chaser was doing just fine. Not that she herself was making any moves to help the team win, no matter how hard she looked the Snitch didn't want to be found.
Fraser raced to opposite end of the pitch quickly, he wasn't perhaps concentrating as much, as when he got close, he ended up throwing the quaffle wide and missing.
Santiago didn't know what was wrong with him as he hit a bludger but his aim was off and missed the seeker by a hair.
Lilith was still looking for the snitch when she saw a shadow approaching and felt a strong gust of wind passing my her. Wide eyed she looked at the bludger that had missed her and then turned to the beater that had tried to hit her with it, giving him a wide grin and a salute she continued on her task of finding absolutely nothing but air.
Audrey raised her eyebrow as Teddy called a time out. Now she had to find her groove again. Maybe it was revenge for the hit.

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