Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Savannah felt like she was the most surprised by the move. This was her last game. But sure, sure, they could just go with the other seeker. She rolled her eyes at the captains and just sat down on the bench. Cruelly she hoped they lost.
While Cyrus had been nervous about this game, he still felt a stab of disappointment when he heard he wouldn't be playing. He couldn't help feeling like he had disappointed them somehow. He sat on the bench, glancing at Savannah. It was even stranger that she wasn't playing, considering she had been seeker for years.
Alicia stayed close to Ivy to support her if needed.
Audrey was just glad she hadn't had to make the call on seeker, she thought as she lined up a hit and sent a bludger flying directly into @Milo Frogg . She whistled, pleased it had worked.
Lilith kept looking, hoping she wouldn't disappoint.
Veronica couldn’t find a bludger.
Shuffling a little as the chorus rolled around in her head, Audrey searched around for another bludger to hit.
Ivy saw the ravenclaw chaser hot on her tail as she flew down the pitch. She eyed up the hoops before taking a shot and was disappointed but not surprised when she missed. With her luck at training she wondered if someone had put a repelling charm on them.
Lilith kept her head in the game, looking for the snitch like her life depended on it. She had done so well in practice she would refuse to let her team and house down now that she’d been given a real chance at the game.
Theo let out a small sigh of relief when gryffindor hadn't scored a point yet. The ravenclaw chaser got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back into play, before heading to the otherside of the pitch.
Veronica didn’t hit a bludger.
Audrey caught up to a bludger and got bat on it, but it wasn't her best swing. The bludger sailed past the rest of the players, at no real risk of hurting anyone.
Lilith was flying around the pitch, nervous but somehow feeling like she was in her element when she heard what she thought was Tori yelling her name on the sidelines. Merlin how loud was she yelling, with a smile the seeker continued her search.
When Theo was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop, but he missed... darn...
With the cup at stake, Lucy knew they had to put everything on the line, and she was determined to play her hardest. When the whistle blew she took to the air, bat swinging menacingly as she got ready to take Gryffindor out.
Lilith thought she saw the snitch in the distance but as she got closer it turned out to be just a fragment of her imagination. Sighing she got back to searching, refusing to feel defeated for long.
Now Audrey's song was annoying her and she needed to think of a different one to get herself back on track and back to hitting bludgers properly.
Ivy followed the ravenclaw boy up the pitch hoping to intercept it. however he was too quick and while she could keep up she didnt get the chance to cut him off. thankfully Teddy managed to save the shot, "Nice one Teddy" she called. she looked around to see if Fraiser or Alicia were nearby before she flew forward to catch the pass in.
Veronica didn’t find a bludger.
Theo was a bit disappointed that he hadn't been able to shoot a shot, but quickly followed the Gryffindor chaser as she had possession of the quaffle.
Lilith wasn't any closer to catching the snitch but she was also glad she hadn't yet been smacked with a bludger, a win is a win.
Lilith was pretty secure for the moment, but with Audrey about, @Milo Frogg was not. Having changed her mental track over, she lined up another good hit on the Gryffindor seeker and gave another low whistle to herself as it hit. Maybe she ought to hit some of their other players, really tire them out.
Lilith watched Audrey hit the Gryffindor seeker for the second time now, giving a quick whoop to the beater she got back on her own task of finding the snitch, though without any luck.
Ivy flew down the pitch ducking as one of the beaters flew above her. she could see the young ravenclaw boy behind her getting close. she kept her eye open for an opening and as she drew down the pitch she saw someone who was far more open than she was. she threw the ball not towards the hoops but passing it to her teammate. "Alicia" she called hoping that the other girl had seen her.
Alicia had been following Ivy closely and was ready once she passed the quaffle. She grabbed it, then raced forward slightly. She raised the quaffle and threw, grinning as it soared through the left hoop.

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