Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Rāwhiti was peering through the haze as he heard the rush of a bludger, frantically trying to pull his broom around. He couldn't make the turn in time though, grunting as it hit him in the bicep. He winced, a small shiver running through him. Just perfect...
Enthused by Audrey's success, Lucy chased after the same bludger & fired it right back at the Gryffindor seeker, cheering when she managed to deal a second blow.
Trying to pull away from the bludger, Rāwhiti was completely blindsided by the same ball coming back at him from the other side. He swore loudly as it struck him in the thigh, trembling slightly with pain. He knew he was on his last leg, and it would somehow feel fitting if his Quidditch career at Hogwarts ended by literally being beaten off the pitch.
Audrey actually felt kind of bad, so she hit a bludger elsewhere to try and dismantle the rest of the team. She was aiming for Teddy, but seemingly their youngest player got in the way and took the hit instead. Audrey had less sympathy for @Ivy Cullen mostly because she had to learn sometime
Santiago saw another bludger and raced after it. He wasn't about to be shown up by the Ravenclaw beater. He swung and while it didn't hit the seeker he wasn't exactly upset. @Audrey Beauchamp
Buzzing with excitement, Lucy was determined to get another hit in. She tore after a bludger and swung hard, squealing with delight as she hit the Gryffindor captain again. She flew a triumphant loop-de-loop, watching the older boy take the hit.

OOCOut of Character:
Third hit, everyone wait for Reeve!

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