Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

Rāwhiti flew lower, seeing if the snitch was hiding below the main game itself.
Lucy's face was red as she headed after the bludger, disappointed at all her fumbles.
Happy to have made another save, Teddy caught the quaffle and through it out to a Gryffindor chaser.
Savannah attempted to catch the snitch.
Ivy cheered as teddy made a save. she flew forward to catch the quaffle as it was thrown into play and then started the flight back to the ravenclaw hoops.
Rāwhhiti carried on his search for the snitch to no avail.
Lucy swung her bat aimlessly as she tried to get a good angle on the seeker.
Ivy was very greatful that quaffles were charmed to aid grip otherwise she was sure her wet hands would have dropped the rain slick leather of the ball several times as she flew. As fate would have it she reached the hoops with the ball and threw loosing a bit of power due to the water. She watched the ball sail through the air and when she was sure it wasn’t going to get her any points she turned and started back in defence.

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