Alternate RP Put on your war paint

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
this is getting ridiculous now
Prim smiled to Hazel as she asked her about school, how things had gone for her first year, what she'd learned, and Prim answered the questions as best she could, it was easy to answer questions like this because Hazel was always so willing to listen to whatever answers Prim would give her, that was one of the differences to being adopted four years ago, unlike Iris and Forrest who had little memory of their parents. Prim didn't remember hers either, but she had enough memory of them that she hadn't yet called Hazel or Sam by mum or dad. She didn't think it was that big of a deal, but she could tell it hurt Hazel. Sam seemed more understanding but Hazel and her never really got along properly. Once the inquisition was finished, though she knew she shouldn't see it that way, she headed away from the kitchen table to go and find Forrest. She headed up the stairs to his room first, because that felt like the best place to find him. His inquisition was before hers, and she knocked on his door lightly before poking her head in. "Forrest? How did you go with Hazel?"
It felt strange to be home after being at school so long, most of the time he had been home had included telling stories of his first year and while Forest didn’t have much to tell, he stretched the truth a little here and there to make things sound a little more exciting. He had loved Herbology and the wild patch club and he wanted Hazel to know that when she had asked. It seemed his adopted mother was doing the rounds as a little while after he had spoken to her, Prim appeared at the door to his room and asked how things had gone with him. “Fine, I told her about Wild patch and stuff, I didn’t have all that much to tell he so I kinda stretched things a bit, how about you?”
"I didn't have much to tell her either - I'm expecting Sam to come and talk to me soon about she worries I'm not thriving," which isn't really the problem. It wasn’t the Prim felt like she had no friends - she was fairly friendly with her roommates when she paid them any mind, she just mostly preferred her plants and she didn’t really think there was a problem with that. It was why she had decided she was going to join Wild Patch this year with Forrest. She moved to sit beside him and yawned. “Maybe second year will be better. I’ve got decent grades, I think, so it will be nice to get more time to discuss with Professor Carter.” She liked Professor Carter, he understood her passion for plants, she thought, or at least she wanted him to. She needed more time to develop her interest. She was also determined to be a little more sociable this year. “I think I want to join Wild Patch this year - do you recommend?”

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