Plotting 2: Electric Boogaloo

Flynn North-McGowan

amputee + duelling champ + ollivanders assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Ivy)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Flexible Fir Wand With Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2040 (20)
So I'm gonna keep this short and sweet and a bit meme-y. I have Covid, S2 is starting up soon, and I don't have much going on. So, here and my characters and let's plot. Throw any and all ideas at me and I will probably be on board with them I am not hard to please and I am up for anything. Just give me stuff.


Flynn North . 6th Year

It's Flynn idk what to tell you. Gryff seeker, SDA president, dating Ivy Ashworth, thinks he's hot sh*t, grumpy for a living, basement gremlin energy, adopted, missing a foot, won't take ur rubbish, doesn't study, prefect but absolutely does not deserve it, will fite for no reason, messes with clueless firsties for funzies

Eoin Armati . 5th Year

Big ol' nerd, done with you, done with magic, done with mostly everything tbh, muggleborn and thinks muggles are better, half-mermaid or something idk, obsessed with marine biology, if he hears 'man-eating-eel' one more time he is going to lose his absolute mind, prefect somehow but doesn't really care​

Rhys Garner . 4th Year

Judgmental lil a**, will sell you out for a corn chip, writer for the monthly, speaks his mind even if it will hurt your feelings, thinks he knows best, somehow has managed to make no friends (no this isn't surprising), wants to be a journalist when he graduates, incredibly dull most of the time, loves writing about sport, hates playing sport​

Jingyi Huang . 3rd Year

Youngest sibling but doesn't act like it, loud and very annoying, twinning! (but badly), also doesn't study, always pulling pranks, big upsetti about missing out on the quid team again, rules are more guidelines than actual rules, never does as he's told, bit insecure about his appearance, very short, bully his twin and face his fist of justice​

Zagreus Kohler . 2nd Year

Big loner energy, does not know what he's doing half the time, *vague screaming in the distance*, alternate keeper for the puff team, big lover of nature and being outdoors, very german and very confused, despite having a wand wood known for dueling he is absolutely rubbish at said dueling, bad at magic in general, constantly struggling​

Mischa Falter-Butera . 1st Year

Another loud and annoying, very outgoing, did I mention annoying? British™, loves quidditch, plays guitar, wants to be the greatest at something (he still doesn't know what), breaks the rules because he can, doesn't do as he's told, also doesn't study, this child is chaotic, boy just says what he wants and rolls with it, talks absolute nonsense​

Hyun Ong Hae . MACUSA

I have done absolutely nothing with him all year, 18 and a recent graduate from ilvermorny, former chaser and quid captain, now works for MACUSA as a liaison between them and the South Korean government, only got the position because of his dad, spending his time vibing, not explicitly happy with life but managing, mister nice guy​

Professor Hiro Aoki . MS 3-4

Your new years 3-4 Muggle Studies Professor, former Professional Quidditch player, new to NZ so knows basically no one, constantly getting lost, has 0 sense of direction, looking to make some new friends now he's in a new country, his office is always open if you want to chat, muggleborn and wants to show people how great muggles are​
I know that I've been quite inactive for some time but since I'm trying to be back I can offer something.

For Flynn, I've been planning to offer you this but Mila - my first year Hufflepuff. They had that wand thread when Mila decided that Flynn is cool and maybe she could just annoy him?

Jingyi and Tim - they could be messy friends? That would be pretty cool since they seem to be quite similar

Zagreus and Aika maybe? She could help him with studying and she's a loner as well, also, really quiet, they could be that just around each other friendship?

Mischa and Mila - well, she could totally handle his personality and it would be interesting to see them together?
So I've been thinking Aine and Zagreus should interact for the longest time because they're both 2nd year Hufflepuffs who are muggleborn and struggle in slightly different ways with the whole magic thing, lol. She's a bit...odd, possibly intense, but they could actually get along maybe? At least she certainly wouldn't berate Zagreus for struggling because she thinks a lot of this magic stuff is pretty ridiculous most of the time. (she could also think Eoin is a huge breath of fresh air in the castle).

Also maybe Mischa could be a rival (willing or unwilling, up to you) for my Slytherin firstie, Yuelia? She is mostly demure and perfectly polite but she has a mad competitive streak bubbling up under the surface and if she sees anyone who could be a challenge and possibly beat her in something she doesn't handle it well at all. So I guess that could be a thing if you were keen?

Finally I've got my new prof, Gabrielle, she's teaching HoM, only moved to NZ recently, grew up in the Caribbean, has been an eternal student for longer than she cares to admit and perhaps doesn't exactly have a very great personal life, but if you wanted an interaction with your prof I'd be down!

anyway thats just some ideas to throw at you no need to feel obligated or anything
I know that I've been quite inactive for some time but since I'm trying to be back I can offer something.

For Flynn, I've been planning to offer you this but Mila - my first year Hufflepuff. They had that wand thread when Mila decided that Flynn is cool and maybe she could just annoy him?

Jingyi and Tim - they could be messy friends? That would be pretty cool since they seem to be quite similar

Zagreus and Aika maybe? She could help him with studying and she's a loner as well, also, really quiet, they could be that just around each other friendship?

Mischa and Mila - well, she could totally handle his personality and it would be interesting to see them together?
Firstly, welcome back Sofija! Secondly:

Mila + Flynn: Oh please absolutely send Mila right at this grump and annoy the absolute sh*t out of him I would get so much enjoyment from that XD

Jingyi + Tim: I am always down for messy friends! And honestly, Jingyi needs more in the ways of friends he might be outgoing and loud but he doesn't really have many friends.

Zag + Aika: Though he would never admit it, Zag does need help studying some subjects. Especially if it was studying actually DOING magic because he absolutely sucks at performing spells. Maybe we could say one of the Professors suggested that Aika help Zag a little with the class and we can go from there?

Mish + Mila: I would be very interested in seeing how these two interact! It does seem as though they would get along and could be good friends.

So I've been thinking Aine and Zagreus should interact for the longest time because they're both 2nd year Hufflepuffs who are muggleborn and struggle in slightly different ways with the whole magic thing, lol. She's a bit...odd, possibly intense, but they could actually get along maybe? At least she certainly wouldn't berate Zagreus for struggling because she thinks a lot of this magic stuff is pretty ridiculous most of the time. (she could also think Eoin is a huge breath of fresh air in the castle).

Also maybe Mischa could be a rival (willing or unwilling, up to you) for my Slytherin firstie, Yuelia? She is mostly demure and perfectly polite but she has a mad competitive streak bubbling up under the surface and if she sees anyone who could be a challenge and possibly beat her in something she doesn't handle it well at all. So I guess that could be a thing if you were keen?

Finally I've got my new prof, Gabrielle, she's teaching HoM, only moved to NZ recently, grew up in the Caribbean, has been an eternal student for longer than she cares to admit and perhaps doesn't exactly have a very great personal life, but if you wanted an interaction with your prof I'd be down!

anyway thats just some ideas to throw at you no need to feel obligated or anything

Zag + Aine: You know what, I have been thinking the same thing. I think these two would get along quite well even if they will probably be all awkward with each other. But not that that means anything because Zag is just awkward and quiet with most people. But I think it would be nice if they could chat and be friends. (And Eoin is more than happy to further spread his 'muggles are better' ideology on people)

Mish + Yuelia: Oh yeah I don't think that Mish would really realize he had a rival if one was put right in front of his face, lol. But he also does want to be the greatest and things, so they could totally end up being rivals over things, even if Mischa will just see it as some 'friendly competition that he is absolutely going to win no one can beat me'.

Hiro + Gabrielle: Absolutely! Maybe he could welcome her to the castle and he's now no longer the newest and clearly as he had been studying for a whole semester now he knows everything there is to know, lol.
Honestly, I just think Beau x Flynn crossing paths would be funny because of how different they are. Flynn seems to be almost the opposite of Beau so...
Yeah that's all I got.
Honestly, I just think Beau x Flynn crossing paths would be funny because of how different they are. Flynn seems to be almost the opposite of Beau so...
Yeah that's all I got.
Why hello O>O

Flynn + Beau: Honestly, I also would like to see how these two interact as they are so different in personality. It would certainly be interesting so I am 100% down for it!
Nothing wrong with awkward! I would hope (and suspect) it would be more pleasant awkward than uncomfortable awkward (if that makes any sense). Did you want to maybe start a thread for Zag and Aine and see how we go with it? (I can also start it I don't mind).
Perfect, I'll start something for them! I owe Emzies one so it should be easy to get back into this boy. I'll post a link here when it is ready!
Feel free to have Flynn either find the camera, or get hit with it. xD
*rolls in with some new and recycled plots we never got to* Hello dear Charlie....

Nikko + Flynn: We had talked about doing something with them talking about the team and stuff, but maybe we can wait until their game this week to see how it goes?? I'm not sure how Flynn feels about Nikko graduating soon so maybe we can do something with that too?

Delilah + Flynn: Would still love for these two to try and have a conversation haha. I think it might be funny for them to try and play nice. I'm not sure how Flynn feels about Delilah, if he has any thoughts at all, but she is not a fan haha. Also would be down for some shop mischief when the semester ends!

Caleb + Rhys: I think I mentioned Caleb trying to convince Rhys to go to a dance. Valentine's is coming soon....

Margo + Zag: Would love for these two to be friends. They interacted a bit at the Wild Patch meeting which was nice. Maybe they can have lunch together and try and actually get to know each other??

Yvonne + Hiro: Don't the this was mentioned last time but it might be fun. Yvonne can be a bit nosey and ask a few too many questions about why Hiro decided to come to New Zealand. Maybe she can offer him a tarot/palm reading??

Let me know what you think!
Hey Charlie.
for Zagger i can offer lin. he would probably taken him under his wing a bit due to quidditch and also lin spends a fair amount of time outdoors. plus i really want lin to sing "you got the moves like zagger" at some stage after he makes a good save. or after the match. just because he totally would.
*rolls in with some new and recycled plots we never got to* Hello dear Charlie....

Nikko + Flynn: We had talked about doing something with them talking about the team and stuff, but maybe we can wait until their game this week to see how it goes?? I'm not sure how Flynn feels about Nikko graduating soon so maybe we can do something with that too?

Delilah + Flynn: Would still love for these two to try and have a conversation haha. I think it might be funny for them to try and play nice. I'm not sure how Flynn feels about Delilah, if he has any thoughts at all, but she is not a fan haha. Also would be down for some shop mischief when the semester ends!

Caleb + Rhys: I think I mentioned Caleb trying to convince Rhys to go to a dance. Valentine's is coming soon....

Margo + Zag: Would love for these two to be friends. They interacted a bit at the Wild Patch meeting which was nice. Maybe they can have lunch together and try and actually get to know each other??

Yvonne + Hiro: Don't the this was mentioned last time but it might be fun. Yvonne can be a bit nosey and ask a few too many questions about why Hiro decided to come to New Zealand. Maybe she can offer him a tarot/palm reading??

Let me know what you think!
Hiiya Kadi

Nikko + Flynn: We did talk about them talking about team stuff, and Flynn would be lying if he wasn't curious about some things and probably wants to bother him about stuff, especially with his graduating that means he's gonna be one of the eldest on the team XD

Delilah + Flynn: Well I think Flynn will try and make an effort to be nice because he knows Delilah and Ivy are friends and he doesn't want to get into any arguments with friends of his girlfriend because hey, he actually cares. And I am totally down for Ollivanders shenanigans over the break.

Caleb + Rhys: Yesssss with the dance coming up, now is as good a time as any to try and persuade him it might be fun

Margo + Zag: I think these two could be cute together and I am totally up for trying to make them friends!

Yvonne + Hiro: Haha well Hiro is far too polite to tell her to stop asking too many questions, and I think he would be quite interested in a reading. He was never very good at Divination back at school so it would be nice to see someone competent actually do it, haha.

Hey Charlie.
for Zagger i can offer lin. he would probably taken him under his wing a bit due to quidditch and also lin spends a fair amount of time outdoors. plus i really want lin to sing "you got the moves like zagger" at some stage after he makes a good save. or after the match. just because he totally would.
Hey Mia!

I like this idea! Zag, as you can see, is very soft and quiet but I think he would appreciate someone looking out for him. And he probably wants to ask a bunch of questions about being a good keeper as well. But please start singing at him I think he would be quite flustered and not sure what to do about it XD
@Aine Thompson I hope this works for you!
Just thought I would jump on the bandwagon here...

Landon and Hiro? Landon would be more than happy to help him if he go lost or something. And they could bond over how great muggles are.

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