Plots for a few

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
I need some plots! I'll put it in the order of preference for me though I'm open to RPing with any of my characters, even ones that aren't on this list. If you've got a plot going that you think could use an Auror, Scit, Professor, etc. send me a message. I enjoy joining plots!

I'm usually quick to reply, though if we've started an RP and it's been more than 1 week without me replying, I probably didn't see your reply and you should poke me. :p

Also, if we plotted pre-September and you're waiting on me to start a roleplay, please remind me!

Ok, ok, here we go:
Alana Finch- she recently took a job working at the Inner Eye, partly because she loves divination but also because it'll drive her husband mad, so customer RPs would be fun. She's just about 6 months pregnant now and definitely showing and going through a ton of emotions. I'd like her to perhaps meet someone else who has married into the Z family. I'd like her to befriend someone in a similar position to herself, pregnant, young, stressed. :p Old classmates would be fun too.

Jacob Kingsley- yes, I'll be sorting for Y30. :party: Jacob is the middle child of Cyndi and Cameron Kingsley. He's psyched to go to school, especially since his best friend (and cousin) is going to be sorted alongside him. Jacob is a fun loving little boy. Any friends/enemies for him would have to be NZers or children of friends of his parents.

Preston Paine - the new owner of Eeylops and a magical zoologist. He works at an Animal sanctuary. He primarily works with Blast Ended Skrewts but also works with manticores and any flame related animals, minus dragons. I'd like Preston to have more of a private life so friends, a love interest perhaps (though I'll warn you that he's into open relationships at this point in his life). He'll be at speed dating, so that could be a good starting point. ;)

Desislav Z- busy working on his joke shop, Zuries, Desi is commuting from France where he's still living with his mom and stepdad. He's quite comfortable there. I'd like a few things for Desi. He's trying to promote his shop so people who might be interested or annoyed at being pitched prank items are needed.

Ioan Finch- he seems to have a knack for recruiting Scitorari members, so if you have a character who may be interested, let's have them RP! He's really into potions and selling them on and off the black market.

I have other characters in my tracker. :)

Hi Cyndi :)

I could offer Kimmyeon as customer for Alana? Since they already know each other it could be interesting to see one another outside of school. Plus, Kimmy is interested in a Z and will later marry him - She quite conflicted at the moment since she's super independent she doesn't really want to like him, so hearing about Alana's situation could add to her drama xD Also of course, she's pretty stressed due to approaching her NEWTS :p
Hey Cyndi :)

I can offer Lavinia as a friend to Jacob? She'll be sorted next year and she's a NZer, she's lived here all her life and has never left the country. She is friendly and can speak three languages due to her cousins being European.

For Ioan I can offer Nicolas Mariani. I currently don't have anything planned for him and he isn't muggle friendly so I think Ioan could eventually persuade him to join the Scits.

Let me know what you think!
I wouldn't mind roleplaying Esme and Alana, since both have divination and have the Z family in common. I did always kind of imagine her inquiring about the quidditch team after she graduated to see how it was going when Alana took over, and she may have even invited Alana to her wedding just recently. Esme doesn't have a lot of friends but I think she respects Alana more so now that she's moved on from school life.

(Also Preston doesn't know but he and Aeon are totally in a one-sided pet store rivalry :r )
Alana x Kimmyeon: Alana would certainly have a lot to say about marrying into the Z family. xD The catch up would be nice though. She'd certainly want to know how the team is doing. I can start something today and we can keep our replies short so we have enough time to get through it before holidays close?

Jacob x Lavinia: I'm very excited to get some roleplays going for Jacob so I can get a better feel for his personality. So yes, please! We can absolutely see how they get along
Would you like to start or would you like me to?

Ioan × Nicolas: Sure, let's see how it goes. Would you be ok on holding off on this one until after the unsorted one is done? I don't want to spread myself too thin. :)

Alana x Esme: I don't know if Alana would have been very social this winter considering her drama, but that could also be a source of convo- that she was invited and didn't attend? She respects Esme so I'd see her being apologetic about it all.

Preston x Aeon: Yea, he has no idea. I had no idea. :p
Hey Cyndi!

I have one unsorted for the new year that also lives in New Zealand, Diana Holland. Depending on the interaction, I think she can be either a friend or an enemy for Jacob xD she can be quite unpleasant and bossy, which might be fun to rp?
Jacob x Lavinia
Lavinia would be the type of person to approach someone, maybe you could start it off and she starts a conversation with Jacob? If you can't, then I don't mind starting it.

Nicolas x Ioan
Sure, we can wait until the other RP is done :)
Sounds good :) She's not actually on the team this year, but she could certainly keep her updated on what's been happening xD
Okay so. We talked about something for Alana :r I'm still getting to that.

For Jacob I have my upcoming firstie Sage Havelock. She is the younger sister of Olivia and Victoria so is a little nervous about starting school in the shadow of her Head girl and quidditch superstar sisters. I got no clue where she will end up so that will be fun but maybe she and Jacob could be friends. She is friendly but can be shy, she dreams of being a journalist so she spends a lot of time scribbling in a notebook or ready. She is from New Zealand so they could potentially rp before school. :p
Alana x Kimmyeon:
I hope this works, Phoebe!

Jacob x Lavinia: No worries, Clara. I'm on it!

Jacob x Diana: Yes that does sound fun! It'll be fun to see how he behaves. Shall I start or would you like to?

Jacob x Sage: This too! No rush, just let me know if you want to hold off on this one until after the Alana one. I'm cool either way. :)

I have a unsorted student Athena Holmgaard, and probably also Lauren Davenport. I can offer them for Jacob.
I already shared some idea's on skype but wanted to react anyway to this. Athena is a very social girl and motivated for the things she likes to do. She loves to sing and make music and is easygoing.

Lauren is a bit more rebels and very different than her sister Gabriella. I have to figure out more about how I want her to be but she would a person that likes to do her own thing.
If you don't mind starting, I'll try to reply as soon as I can! ^_^ I'm excited to see their interaction
Jacob x Lavinia:
Here you go, Clara!

Jacob x Diana: Ok, I should have something posted tomorrow. :)

Jacob x Athena: Yes, we did discuss something for them, and I'm still keen to see them RP!
Jacob x Lauren: Rebels are fun, and I am still learning Jacob.
I think I know more than three things about him now xD Just let me know which one you want to RP first and if you want to start or want me to!
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