plots are not just for the young.

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Hey all.
I want to bring some of my adults back out. there are three main ones I want to make a bit more active but if there is another adult of mine you want to plot with let me know.


Elvera Le Fey
Wanted: Friends, minor interactions. anything except romance.
Elvera was formerly divination professor and deputy headmistress at Hogwarts before she left to look after her daughters. since then she has spent most of her time looking after Selene and heliana. and the rest of her time working in her business. A skincare and herbal company that sells products in both magical and muggle markets (with a greater range in the magical markets) I have not really had any social interactions with her for years.
(she has put in an application for a shop but that is still pending)


Briar Rowan-Cullen
needs: friends, enemies, co-workers, werewolves, anything except romance
The first thing you should know about briar is that she is a werewolf, and a vocal one at that.
She works for the ministry for werwolf support services but is starting to get annoyed at all the limitations put on her since the werewolf hunters trial. she is considering leaving the ministry but doesn't know what she would do if she left. she is also a member of the wizengamot. I would say that her name is one that is recognisable if not well known as she has been a loud advocate for werewolf rights. she has a long-term relationship (not married but pretty much married) and a daughter so relationships are off the table. but anything else would be fun.


Rhiannon McGowan
Needs: friends, patients, simple interactions anything
since Rhiannon graduated Hogwarts she has been busy studying. she has now qualified as a doctor and after using a few family connections is moving to Sydney from Tasmania to start her residency in sydney children's hospital. while she has always wanted to be a doctor and is looking forward to the job she doesn't particularly want to work in paediatrics. she wants to work in st mungoes but her application was not selected. and whilst she likes paediatrics it is not her choice of job. she wants to work in obstetrics. and she finds it hard to treat a patient and not treat them to the best of her ability but knows that she can't due to the international statute of secrecy. this is made harder by the fact that she does not lie (insert some very careful wording and omissions of fact here). now her life has started to calm down a little bit without study and now she lives in a house without housemates she wants to get back in contact with the wizarding world.
Hey Mia! I could do with some more interactions for Lillian (HoM professor, intellectual, sarcastic); I could see her and Elvera potentially being friends?

I also have another adult character, Syenite Night, coming up; she's living in the UK currently but will be moving to NZ next IC year. Sye is a very sweet and positive person, and she'll definitely want to make a lot of friends when she moves to NZ.
Hey Mia! :hug:

I know we discuss about maybe roleplaying Elvera x Maya again, they haven't seen each other in ages. We have our other connections, but I'm interested in reuniting these two. What you think?
Hey Mia! I could do with some more interactions for Lillian (HoM professor, intellectual, sarcastic); I could see her and Elvera potentially being friends?

I also have another adult character, Syenite Night, coming up; she's living in the UK currently but will be moving to NZ next IC year. Sye is a very sweet and positive person, and she'll definitely want to make a lot of friends when she moves to NZ.

Hey Jasmine. I like the idea of Lillian and Elvera being friends. she also has a bit of an interest in the history of magic but more mythology and Arthurian myth than anything more recent did you want to start something somewhere or do you want me to? though I vote to wait until after the exams :r

Hey Mia! :hug:

I know we discuss about maybe roleplaying Elvera x Maya again, they haven't seen each other in ages. We have our other connections, but I'm interested in reuniting these two. What you think?
Madz :hug:
always yes. those cousins need to catch up. elvera has no idea what Maya has been up to recently. I don't mind what they are doing as long as tea is involved. :p
as for the other connections. did you want to have a go with Madlyn and chay? I feel like they need a little love.
Yay! Alright, I can start with Maya popping in on her. :p Where she living at?

Sure! We didn't do much with me them, I'm game. :)
@Madz. She is living in the uk in her grandmothers old house. But she also visits Morgan in New Zealand.
Are the atearas living in New Zealand or USA? And what do you fancy them doing.
Alright, I can have Maya visit her in the UK.

New Zealand, something Chay related? Let's focus on him! :p
Lillian teaches some Arthurian legend, and also has a personal interest in mythology, so that should work out great. I agree we should wait til after the exams, and I think I'd prefer you to start, if you don't mind :)
Hobbit house! That's excrellent!

Yes, the park would be fine :D
So like Elvera and Stefan could meet up? He could come to the store she owns, and see her again. I think it would be quite nice, could be quite fun.
So like Elvera and Stefan could meet up? He could come to the store she owns, and see her again. I think it would be quite nice, could be quite fun.
Hey Emzies.
That would be awesome. I imagine it would be very much a weird situation for him going back there. seing how far he has come since the last time he was at the inner eye.
Hey Emzies.
That would be awesome. I imagine it would be very much a weird situation for him going back there. seing how far he has come since the last time he was at the inner eye.
Yass, i'll start something up and send the link to you

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