Plopping Plots!

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
Waving Hey Hey GIF by DAF Trucks NV

Hellooo everyone! Massive, massive apologies for the disappearance and for dropping all upcoming plots we had planned! Lots of things have happened in real life which has backtracked me on my absence, unfortunately! I'm hoping to get back on track to the swing of things! I'm here to offer a few characters here! I'll only offer a select few (maybe, we'll see how we go!) I might be a little picky on plots due to not wanting too much on my plate (that too may be a lie, but we shall see how it goes!)

If there were any plots we spoke of earlier but never got around to, please don't be afraid to poke me or msg me, just so i know what i have missed and what we can do!


Nolan Burke
6th Year | Hufflepuff | Aesthetic

Molly Burke
5th Year | Hufflepuff | Aesthetic
Nolan is doing much better than he was in the past year. While he thinks spending time away from his mother has done him some good. He's focused back on his music again, which he is very proud of. However, his parents are defiantly going through a rough patch at the moment. He can tell they're trying to somewhat keep it together for him and his siblings, but he has some sort of feeling that something will happen. His parents have been staying in separate homes for a while. Nolan has been staying with his dad during the break while the rest of his siblings have been staying in and out of both homes.

Nolan just wants the rest of his sixth year to be great, as he knows that next year will be his last year at school and he wants to make the most of it. I'm open to any sort of plot ideas for Nolan here. Romance is what I wanna focus a little more on. Whether it be a fling or planning a final for him, I'm all ears! Some fun and friendly threads with friends and classmates would be great too!
Molly has finally gotten over not being chosen as a prefect this year. She has decided no time should be wasted on moping around about it. However, Molly's worries have now focused on her parent's marriage. She has always dreamed about wanting to find something like her parents. But recently, she is seeing the cracks in the perfect image. She isn't buying it anymore and she is absolutely devastated by it. She feels that her family is breaking apart and she doesn't like it at all. However, she is glad to be back at school again, as she doesn't want to focus on that right now.

Molly is still her usual, bubbly and giggly self. I would love to do some more stuff with her. Whether it be drama or just a fun, friendly thread, im all ears. At the moment she is okay in the romance department, but I would like to get her a final at some point, not right now, but I wouldn't mind discussing things!

Abigail Payne
4th Year | Gryffindor | Aesthetic

Joshua Lynch
3rd Year | Gryffindor | Aesthetic
Ahh, I haven't done much with Abigail! But I would love to do so much more with her! She's still a little shy and quiet, but she is slowly opening up a lot more. Abby is still interested in all things arts and crafts.

Abby isn't doesn't really have anything in the romance department, but I'm pretty keen to get something in there, whether it's just something small (females only). Some fun and friendly threads would be much appreciated though! Abby has been interested in finding her birth parents but doesn't partially know where to start. I'd be keen to have some threads about finding her birth parents as well!
Joshua as we know, is a very loud and chaotic human being. He loves to have fun and have a good time. He isn't much of a person who cares about their schoolwork. He would procrastinate on schoolwork for a while. Josh is getting used to the magical world now but always is fascinated with magic. No matter if he knew about it or if its something new. He'll find magic very cool! He's struggling a little with his muggle friends though as he doesn't get to see them often and its a lot harder to keep in touch with them.

Not really focused on any romance for him at the moment, but would be keen for some crushes or something! Some chaotic threads would be totally fun for this dude! Fun and friendly threads would be much appreciated too!

Conan Burke
2nd Year | Ravenclaw | Aesthetic
Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly if you didn't know. Conan is starting to connect the dots with his parents, but he is hoping what he thinks is happening is not true. However, other than that, Conan is pretty content so far. He's got a good set of people he thinks are friends to him and he enjoys his friends' company so far. Conan is pretty much still a shell enthusiast. Loves collecting shells and likes being in the great outdoors. He's gotten yet another shoe box to start filling more shells in. He's definitely lost count of how many shoe boxes he has now.

No romance for Conan yet. But I would love some fun threads! Whether it be with shells or just a fun and friendly one with friends, It would be deeply appreciated!

Valencia Addington - 7th Year, Ravenclaw
Eliza Reynolds - 1st Year, Gryffindor
Marley Pattinson - Y44 Student. Unsorted
Mercury Ascot - Y46, Unsorted

And that's all the characters I would like to offer! If there are any characters that have not been displayed or mentioned here that you would like to roleplay with, please lemme know and I'd be happy to discuss a few things!

Thank you for your patience and im so sorry for disappearing against the face of the earth, I feel very bad for leaving you all hanging :cry:
MORE JOSH & SEN!!!! anything you want honestly

might get back to you with some other stuff later
Hey Maria.

Nolan and Niamh no explanation needed.
Molly and Niamh no explanation needed.
Abigale and Niamh maybe they could meet up and see how they vibe potentially with the chance of a romantic plot.
Hello!! Thank you for the replies i appreciate it heaps!!

MORE JOSH & SEN!!!! anything you want honestly

might get back to you with some other stuff later
YESSS!!! MORE OF THE CHAOTIC DUO! I'm always happy to do more things between these two!!

that's totally all good! I'm all ears for any other stuff you may have!
Hey Maria.

Nolan and Niamh no explanation needed.
Molly and Niamh no explanation needed.
Abigale and Niamh maybe they could meet up and see how they vibe potentially with the chance of a romantic plot.
Hiya Mia!!

Oooo!! These two could be quite interesting!! I'm quite interested to see where this may lead and I'm happy for any potential romance plot hehe
Hiya Mia!!

Oooo!! These two could be quite interesting!! I'm quite interested to see where this may lead and I'm happy for any potential romance plot hehe
Hmm anything by specific that you want to do with the Burkes?
Maybe we can have a thread with Abigail and Niamh at the dance and see how they vibe?
Hey Maria

I'd be happy to offer my little Ruto here as a friend for Conan! They could go trying to find shells together (although Ruto loves collecting leaves) and go on some adventures if he would be up to it. She's quite a funny one though haha so idk if he'd find her too weird but would be happy to see how it goes :)
Hello! o/

Conan and Max are already pretty friendly towards each other and I'm always up for more of them if you are, too! :D

Also, (tagging @Ruto Vernier-Raison here) Roo, Conon and Max already met once and I think Max would love it if more of his friends would hang out together! :r
Maria! Meant to reply to this sooner haha. But I'm here to suggest the usual suspects.

Felix and Molly: Obviously to start they should go to Valentine's together, but maybe it is time to give them some drama?? 🤔

Margo and Abigail: Would love to do more with them! Whether it's looking for their people or just hanging out.

Leah and Conan: And same with these two! I'm open to ideas, maybe she can drag him to go spy on quidditch teams practicing haha.

I'm here.

Molly and Maisie, we've discussed a friendship with them a few times but we haven't built it up much.

Abigail and Evie are roommates, I think we talked about them being buddies, maybe more.

Kyon and Joshua are also roommates, we should do more with then.

Conan and Airen is a new thought, but they could be friends? Airen is a fun artist I need to do more with.

And for Marley, maybe one with Killian and Marley or Marley and Kyon?

A few non offered thoughts:

Ren and Sam, where are we with them?

Then Stefan and Sarah, we should do more with them as well.
I'm here.

Molly and Maisie, we've discussed a friendship with them a few times but we haven't built it up much.

Abigail and Evie are roommates, I think we talked about them being buddies, maybe more.

Kyon and Joshua are also roommates, we should do more with then.

Conan and Airen is a new thought, but they could be friends? Airen is a fun artist I need to do more with.

And for Marley, maybe one with Killian and Marley or Marley and Kyon?

A few non offered thoughts:

Ren and Sam, where are we with them?

Then Stefan and Sarah, we should do more with them as well.
This is an old pd lols! but i like the ideas you have!! ill get back to you soon on them on discord hehe!

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