Closed Plan In The Make

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Friendly Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Noel enjoyed being back at Hogwarts and since it was an lovely day he figured it would not hurt going outside and doing his reading for class, the two could combine. The boy could focus on his study and having people around him, that would be fine. If he really needed to study hard and concentrate he could better go to the library but he had no intention of looking at Minnie all of the time. He was kind of mad at her, for not ever speaking to him again. Like he was air, like he had never been there. So he tried not to focus on that and only on his own happiness and creating it. So as he came to the courtyard he took an sit on one of the benches and opened his book about History of Magic, and to read about the founders for next class. Looking behind his book as he saw an group of girls walking by. Noel liked watching girls, but he tried not to be as stupid as Liam about it. He would want happiness again, and to feel in love. But he would not trust his heart so easily again, since it could just be broken in two before you know it. But some attention would not hurt, he thought as he tried to focus on his book again.
Being back at school felt a little different this year and Chloë wasn't entirely sure why. Whether it was her newly gained badge, the fact that it was OWL year or just a combination of everything and anything. She was still glad to be back though and even if she had OWL classes, quidditch and prefect duties to worry about this year she was sure she would still have plenty of time to hang out with her friends, do fun stuff. Quidditch already made that a whole lot easier though since she had multiple friends on the team and having to practice together made her automatically spend time with them as well. Nevertheless, she still had friends in other houses as well and it had always proven to take a little bit more effort if she wanted to hang out with them. Which was exactly why Chloë had asked Juniper if she wanted to hang out, sit outside for a while. It would be a waste to stay inside on such an unexpected nice day anyways. Making her way outside she looked around for an empty spot when she noticed she definitely wasn't the only one who wanted to appreciate the weather for a bit. Spotting an empty bench she made her way around some chatting students to get to it, happily taking a seat as she waited on her friend to join her.

(please forgive me for forgetting about this)
Juniper was excited to be socializing rather than guilted into studying. While she was excited to be learning so many new things, the homework was overwhelming, especially when she just wanted to exist as a person. Making her way down to the courtyard, she found Chloë and quickly made her way over to the Gryffindor. It was nice to be friends with folks outside of her house, especially those who played quidditch and appreciated her quirkiness. "Hey, hey hey," she said, pulling one of her legs up under her. "It's so nice out," Juniper smiled at Chloë, taking in a big breathe of fresh air.
Chloë was glad she didn't have to wait too long before Juniper joined her, especially since it was quite busy out in the courtyard and she had wondered if it would take her friend long to find her. Although her hair might just be a dead giveaway. "Hey!" She grinned when Juniper sat down, always happy to be spending some more time with her friend. She had recently realized that most of her close friends were all guys and whilst there was nothing wrong with that it was nice to try and reinforce her friendships with some of her girl friends like Juniper and Emma a bit more. "Right? Perfect weather to ignore doing homework for a little while." She chuckled. That was exactly what she was doing out here though, enjoying the weather and hanging out with a friend as she ignored all other responsibilities for the little while they were outside. "So how're you doing? Anything interesting to share? New creations to show? Any secret romances unfold that you haven't told me about yet?" Chloë grinned, curious as to what was going on in her friend's life.
Juniper smiled and wished they could just have all their classes outside instead of sitting inside the stuffy castle as the weather turned nicer. "Well, I have some ideaas for a few gowns... which need some models," she said, giving Chloe a knowing look. "Plus, they're red. Perfect for Gryffindors." Juniper giggled at the latter part of the question. "Nothing quite at the moment. Maybe something in the works. Who knows?" she shrugged. "How's Sully?" Juniper adding, teasing her friend.
Chloë chuckled when Juniper mentioned she had been working on some ideas for a couple of gowns, which she might need some models for. Red gowns. "Well, I'll happily sacrifice my time for the sake of fashion. If that's what you're implying." She laughed. It wasn't a secret red that between her house and her hair red was pretty much her favourite colour in the world, so being able to see what Juniper's ideas were wasn't an opportunity she'd pass up on. "Something in the works?" Chloë responded a little surprised. "Excuse me, you can't just have 'something in the works' and not tell me." She added, acting a little offended yet unable to keep in her laughter. "I mean I was about to start setting you up with people." She joked. She hadn't really thought about that yet, but she was sure she'd be able to get it done. "Sully's perfectly fine, thank you very much." Chloë chuckled in response to Juniper's teasing, although she definitely wasn't going to let her friend change the subject that easily.
As Noel was reading his book he was not really paying attention to the people surround him. He tried to close himself off for the rest and he was sometimes really good at it. It was nice to sit outside and not in the library all of the time. Also because he wanted not run into Minnie, he had no intention for that. He enjoyed the sun on his skin and went to the next page of his book.

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