Petals in the Wind

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Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Amber hadn't always participated in the Halloween feast too much, but she did enjoy it. She just wasn't always the most inspired for a costume, though in the last few years she had started to get into it more. Amber was very happy to be able to match with Ainsley today. The last time they had had matching costumes had been in their second year, when they had both gone as dolls. She remembered how fun it had been, and a bit of that same feeling was back now as they walked in. Except this time, they weren't just friends. Amber grinned, squeezing Ainsley's hand as she looked at her. "What should we do first?" She asked her girlfriend brightly. The Great Hall looked amazing as always, and she was eager to explore all there was to do there. Maybe they could go bobbing for apples later, though she hoped it wouldn't get her clothes too wet.
The flower crown Amber had made for her sat comfortably on Ainsley's head as she entered the Great Hall with her girlfriend, looking around at the decorations in delight. It didn't get any less magical the longer Ainsley stayed here, seeing the school transform in such exciting ways for events. Everyone's costumes looked amazing too, and Ainsley felt the same excitement she always did seeing the school all done up for Halloween. Squeezing Amber's hand back she smiled happily. "Maybe get something to drink first? Then we could go dancing, or try the apple bobbing? I've never done that before."
Amber liked the flower crown Ainsley had made for her, but it kept slipping down her hair a little. Adjusting it once more, she gave her girlfriend a smile. She was glad to be here together with her and wear a matching costume once again. Amber listened to her girlfriend's suggestion and nodded happily. "Sounds good! I'd like a drink. And apple bobbing would be fun too!" She said brightly. "Do you see Flavio or November anywhere?" She asked, as Ainsley certainly had a better vantage point than she did. It was easy for the taller girl to look over everyone's heads.
Ainsley smiled, pleased that Amber liked her ideas, and began heading towards the snack table with her, hand in hand. "Everyone looks so nice, I love all the costumes this year..." She commented, looking around. Ainsley always enjoyed seeing what people came up with for Halloween, and every year it seemed to get more and more fantastical and delightful. When Amber asked about their friends Ainsley stood up taller, rising unnecessarily to her tiptoes to see if their friends were anywhere nearby. "I don't see them, but they might be coming later..."
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