Peanut Butter Absence Time.

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Kalani Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
fir wand 14 1/8" essence of sphinx remains
hey everybody. so i will be away from today until thursday but i will not be letting myself go on until i've done my two essays which i have been a master procrastinator on so yes.... if you need me, facebook me,​
so starting this monday i'm going to be back at school and really won't have much hnz time until (maybe) after the friday because of the two major essays. sorry for the roleplays i've been putting off because of it.
not that anyone cares for an update or anything, i'll be around but not posting any replies to topics, sorry to those i have roleplays with i'm just frazzled now.
i've posted once or twice in spam since i've returned but i'm not back just yet, in the sense that i cannot and will not post in rps until exams are over. but i think i might extend this because i've felt a bit of animosity from people towards me and vice versa. rather than growing to hate hnz because of this, i'm just going to take a break from it. so the people i love on here (especially britt and em) you can reach me through facebook should you need to.


ps. this does not mean i won't get the accio! work done.
Good luck with exams and school and enjoy your time off the site! :)
So exams have been going well but I've recently decided, with a friend, that we will be taking a collective amount of time off in order to ensure that we do indeed stay offline.

So... good bye for however long.

I hope exams go well for you and that you can return to us soon. ^_^
as of today my exams are over, however i think maybe a week or two away from roleplaying at hnz might do me some good because i've been museless every time i log on and for some other personal reasons that i don't feel like blatantly calling it out. if you want to contact me, i've recently become obsessed with twitter, so here is my account.
Good luck on your exams, Alexis! :)
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