(Last time I checked Sam had the quaffle but for some reason decided to fly directly at Kale, one of her opponents. Lily, instead of getting open for a pass, also decided to fly directly at Kale. Estrella, meanwhile, being the good keeper that she is appears to be hanging back in her team's end to defend her hoops.
Zoe went out of position and is now streaking back into the play, Kale is swinging his beater's bat madly, even though there are no bludgers in the game (perhaps trying to beat off the girls who keep flying at him), and I, am trying to be clever, but sucking big time on my crappy house broom...so.......... I'm going to god mod everyone just for fun)
Lily, Sam, Kale and Zoe all should have zigged instead of zagged had a horrible mid air collision and all plummeted to the ground below, barely regaining control of their respective brooms in time to prevent any serious injury. Bruin looked at Estrella and then flew over to the huddled mass of limbs and laughter. "Uh, nice everyone...reminds me of the demolition derby's my parent's used to take me to. Perhaps we should just talk about how this Quidditch game works before someone gets hurt."