Opaleye Assault IV

"OH YOU SCHMUCK!!! THAT IS NOT FAIR!!!" Lily yelled at him with a laugh. "SO not fair! Just wait til you get yours Bruin."

Lily glared at him, with a smile on her face, as she kicked off from the ground and took off for the sky. She flew over twords the goals where Estrella was hovering, not really paying attention to what she was doing. Lily flew down near the ground and around the bottom of the hoops, making lazy circles, slowly rising until she was just below Estrella. At the last minute, she made a move and slapped Estrella's foot as she took off twords the other end of the field.

"I got you, I got you! Neener, neener, neener! Oh, and no touchbacks seems to be the rule!" she laughed as she flew in loops.
Estrella laughed as Lily touched her foot. "Well, as we seem to be playing dirty here-" She grinned wickedly, taking off after Bruin, who definitely had the slowest broom.
Bruin knew that he would have no chance escaping a gifted flyer like Estrella on a school broom so he ran around behind the broom shed, dove into a snow drift beside the shed and kicked the side of the shed mightily, creating a mini-avalanche of snow falling from the roof to completely cover him in snow. He had rolled over onto his hands and knees after kicking the shed in order to create a little air pocket for himself to breathe. He knelt there in the middle of the drift, giggling slightly and hoping that Estrella would fly around the corner and think he had disapparated or something.
Although she was beyond herself with worry at Bruin's fall, she saw Lily swoop downwards, and, although it pained her to do nothing, she remained in the air. She didn't know why. She thought vaguely about how she was before the break - was she returning to that quiet, reserved person? She hoped not.

She gave a tremendous laugh, almost falling off of her broomstick as well. She couldn't imagine a better way to spend an afternoon.

{ooc: I am at a loss for words... :o
Kale walked down to the quidditch pictch, since Bruin asked him to join the team because they we're lacking members. Looking up to the sky he could see a few people playing what looked like some sort of tag, Kale walked around the shed with his Sienna Storm and decided to spectate for a few moment. To his surprise, when he looked down Bruin was lying in a massive pile of snow, which made him laugh quite loudly. "Baha, what are you doing?" he nodded his head and obseved, "Are you alright, Bruin??"
What the hell? Estrella thought as she veered her broom around the corner. Bruin had simply disappeared. She knew that he had to be somewhere; her Quidditch Captain tended to have an air of comedy about him, and he was probably laughing at her right now.

"You tricky bastard!" she laughed, knowing that he could hear her.
Then she saw Kale talking to the snow, but he didn't have a broom.

She decided to vault off after Samantha, attempting to catch her.
Lily saw Kale walk to the pitch and was talking to a snowpile. She thought that was kinda odd, but then laughed as she realized that Bruin had taken to falling into the snow to get out of being tagged.

Lily headed off to keep an eye on what was happening. She didn't want to be caught unaware when Sam gets tagged.
Estrella Drage said:
What the hell? Estrella thought as she veered her broom around the corner. Bruin had simply disappeared. She knew that he had to be somewhere; her Quidditch Captain tended to have an air of comedy about him, and he was probably laughing at her right now.

"You tricky bastard!" she laughed, knowing that he could hear her.
Then she saw Kale talking to the snow, but he didn't have a broom.

She decided to vault off after Samantha, attempting to catch her.
((I brought my broom! :lol: I wrote Sienna Storm. baha :D))
((oops srys haha I didn't read all of it I guess... I do that sometimes. it happens after you read big txtbooks and you get into school mode.. rofl))
((meanie. rofl))
"Shhhhh Kale, I'm hiding...don't give me away!!!" the rather conspicuous pile of snow muttered.

After a few moments pause, Bruin added "So, is she gone yet?", not knowing if Kale was still there or not to respond.
"Hiding?" he began to laugh. Kale crossed his arms and began to whistle acting as if he didn't even see Bruin. "They're gone." he muttered back to the snow, wondering if anyone had seen him 'talking' to snow.
Bruin exploded from the snow, reminiscent of Sylvester Stallone's emergence from a submerged hiding spot in a river in an old war movie called Rambo that Bruin had once seen. The only differences being that Bruin wasn't rippled with muscles or carrying an assault rifle. However, he did manage to displace a large amount of snow and had successfully eluded Estrella in their game of tag.

Bruin grabbed a different school broom from the shed and prayed for better results this time. "Hey Kale, welcome to Opaleye Assault's training facility. Today, we will be perfecting the art of camouflage, formation flying, the death spiral, and maybe even tossing the quaffle around a little. Right now, we're just playing tag and unless I miss my guess, Estrella is still it!!!"

Bruin mounted the school broom and lifted off slowly, wary of the inconsistent performance of the old and misused loaners.
"Uh..okay..." :unsure: A nervous look formed on Kale's face. He didn't do too well with attending flying classes and following the rules in the past, which resulted him into having a failing grade. "Alright...I see you've already perfected the art of camouflage." he let out another nervous laugh.

Kale picked up his broom which layed on the ground, mounting his Sierra Storm and gripping the stick. "I'm ready when you are" he muttered.
Unable to catch Sam, Estrella turned around and saw Bruin explode out of the snow pile and mount his broom. With an evil grin, she descended upon him with immense speed, tapping him lightly on the top of his head as she zoomed by. "YOU"RE IT, BRUIN!" she cackled, zooming off, and calling back, "NO TAG BACKS!"
As Estrella swooped down and headed straight for Bruin, a loud mischevious laugh expoloded from his diaphram. Mounting his broom quickly, Kale kicked off the ground and zoomed off away from Bruin. "Later man!" he squealed getting away from his friend. Kale laughed to himself, the feel of his new Sienna Storm was much better than his mother's hand-me-down Firebolt. This is grreat! he thought with a smile on his face, looking out for the others around the pitch.
Bruin gazed at the others, recognizing when he was beaten. There was no hope in him catching any of the others on a school broom. "Alright, you guys win. I'll buy the first round after practice. How about we toss the Quaffle around for a little and discuss when we will all be able to make a game. I think the headmistress would like the two teams to agree upon a good time for everyone to play."

Bruin thought about the situation and offered some thoughts.

(OOC - in RL, I'm available most evenings between 8 and midnight EST. I'm also available on the weekends, but it is a little more hit and miss during the day. Any particular nights during the weeks of Dec 3rd or Dec 10 that might or definetly won't work for anyone???)
Estrella grabbed the Quaffle, throwing it and catching it repeatedly as she looked for someone to throw it to. "So, Kale, what are you playing? Chaser?"
((I have no idea yet, actually... :blink: ))
As Bruin seemed to 'give up', Kale headed back down for the ground where he met the others. "Uhmm...I think so?" he stated to Estrella unsure of exactly what position Bruin wanted him to play.

((I don't know yet. I'm available most week days in the evening...not entirely sure yet.))
Bruin looked at Kale and Estrella. "I was thinking that Sam and Kale could join Lily as our Chasers, replacing Rose and Kendall. I hear that Murtagh may also be gone. In which case, he could try beater if he likes and we will need to find one more player. I keep hoping to hear from Kendall, but am not holding out much hope. What do you think Kale? Would you prefer to try and score goals or knock bludgers at the other team?"
Kale thought for a moment, really taking both positions into consideration. "Well, I'm really fine with either. I'm capable of both. If you think we'll need another beater, I'm willing to step up and give beater a try."
"So what do you think Estrella. Should we hand Kale here a beater's bat and start chucking things at him and see what he's got?" Bruin said with a sadistic smile.
"Yah, Coolios," Estrella said, smiling, "Yay to another beater! I just hope this all works out. I'm sad that the last game got canceled, but on the other hand, I couldn't play anyways." She laughed at Kale and Bruin, winking, "I guess we could just blame the Death Eaters for our canceled game, ah?" She laughed good-naturedly, antsy to play as she threw the Quaffle in the air and caught it again.

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