Once upon a Time

Winnie Marsh

Dramatic | Hog's Head Bartender
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Autumn was in full swing and Winnie, intending to read outside to her cat, had been made to retreat inside the castle in an effort to stay warm. She strolled around the corridors with a fairy tale book in one hand and her opposite arm holding Toto to her chest, searching for a place to read that was somewhat out of the way, where she could talk aloud and not disturb other students around her nor have students nearby distract her too much with their talking. The library wasn't an option as she would be required to stay quiet, nor was the student lounge as she was surely going to be distracted by the other students there. Eventually Winnie made her way through the courtyard, discovering something called the 'Conglomerated Arts Room'. She knocked on the door thrice, then pushed the door open, looking around curiously to notice the room was empty. Smiling, Winnie kicked the door shut behind her, walked to the middle of the room to place Toto down, and then sat herself on the floor. Opening the book she brought with her, Winnie began to read aloud assuming Toto would understand her and appreciate the effort she was making to read to him. As she reached the end of each page she looked up to her cat, pausing to watch him as he explored the new room, before returning her gaze to her book to continue reading the story.​
Analei hadn't drawn in a long time. She had been so busy studying, or hanging out with friends, that it just didn't cross her mind. She wasn't a very good drawer, but it was something that used to bring her joy. After the week she had, Analei definitely wanted a bit more joy. She didn't know what she was going to draw, but she took a couple of pieces of parchment, found and sharpened a pencil, and began her journey downstairs. She figured the Arts Room would give her inspiration, and would have supplies in case she decided to color or do something else. Analei pulled her jacket closer to her, the cool breeze blowing gently against her. She quickly made it to the Arts room, pulling the door closed behind her before noticing someone else was there. "Oh sorry I didn't - Oh my gosh, is that your cat?" Analei asked excitedly, spotting the black cat roaming the room. Analei had a half kneazle, but it stayed at home with her parents, so when she got to pet another cat, it was always an exciting experience.

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