On Pointe

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Noemie Snow

Part-Veela | Class of 2048
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Elm Wand with Veela Hair Core
6/2030 (23)
Noemie put part of her up in a bobble and letting the curls sit on her shoulders, she had decided on the costume before she had gotten to school, but was feeling a little less confident about it now, mostly just because she only realised now that she might end up being a little cold and she wasn't sure she was going to be able to be on pointe for the entire time, the ballet shoes felt pretty good on her feet and she had danced prior to this, she had gotten to the point of pointe shoes but she wasn't sure how much of it she was going to remember. The girl had opted for a black leotard, and black ballet pointe shoes, and she was feeling pretty amazing. Noemie was staring at herself in the mirror before deciding that she looked fine.

The ravenclaw girl arrived at the great hall, moving straight to the dance floor, the ravenclaw girl moved up on to the pointe shoes and just began dancing, since what else could she do while wearing such a magical costume, it just felt so good, she couldn't help the spinning, or just feeling amazing. The part-veela was smiling to herself, she had never felt so pretty in her life. Eventually Noemie grew a little tired and she wandered out of the where others were dancing towards the food table, spinning round and walking partly on pointe. She stopped at the table and picked up a little bit of food and munching it happily. She was feeling pretty amazing right now, Halloween as a celebration was really growing on her.
<COLOR color="black"><FONT font="Lucida">Kaia hadn't really prepared well enough for Halloween, though she sincerely hoped it was not going to be a problem and she wondered just how everyone else would dress because she did not like to be the only one standing out if she dressed up too plainly, so after debating for half an hour on what to wear, she finally decided that she would dress up as her cousin had suggested she'd look nice. Kaia was ready after a few minutes and she smiled, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves before heading out of the common room and to the great hall where there would surely be many people already enjoying the evening.

She couldn't spot her cousins anywhere so she shrugged and went over to the food - except that something stopped her midway. She looked curiously at one of her classmates who she had seen her around in the dorms, basically gliding across the dance floor in her ballet shoes. She grinned and continued to watch her in amusement. Actually, she was pretty good. Figuring she looked like an idiot just watching her and smiling like a creep, the ravenclaw was all for first impressions so she walked up to the girl and smiled.​
"Those were some wicked moves," she spoke, gesturing towards the floor where the other girl had been just a moment ago.
Evelyn was excited for the next Halloween party. It went so quick, she could remember last year perfectly. This year she will go together with Lucas, it was just nice to go with somebody. Evelyn had enough friends, but when she was with Lucas she felt special. A lot of people knew Lucas and that was handy for her. And next to that Lucas was just nice to look at and he was funny and sweet. She would meet him in the Great Hall, because Evelyn was very busy with her looks as Sandy from Grease. Especially her hair was something were she had to spend a lot of time at, but it went all perfectly and she was happy with the result.

The blonde entered the Great Hall and smiled because she just knew people would look at her. She draw a lot of attention already in her first year also by the Hogwarts Montly and this year that was what she wanted to do again. She didn't saw Lucas yet but figured he could be at the table with food and drinks, so she walked towards the table. While arriving there she saw a girl dressed as a Ballerina and Evelyn only could think of how cold that outfit would be. Before she could say something she saw the girl from the party Kaia. '' Hello Kaia, as what are you dressed?'' she asked out of curiousity, because Evelyn could not see what it was. She turned towards the other girl that was dressed as a Ballerina. '' Hi, nice costume! Are you a good dancer also?'' The blonde said with a smile. '' I'm Evelyn, by the way.'' she added at the last.
The part-veela had really warmed herself up by dancing, and she just felt so great, she could feel her smile growing, having just thoroughly enjoyed herself in what she had been doing, she might not have been dancing with anyone but it did feel rather fun to just be dancing. The girl had stepped away from the dance floor and when she had the food she was just so happy, it was such a good feeling. Noemie was a little surprised when a girl began speaking to her, she knew the girl, only by face since they shared classes and a dorm room. She smiled at her a little shyly at the comment, "Thanks, I'm glad I didn't just look stupid," the girl said to her, "I couldn't help it, not while wearing this," she motioned to her own costume before looking at the girl, from what she was wearing she wasn't sure that the girl was wearing a costume.

Noemie would've asked her what her costume as before someone else from their year began speaking, talking about what costume the girl was wearing, and Noemie didn't know how this girl was dressed as, the ravenclaw was sure she knew it from somewhere but couldn't remember where, at the question Noemie shrugged a little, "I used to," she admitted, "I couldn't keep it up," Noemie shrugged a little before smiling at Evelyn, she knew her from the classes they shared "Noemie, who are you dressed as?" Noemie added with a warm curious expression. Noemie stood on her pointe shoes slightly, just grinning a little, she knew that involving herself more in the conversation rather than dancing a little on the spot.
Octavian loved halloween. It was a great excuse to dress up and it was always enjoyable to see the girls dress up in their various costumes. Octavian had decided to go with a costume that was sure to receive some female attention, which was sort of the point. He stood in front of the mirror in the boys dorm straightening out his costume and when he was happy with how it looked, he placed his mask on his face. Octavian couldn't help but smirk as his reflection. He was pretty happy with bis costume, if he did say so himself.

The common had a few people stood around, all dressed up and and no doubt waiting for their dates. Octavian didn't have such a problem and he walked straight through the common room and downstairs to the Great hall. It looked incredible as usual but his mind was focused on first, pumpkin juice, then a group to crash. He had fond memories of doing something similar at the Yule ball the previous year, Halloween had the added fun of being in costume. With a glass of pumpking juice in hand Octavian locked eyes on a group of girls and made his way over. "Evening ladies, did someone order a prince charming?" He asked with a broad smile.
Lucas had kept it simple for Halloween. Jeans and football jersey. Not a costume per say but it was enough to pass as something in his opinion. The downside of course meant that he was ready a lot earlier than Evelyn. After calling to check on her progress she had popped down and told him to go on without him. He kissed her cheek and made his way down to the Great hall stag while he waited for his date to arrive. Aaron was no where to be see but he was no doubt off somewhere woth Elizabeth, he liked the girl so he approved of his best friends choice. Even if he would tease him for appearing to have a girlfriend.

After grabbing a drink and a quick smack Lucas was sure some time had passed so decided to look out for Evelyn. He found her quickly, her costume was magnificent as always. He sneaked up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes from behind. "Guess who," he said kissing her cheek and grinning at the others around him.
The blonde saw the girl named Noemie in classes before, but never really spoke to her. Evelyn didn't really know what to think of the girl, she had her conclusions about people at first sight. The girl responded that she used to dance, Evelyn directly felt a question burning and she didn't thought about the concequentions. But Noemie already finished the why part, so Evelyn just nodded at her. It seemed like a hard world and Evelyn knew that her dream to become a Famous Model or designer wasn't the most easy one too. But she was confident about her qualities and she had connections. Her aunt had her own brand in Denmark and was now traveling around the world for it. So she was sure that her future was gonna be ok, it just had to be. Everything that she ever wanted came through. Evelyn wasn't completly offended by the question as who she was dressed, because not everyone knew things about the muggle world. She choose to dress as Sandy from a movie called Grease. Evelyn loved the leather parts and she choose for this because she felt beautiful in it. '' I'm dressed as Sandy from Grease. It is a movie from the muggle world.'' Evelyn wasn't ashamed of being dressed as something muggle-ish. Some people were against it, but Evelyn loved their designers and clothes. This costume was made by a muggle designer, by request of Evelyn. Her Father visited the muggle world often, and Evelyn wanted to come along with him when he did.

When another person joined their conversation Evelyn looked around. It was a boy but she could not really see his face because of the mask, he was tall so she guessed that he was older. A smile appeared on her face, he was dressed as a prince or something. His argument about being prince charming made her laugh. She liked when people were confident about themselves. '' Very charming, who is behind the mask?'' The blonde asked curious as she was. The blonde grabbed a drink from the table and took a sip of it, just when she put down her drink on the table somebody placed hands over her eyes and Evelyn startled from it. She heard a familliar voice and when she got a kiss on her cheek she smiled. '' You bastard.'' she said while laughing. Ofcourse she knew who it was, and if it wasn't who she thought it was he was a good imitator. Lucas Woodlock the pranker of the school..
Before the other Ravenclaw could answer, one of Kaia's friends (she considered her as one anyway) came up to them. "Hey! You look gorgeous! Nothing really. I'm trying to impersonate my cool aunt, who's a dancer in the muggle world, but I have no idea if it is working." She laughed, knowing she probably sounded really ridiculous just by admitting it. She turned to her other classmate, Noemie, and smiled. "My aunt doesn't dance ballet, but I assure you you probably dance better than she does." Kaia wasn't usually that great at giving compliments but tonight was different, it was a good one and she felt like being nice so she'd actually make a friend or two. Or...more, she reconsidered as she saw two guys she did not recognise walk up to her. She sent Evelyn a wink and smirked when she saw one of the boys kiss her friend's cheek. Now that was something she was not used to seeing. "Please, honour us with your heroic presence," she said half-jokingly and a little sarcastic to the one guy who made an entrance - literally - into their little group. She smiled at him feeling amused. "I'm Kaia." She didn't know whether this time she'd be able to actually make more friends but she hoped so.
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