Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
I've been feeling pretty motivated lately so I'm tentatively posting a PD but just going to focus on my school kids for now. Especially after a bit of a slow time last ic year, oops!

Delilah Thorne
7th Year - Ravenclaw
Indira Khatri
6th Year - Slytherin
It is an absolute sucker punch having Delilah be a seventh year. But after a lot of growth the last few years she's probably the most confident she's been so far. She's nervous for graduation but who isn't haha. She's still fairly quiet and reserved but is finding her voice more and more, and is getting back into playing music.
Looking for: Some more friends would be great! She's realizing her friendships might be a bit shaky after all these years and could use some branching out. She would also make a pretty good mentor despite her shyness if someone needs a helping hand. Also would love some romance for her, she's been falling behind her peers in that regard and would like to make up for it. Girls only.
Indi is not thrilled about this year with her half-sister and cousin joining her. School used to be the place that was just hers that she didn't have to share, now she does and she is very upset about it. But hopefully she has enough going on with SDA, quidditch, school work, and searching for the eel to keep her from noticing them at all. She's very blunt and doesn't come off as the nicest person on the surface but has a good heart if you can find it.
Looking for: She has about two friends which is enough for her but some more people to be friendly with would be nice! Would love for her to maybe get into some trouble. As for romance she's not interested at all. But if someone would like to develop a misguided and unrequited crush that could be fun haha.
Caleb Thorne
5th Year - Slytherin
Felix Carnahan
4th Year - Hufflepuff
Caleb is here to be a problem. He is very annoyed by his defeat in the dueling tournament last year and is determined to get better. He doesn't really care for school much not even with the OWLs this year, but he does like exploring, getting out of the castle, and people to bother. He's kind of ended up a loner with like two friends and can be a bit judgmental if he thinks you're boring.
Looking for: Pretty much anything is welcome! People for him to be friendly with. People for him to not be friendly with. Romance is also welcome. He is ready to play fast and lose with people's hearts and be the Worst Boyfriend ever. Boys only.
Felix is a sweetheart and full of good vibes and enthusiasm. He is thrilled to finally have his sister with him at school and is bound to get into some mischief. Is ready to throw himself into quidditch practice now that Lucas has graduated and is determined to get closer to his dream of being an animagus. He also has a love for muggle magic tricks and his frog Clive.
Looking for: Some friends would be great or even some quidditch rivals would be fun! Would also love to give him some romance plots. I think he's the type to fall easily and quickly under the right circumstances. I think he's a bit more interested in girls but I'm open for both.
Margo Fox
3rd Year - Hufflepuff
Ethan Alexander
2nd Year - Ravenclaw
Margo is fairly content with her very small group of friends but does have a tendency to feel a bit lonely. Most of the time she can be found reading books in the garden or any other quiet tucked away space she can find. She is constantly trying to put herself out there but still struggles a lot. Joining the paper last year was the best thing for her so far and she has really enjoyed writing.
Looking for: Some more friends would be nice, or maybe some drama? Romance could also be fun but she is a bit young so nothing too serious. Boys only for now.
Ethan spent most of last year just getting by because he was convinced he wasn't actually going to be here that long. But now that he knows he's stuck here for a while he's ready to branch out a bit more and actually attempt to talk to people. He's a bit odd and is interested in cryptids/ghosts and all that. He's set up a bit of a fort in the forest that he's trying to keep secret so he can have a place that's just his.
Looking for: Friends! He's actually ready to make some attachments now. Enemies! He can be a bit difficult so this might not be so hard to find. As for romance, still a bit too young.
Leah Thorne
1st Year - Gryffindor
Professor Yvonne Dubois
Divination - Years 5 to 7​
Leah is my brand new kid who managed to use her parents divorce in her favor so she could come to school in New Zealand. She grew up a bit sheltered and is ready to make the most of her years at school. She can come on a bit strong but it usually comes from a good place even if it can come of a bit condescending and like she knows best, as far as she's concerned she does. No one will be a stranger for long if she can help it. She also loves quidditch and can tell you all about different teams and how the World Cup Final went.
Looking for: Everything! Friends, enemies, frenemies!
Adding her mostly to fill out my table lol. But I would love to have her be a bit more involved with the students. She knows she's the second favorite Divination professor but she does love her students and her door is always open if anyone needs someone to talk to. She worked as a fortune teller for many years and is used to acting as a bit of a counselor at times. She is also ready for any and all work place gossip.
Looking for: Literally anything!! If any students have questions about careers in Divination outside of being a seer she is there. Also open to some causal dating plots, any gender.

If you have any questions about characters just ask or shoot me a message! Obviously I have other characters I would love to plot with, so if you have any other ideas just let me know!!
I am very terrible at replies especially lately but here I am regardless :r

I can offer Aine for Margo to do awkward friendship rps because dormmates/both on the paper? She's a complete disaster in social situations especially now she's turning 14 and overemotional but she's genuinely trying. She's also wanting to put herself out there more so they could try to encourage each other and complain about boys being terrible.

Ethan might be stuck with Yuelia being a weird acquaintance now lol, she wants to be friends with people and probably would be interested in hearing about cryptids and ghosts as much as she's afraid of the dark and confined spaces. Could always go ghost hunting sometime maybe?

and of course theres the Gryffindor firstie girls, which looks like a fun group (not biased lol)

I can also offer Gabrielle to gossip with Yvonne sometime/general professor's commonroom hangouts? I know she's mostly there to fill out table space but if you ever want professorly hijinks I'm keen!
Hello Kadi.
i am short on the student front this year but I have niamh eriksen I can offer as a friend form Margo or Felix. She would potentially be a relationship or fling for Felix.
i also hane elvera who is definitely a friend for Yvonne (I totally see them hanging out in the evenings and grabbinf breakfast in each other’s offices of they can’t be bothered making the hike down and back up stairs (elvera always has food) also please see discord message.

Delilah/Evie: I have one painfully shy third year I have absolutely neglected that cannot break herself out of her shell. She could use a mentor.

Indi/Jordie: I smell chaos.

Caleb/Charlie: Terrible fling? Date for a semester or something.

Hamish/Felix: I didn't know I wanted this before now but I want them to date. Cute cooking/flour messes, quidditch practices. It could be adorable.

Margo: Now I both want her to be friends with Valerius but also with Charlie. Paper buddies?

Ethan/Emrys: Emrys is absolutely that weird creepy kid with stuffed dolls he carries everywhere. He could be friends with him?

Leah/Zerrin: Zerrin is a sweetheart who's just dying to make lots of friends. His new dad is also a professional Quidditch player so there's that too.

Yvonne: Yvonne and Mallory could be friends. I might have a few date ideas but pm me for those.
Hey Kadi!

Don't have a lot to offer really but here's what i have

Caleb x Jules: they could finally make it a friendship? They're quite fun together and also, if he ever needs a terrible dating advice, Jules is the one to come to

Sadie x Felix: Sadie is one year younger than Felix, however, i feel like they would make good friends? She's bubbly, adventurous and a total disaster that needs friends in school out of her brothers

Ethan x Sabrina: well, they finally introduced to each other, so maybe we could continue it as a friendship? For Sab it's hard to find friends so she would just be happy to have someone!
Kadiiiii Hiiii!!!!

Felix + Molly - I would love to do more with these two! They're just so fun and I love their dynamic so much!! I think we were gonna go with the romance route between these two? Unless I'm wrong - I'm still keen to go that route though if you are. Always happy to discuss them further through discord or the pms if you'd like as well!

Margo + Abby - We've only done a few threads between these two and I like the threads between these two hehe! So I'm also keen for this!

Ethan + Josh - I'm not sure how these two would go together, It could go either way. Josh is very chaotic and loud. Not the smartest cookie either. But I'm interested to see where this may go hehe

Leah + Conan - I am defs liking the train thread at the moment hehe! I can sense they may become friends maybe? But I'm always down to do some more threads between these two down the road as well!
*does the funky chicken*

Flynn x Delilah - A very important thread needs to happen. I believe we have been planning something with them but have never actually gotten around to it so now is the time seeing as it's their last year at school and all that jazz.

Flynn x Indira - Something SDA related? Maybe talking about what they could do for their next meeting or coming up with ideas or heck, just practicing with each other.

Jingyi x Felix - I believe we have tried to get these two to be friends in the past, and I am still down to try that because I do think they would get along and be good friends. They both have an interest in Quidditch (though Jingyi has more or less given up trying to make the team at this point) and are both up for trouble.

Mischa x Ethan - Just because I thought their interaction in the owlery was slightly amusing. Mish is always here to be annoying and say stupid things and generally be a pain in the butt. He is a nice enough guy, he's just a bit annoying is all =))
AHH! Thank you everyone!
I am very terrible at replies especially lately but here I am regardless :r

I can offer Aine for Margo to do awkward friendship rps because dormmates/both on the paper? She's a complete disaster in social situations especially now she's turning 14 and overemotional but she's genuinely trying. She's also wanting to put herself out there more so they could try to encourage each other and complain about boys being terrible.

Ethan might be stuck with Yuelia being a weird acquaintance now lol, she wants to be friends with people and probably would be interested in hearing about cryptids and ghosts as much as she's afraid of the dark and confined spaces. Could always go ghost hunting sometime maybe?

and of course theres the Gryffindor firstie girls, which looks like a fun group (not biased lol)

I can also offer Gabrielle to gossip with Yvonne sometime/general professor's commonroom hangouts? I know she's mostly there to fill out table space but if you ever want professorly hijinks I'm keen!
Aine & Margo: Yes! That sounds nice. Margo still feels very much like a kid and a little lost and maybe even a little detached from the world. I think anyone with a backbone would be nice for her to spend some time with.

Ethan & Yuelia: Yay! Ethan is pretty good at rolling with weird stuff. Maybe an intentional return to the forest to look for creatures??

Dahlia & Leah: Yes! Very strong willed girls in a confined space, what could go wrong?? Would love for them to hang out more but I don't think I have anything specifically in mind.

& Yvonne: This sounds fun too! Yvonne can be a bit nosey at times so she might pry a bit if Gabrielle is a bit more guarded. But a common room hang out sounds great!

Maybe we can start with Ethan & Yuelia and Gabrielle & Yvonne first? If you take one I can take the other?
Hello Kadi.
i am short on the student front this year but I have niamh eriksen I can offer as a friend form Margo or Felix. She would potentially be a relationship or fling for Felix.
i also hane elvera who is definitely a friend for Yvonne (I totally see them hanging out in the evenings and grabbinf breakfast in each other’s offices of they can’t be bothered making the hike down and back up stairs (elvera always has food) also please see discord message.
Hi Mia,

That all sounds good. For now I think I'd want to maybe have Felix and Niamh get a little closer friends wise. But I'd also be down for her and Margo to get to know each other. Is there one or the other that sounds good to you to do first?

But I am very keen for Yvonne and Elvera having a chat in the tower after lessons. I can start this if you would like?


Delilah/Evie: I have one painfully shy third year I have absolutely neglected that cannot break herself out of her shell. She could use a mentor.

Indi/Jordie: I smell chaos.

Caleb/Charlie: Terrible fling? Date for a semester or something.

Hamish/Felix: I didn't know I wanted this before now but I want them to date. Cute cooking/flour messes, quidditch practices. It could be adorable.

Margo: Now I both want her to be friends with Valerius but also with Charlie. Paper buddies?

Ethan/Emrys: Emrys is absolutely that weird creepy kid with stuffed dolls he carries everywhere. He could be friends with him?

Leah/Zerrin: Zerrin is a sweetheart who's just dying to make lots of friends. His new dad is also a professional Quidditch player so there's that too.

Yvonne: Yvonne and Mallory could be friends. I might have a few date ideas but pm me for those.

Delilah & Evie: That could be fun. Is Evie in Heta Omega? Maybe we can do something set there?

Indi & Jordie: Oh? Did you have anything in mind? He's a chaser right? Maybe some quidditch rivalry? Although she does see him as a decent acquaintance at this point.

Caleb & Charlie: I'm open to that. I'd need to work out timing but noted. Maybe they can at least be introduced to each other soon.

Hamish & Felix: I'm listening haha. That does sound fun. But maybe that's something we can work up to a bit?

Margo & Valerius/Charlie: Both of those sound good to me. I could see Charlie being a bit of a big brother too her which is something she desperately needs since her actual brother is totally absent at the moment. And she thinks Valerius is nice despite what Cameron's said so she'd be happy to get to know him a bit more.

Ethan & Emrys: If Emrys carries around dolls with him there is a very high chance Ethan things they are For Sure haunted. I can see them being friends even if Ethan might be a bit freaked out by the dolls at first lol

Leah & Zerrin: I think the moment she hears his dad is a professional quidditch player she will pester him with questions. She is also just friendly and will talk to anyone lol

Yvonne & Mallory: Yes I'd love for them to be friends. Maybe a Brightstone shopping trip would be fun??

So many suggestions, where to start haha. Maybe I can start Delilah & Evie and Caleb & Charlie, and if you want to pick two to start we can do that?? Unless there are other ones you'd like to do first?
Hey Kadi!

Don't have a lot to offer really but here's what i have

Caleb x Jules: they could finally make it a friendship? They're quite fun together and also, if he ever needs a terrible dating advice, Jules is the one to come to

Sadie x Felix: Sadie is one year younger than Felix, however, i feel like they would make good friends? She's bubbly, adventurous and a total disaster that needs friends in school out of her brothers

Ethan x Sabrina: well, they finally introduced to each other, so maybe we could continue it as a friendship? For Sab it's hard to find friends so she would just be happy to have someone!
Hi Sofija!

Caleb & Jules: Yeah, I'd love for them to hang out again. He might ask her about how to get someone's attention. I'm sure she'd love to answer that kind of question haha.

Sadie & Felix: Sure, we can have them meet and see how they get along. Felix is very friendly. Maybe he can show her some of the magic tricks he knows.

Ethan & Sabrina: I've really enjoyed their thread so far. Maybe they can study together a little later in the semester?

I think starting with Caleb & Jules and Sadie & Felix would be good. Would you like to start one and I can start the other?
Kadiiiii Hiiii!!!!

Felix + Molly - I would love to do more with these two! They're just so fun and I love their dynamic so much!! I think we were gonna go with the romance route between these two? Unless I'm wrong - I'm still keen to go that route though if you are. Always happy to discuss them further through discord or the pms if you'd like as well!

Margo + Abby - We've only done a few threads between these two and I like the threads between these two hehe! So I'm also keen for this!

Ethan + Josh - I'm not sure how these two would go together, It could go either way. Josh is very chaotic and loud. Not the smartest cookie either. But I'm interested to see where this may go hehe

Leah + Conan - I am defs liking the train thread at the moment hehe! I can sense they may become friends maybe? But I'm always down to do some more threads between these two down the road as well!

Felix & Molly: Yeah I've kind of given him a bit of a crush on her after they went to the ball together. He's been a bit too shy to do anything about it but I can see him getting the guts and asking her out for real at some point.

& Abby: I've also enjoyed them together so far. Quiet girls unite lol. I'm not sure if I have a specific idea for them yet, but I am keen!

Ethan & Josh: Sure, I'd love to throw them together and see what happens.

Leah & Conan: Yes! I'm really enjoying them so far. They're basically just "!!!" and "!!!" back and forth which is really fun. Maybe in a little bit they can go search for shells by the lake? Not sure if lakes have shells lol, but I'm sure they can figure that out together.

Are there any threads you'd like to start with??
*does the funky chicken*

Flynn x Delilah - A very important thread needs to happen. I believe we have been planning something with them but have never actually gotten around to it so now is the time seeing as it's their last year at school and all that jazz.

Flynn x Indira - Something SDA related? Maybe talking about what they could do for their next meeting or coming up with ideas or heck, just practicing with each other.

Jingyi x Felix - I believe we have tried to get these two to be friends in the past, and I am still down to try that because I do think they would get along and be good friends. They both have an interest in Quidditch (though Jingyi has more or less given up trying to make the team at this point) and are both up for trouble.

Mischa x Ethan - Just because I thought their interaction in the owlery was slightly amusing. Mish is always here to be annoying and say stupid things and generally be a pain in the butt. He is a nice enough guy, he's just a bit annoying is all =))
*clucks back*

Flynn & Delilah: Yes, yes. Yes yes. They have so many unintentional similarities it's not even funny. Maybe we can wait until the beginning of the year and head people are announced. Just in case something happens that might affect her opinion of him.

Flynn & Indira: Yes! That sounds good. I'm down for club discussion or practice, or even both lol. I don't think they've ever interacted before so that will be fun. But I like to think they'd have a base level respect for each other.

Jingyi & Felix: Yeah, Felix fell victim to my hell of writers block last ic year and didn't do much at all. But I think they would be good friends too. Now that Felix had both of his siblings at school he's probably more prone to pulling pranks. I can see Jingyi getting involved somehow, I just need to come up with a prank. Also I saw his brother transferred out, if we wanted to do something a bit more serious I'm sure we could do something with that.

Mischa & Ethan: Ethan is not his biggest fan but I don't think he's sure of himself enough to say anything to him haha. Maybe Mischa assumes their friends/acquaintances now and just pesters him with conversation? I think Ethan would probably just grin and bear it.

Maybe we can start with Flynn & Indi and Mischa & Ethan first? Or maybe something else if something strikes your fancy more??
Hi Mia,

That all sounds good. For now I think I'd want to maybe have Felix and Niamh get a little closer friends wise. But I'd also be down for her and Margo to get to know each other. Is there one or the other that sounds good to you to do first?

But I am very keen for Yvonne and Elvera having a chat in the tower after lessons. I can start this if you would like?
That sounds like a plan. And if either of them need her to be she can play a bit of a wing woman for Felix and Molly.
But yes I am down with elvera and Yvonne. If you are happy to start that could be great if not I can do this evening.

Felix & Molly: Yeah I've kind of given him a bit of a crush on her after they went to the ball together. He's been a bit too shy to do anything about it but I can see him getting the guts and asking her out for real at some point.

Margo & Abby: I've also enjoyed them together so far. Quiet girls unite lol. I'm not sure if I have a specific idea for them yet, but I am keen!

Ethan & Josh: Sure, I'd love to throw them together and see what happens.

Leah & Conan: Yes! I'm really enjoying them so far. They're basically just "!!!" and "!!!" back and forth which is really fun. Maybe in a little bit they can go search for shells by the lake? Not sure if lakes have shells lol, but I'm sure they can figure that out together.

Are there any threads you'd like to start with??
Felix + Molly - I think Molly is slowly feeling the same way crush wise bahaha - Especially after the ball as well, so I'm excited to see where that goes 👀

Margo + Abigail - Honestly, I don't have any ideas to be honest either lmao

Ethan + Josh - Sounds good!

Leah + Conan - Ooo yess I like this idea - honestly, I dunno either bahaha I just pretending that there are shells in and around the lake lmaooo

I don't really mind, to be honest! We could start something between Felix + Molly and Margo + Abby? And then do the other two a little later down the semester or year? Unless there was another or different pair you preferred?? I can start one and you can start the other?
*clucks back*

Flynn & Delilah: Yes, yes. Yes yes. They have so many unintentional similarities it's not even funny. Maybe we can wait until the beginning of the year and head people are announced. Just in case something happens that might affect her opinion of him.

Flynn & Indira: Yes! That sounds good. I'm down for club discussion or practice, or even both lol. I don't think they've ever interacted before so that will be fun. But I like to think they'd have a base level respect for each other.

Jingyi & Felix: Yeah, Felix fell victim to my hell of writers block last ic year and didn't do much at all. But I think they would be good friends too. Now that Felix had both of his siblings at school he's probably more prone to pulling pranks. I can see Jingyi getting involved somehow, I just need to come up with a prank. Also I saw his brother transferred out, if we wanted to do something a bit more serious I'm sure we could do something with that.

Mischa & Ethan: Ethan is not his biggest fan but I don't think he's sure of himself enough to say anything to him haha. Maybe Mischa assumes their friends/acquaintances now and just pesters him with conversation? I think Ethan would probably just grin and bear it.

Maybe we can start with Flynn & Indi and Mischa & Ethan first? Or maybe something else if something strikes your fancy more??
Flynn + Delilah: HONESTLY they like to think they have nothing alike but they are actually very similar it's hilarious. yes you mean if her opinion of him gets worse as if he's made head boy by some miracle underserved

Flynn+ Indi: Yeah I don't think they have actually ever interacted before lmao, they first time for everything. There would deffo be some base respect, especially as Flynn picked her as a co-president in the first place =))

Jingyi + Felix: Well Jingyi is always up for pranks, especially this year as he needs something to take his mind off the fact his brother had ditched for a year. He's not all too pleased about it and will probably be a little mopy about it. So he deffo needs some cheering up. In the form of mayhem, obviously.

Mischa + Ethan: Honestly this kid just thinks everyone likes him and will talk even if you do actually hate him so that's not a problem in the slightest.

But yes we could start with Flynn + Indi and Mish + Ethan and hold off on the others for now! I could start one and you take the other? I have no pref as to which one so you can pick and I will take what's left!
Sorry I'm slow responding! I'm getting back on track ish now I have 1 assignment left for the moment...

Yes both of those sound good! I'm happy to start Gabrielle and Yvonne if you want to start Ethan and Yuelia? I will *hopefully* get to them this week. x_x
That sounds like a plan. And if either of them need her to be she can play a bit of a wing woman for Felix and Molly.
But yes I am down with elvera and Yvonne. If you are happy to start that could be great if not I can do this evening.
Haha, that sounds good. I'll let you know if I need you for that.
But yes, lets start with the Divination ladies, I will start that tonight or tomorrow!

Felix + Molly - I think Molly is slowly feeling the same way crush wise bahaha - Especially after the ball as well, so I'm excited to see where that goes 👀

Margo + Abigail - Honestly, I don't have any ideas to be honest either lmao

Ethan + Josh - Sounds good!

Leah + Conan - Ooo yess I like this idea - honestly, I dunno either bahaha I just pretending that there are shells in and around the lake lmaooo

I don't really mind, to be honest! We could start something between Felix + Molly and Margo + Abby? And then do the other two a little later down the semester or year? Unless there was another or different pair you preferred?? I can start one and you can start the other?
That all sounds good, I'll take note of the ones to start later, and I'll go ahead and start with Felix and Molly then!

Flynn + Delilah: HONESTLY they like to think they have nothing alike but they are actually very similar it's hilarious. yes you mean if her opinion of him gets worse as if he's made head boy by some miracle underserved

Flynn+ Indi: Yeah I don't think they have actually ever interacted before lmao, they first time for everything. There would deffo be some base respect, especially as Flynn picked her as a co-president in the first place =))

Jingyi + Felix: Well Jingyi is always up for pranks, especially this year as he needs something to take his mind off the fact his brother had ditched for a year. He's not all too pleased about it and will probably be a little mopy about it. So he deffo needs some cheering up. In the form of mayhem, obviously.

Mischa + Ethan: Honestly this kid just thinks everyone likes him and will talk even if you do actually hate him so that's not a problem in the slightest.

But yes we could start with Flynn + Indi and Mish + Ethan and hold off on the others for now! I could start one and you take the other? I have no pref as to which one so you can pick and I will take what's left!
Sounds good! I'll take Flynn + Indi then. Will send you a link when I have it started.

Sorry I'm slow responding! I'm getting back on track ish now I have 1 assignment left for the moment...

Yes both of those sound good! I'm happy to start Gabrielle and Yvonne if you want to start Ethan and Yuelia? I will *hopefully* get to them this week. x_x
You're all good! No rush, the wizard semester at least hasn't even started.
And that sounds good! I'll shoot you the link when I have it up!

For Indi I want to offer Anisha being a pain, just want to flesh out their dynamic a bit more. Could be fun? Maybe she tries to do a spell from Indi's book or something.

Louis will challenge Caleb to being the worst boyfriend ever, but we've talked about this haha.

For Felix I can offer Gwen, I could see her flirting with him even though she has a boyfriend right now?

Leah & Anisha need to be friends tbh haha. I could see Raafe hanging out with them too depending on what Kris thinks 👀
Hi Sofija!

Caleb & Jules: Yeah, I'd love for them to hang out again. He might ask her about how to get someone's attention. I'm sure she'd love to answer that kind of question haha.

Sadie & Felix: Sure, we can have them meet and see how they get along. Felix is very friendly. Maybe he can show her some of the magic tricks he knows.

Ethan & Sabrina: I've really enjoyed their thread so far. Maybe they can study together a little later in the semester?

I think starting with Caleb & Jules and Sadie & Felix would be good. Would you like to start one and I can start the other?
Oh yes! That all sounds FANTASTIC!

I can start Sadie and Felix one if you're willing to start with Caleb&Jules?
Leah & Zerrin: I think the moment she hears his dad is a professional quidditch player she will pester him with questions. She is also just friendly and will talk to anyone lol

Yvonne & Mallory: Yes I'd love for them to be friends. Maybe a Brightstone shopping trip would be fun??

So many suggestions, where to start haha. Maybe I can start Delilah & Evie and Caleb & Charlie, and if you want to pick two to start we can do that?? Unless there are other ones you'd like to do first?
Delilah/Evie: I cannot recall but I can make it happen.

Indi/Jordie: I was thinking maybe a bit of a friendly rivalry?

Caleb/Charlie: They could def meet this semester.

Hamish/Felix: I'm a little iffy but they need a thread to test chemistry. Thoughts?

Margo: Charlie and Margo could hang out in the paper room? And Valerius could run into her somewhere?

Ethan/Emrys: I kinda want them to be XD Ethan would approach him?

Leah/Zerrin: Yesss love it. What do you think? She could hear he's a Fergusson and approach him for obvious reasons?

Yvonne: I like the brightstone idea.

Okay, I could start Hamish/Felix, aaaand... Leah/Zerrin?

That leaves three for the next semester?
Threads for everyone!
@Molly Burke Felix x Molly: https://hogwarts.nz/threads/keeping-it-casual.112904/
@Yuelia Rossingol Ethan x Yuelia: https://hogwarts.nz/threads/dare-to-enter.112905/
@Flynn North Indi x Flynn: https://hogwarts.nz/threads/just-warming-up.112906/


For Indi I want to offer Anisha being a pain, just want to flesh out their dynamic a bit more. Could be fun? Maybe she tries to do a spell from Indi's book or something.

Louis will challenge Caleb to being the worst boyfriend ever, but we've talked about this haha.

For Felix I can offer Gwen, I could see her flirting with him even though she has a boyfriend right now?

Leah & Anisha need to be friends tbh haha. I could see Raafe hanging out with them too depending on what Kris thinks 👀

Indi & Anisha: Always down for sister time! I know I've mentioned Anisha probably steals Indi's stuff a lot. Maybe she does roll up on Anisha having stolen her charms book or something and trying to do advanced spells??

Louis & Caleb: We have talked about this 👀

& Gwen: Haha maybe when he get's a girlfriend she finally sees him as datable and tries to flirt with him and he has to turn her down for some drama 👀

Leah & Anisha: Yes!! I can see them becoming an HANDFULL together. And of course Kris is welcome. I don't have a specific thread idea in mind but I would love to throw them together. Put them in a jar and shake them up. Maybe something that could lead to a friendly competition?

I was planning on starting something for Caleb & Louis soon. Would love to jump into Indi & Anisha and Leah & Anisha too if you want and save the other one for later (I also plan on replying to your pd too.)

Oh yes! That all sounds FANTASTIC!

I can start Sadie and Felix one if you're willing to start with Caleb&Jules?
That sounds good! I will start that soon and send you a link!

Delilah/Evie: I cannot recall but I can make it happen.

Indi/Jordie: I was thinking maybe a bit of a friendly rivalry?

Caleb/Charlie: They could def meet this semester.

Hamish/Felix: I'm a little iffy but they need a thread to test chemistry. Thoughts?

Margo: Charlie and Margo could hang out in the paper room? And Valerius could run into her somewhere?

Ethan/Emrys: I kinda want them to be XD Ethan would approach him?

Leah/Zerrin: Yesss love it. What do you think? She could hear he's a Fergusson and approach him for obvious reasons?

Yvonne: I like the brightstone idea.

Okay, I could start Hamish/Felix, aaaand... Leah/Zerrin?

That leaves three for the next semester?
Delilah/Evie: It could totally be somewhere else. I just thought that might be nice.
Indi/Jordie: Friendly rivalry is good. Maybe they can make a bet about grades or something?
Caleb/Charlie: Is there a place Charlie usually hangs out?
Hamish/Felix: That sounds good too. Would need test the waters.
Margo/Charlie: Paper room sounds good.
Margo/Valerius: I imagine she likes to find quite spots around the castle to read if he just wants to find her somewhere random.
Ethan/Emrys: Ethan would probably approach him. He's not the best about boundaries so he'd def ask if he saw a kid with weird dolls.
Leah/Zerrin: Yeah I imagine she would hear the name and at least ask if they're related.
Mallory/Yvonne: Yay that sounds fun.

Ok, so I bolded the one's we're planning to do now which leaves us with 5. I'm happy to start more if you'd like or just keep it with these for now?
Delilah/Evie: It could totally be somewhere else. I just thought that might be nice.
Indi/Jordie: Friendly rivalry is good. Maybe they can make a bet about grades or something?
Caleb/Charlie: Is there a place Charlie usually hangs out?
Hamish/Felix: That sounds good too. Would need test the waters.
Margo/Charlie: Paper room sounds good.
Margo/Valerius: I imagine she likes to find quite spots around the castle to read if he just wants to find her somewhere random.
Ethan/Emrys: Ethan would probably approach him. He's not the best about boundaries so he'd def ask if he saw a kid with weird dolls.
Leah/Zerrin: Yeah I imagine she would hear the name and at least ask if they're related.
Mallory/Yvonne: Yay that sounds fun.

Ok, so I bolded the one's we're planning to do now which leaves us with 5. I'm happy to start more if you'd like or just keep it with these for now?
Delilah/Evie: I'll have to check, but maybe we could do something in the gardens?
Indi/Jordie: Bets would be good, I can see that.
Caleb/Charlie: He likes the student lounge?
Hamish/Felix: Yessss... where would they run into each other? Maybe the pitch to start?
Margo/Charlie: Yay :)
Margo/Valerius: That would work.
Ethan/Emrys: Oooh yes.
Leah/Zerrin: yesss. Where would they run into each other?
Mallory/Yvonne: Tea tiiiime.

So we're starting

maybe Indi and Jordie too? And the rest next semester? I could start... Evie, Charlie, and maybe Jordie if you're down?
maybe Indi and Jordie too? And the rest next semester? I could start... Evie, Charlie, and maybe Jordie if you're down?
Sure that sounds good!

Indi & Anisha: Always down for sister time! I know I've mentioned Anisha probably steals Indi's stuff a lot. Maybe she does roll up on Anisha having stolen her charms book or something and trying to do advanced spells??

Louis & Caleb: We have talked about this 👀

Felix & Gwen: Haha maybe when he get's a girlfriend she finally sees him as datable and tries to flirt with him and he has to turn her down for some drama 👀

Leah & Anisha: Yes!! I can see them becoming an HANDFULL together. And of course Kris is welcome. I don't have a specific thread idea in mind but I would love to throw them together. Put them in a jar and shake them up. Maybe something that could lead to a friendly competition?

I was planning on starting something for Caleb & Louis soon. Would love to jump into Indi & Anisha and Leah & Anisha too if you want and save the other one for later (I also plan on replying to your pd too.)
I think your selection of threads is good, we can save the other plot with Felix and Gwen for later!

You're starting Louis & Caleb, should I start Anisha & Leah and Anisha and Indi or do you want to take one of those too?
I think your selection of threads is good, we can save the other plot with Felix and Gwen for later!

You're starting Louis & Caleb, should I start Anisha & Leah and Anisha and Indi or do you want to take one of those too?
If you took both I would be deeply grateful ❤️

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