ooc: Okay then.
Two days. Two days in darkness...nothing... On the third and final day of this swallowed feeling, Bellatrix awoke, with a bit of a shock, naturally. Not quite remember what happened, she sort of jostled out of her bed. She looked around suddenly trying to remember what had happened. Her hair was flying in mattes every which way, that made her look quite insane, against her skeletal form. She slowly let her eyes flicker open and noticed she was in a hospital bed. She quickly lifted her head, confused about her surroundings, suddenly realized that she had reacted too quickly, and felt dizzy once more. She quickly crawled back down into her bed and laid her head back with a loud groan. She then began to remember. The alleged breakfast, the fight with Andy...and one word, that stuck in her head, repeating over and over.
Werewolf. Bellatrix closed her eyes trying to think on this...letting the word slowly pass through her lips. "Werewolf..." she repeated in a soft, rasping voice. Her eyes which had now begun to droop closed suddenly snapped open at the sound of her voice. She began to panic. How long had she been out. She didn't look at her surroundings, just screamed. "PATRICK!" the word, screeched out of her dry, weak throat.
ooc: I wasin't quite sure what to do with Patrick. If you want you could have him sitting there observing her, or something, knowing Bellatrix she wouldn't have noticed anyway, so it won't screw it up. Uh...just do whatever you wish with him.

I have no preference. But it may make it interesting if he was by her side.