Oh, for God sake I need helps

Alon Barlev

Active Member
OOC First Name
Hi. My name is Alon Barlev, I'm new here and I've got an owl message from Nick (Thanks Nick).

Aye, the thing is, I dont know what should I do now except 3 things that Nick told me: Welcome Center (aye, I'm here), Instructions for Sorting, and The Sorting Form. Hehe, sorry. Please help me, maybe the basic thing such as what is the rule of avatar and siggy--about the face claim, or, how to claim an ava (i dont want to get banned by nick ._. haha)


Alan/Alon Barlev.
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:

My name is Jessye! To get yourself started you should lurk the Site Documentation! There is all kinds of stuff there that can help you out with the site! It should have the rules for graphics and stuff in there! Or, You can always contact the Admins and Global Mods if you have any other questions. They are an awesome bunch so don't be afraid to shoot them a PM if you need some help with anything!

Since Nick has seemed to lead you to the right direction of the sorting form you likely don't need that. Just lurk around the documentation and you'll find most of the things you are looking for. You can always PM with any other questions you have as well. Glad to have you here!

I hope you enjoy your time here on HNZ! Hope to see you around the board!
♥ Jessye
Hello Alan and welcome to HNZ
I am Mia, and it's great to see new people on here.
there is no specific rule for face claims (that i am aware of) so you can have anyone, but there is no limit to the number of people have each person. here is a list of playbys if you want to have a look at it as you see some people have numerous people with the same face claim.
as for the sorting you arrived at the right time. as it is currently open. here is the information on sorting. and there is a link to the sorting form there (i cant give you a link as i cant see it as i am already sorted)
nick isn't that harsh in banning people, if it is just a mistake you will most likely just get a PM (owly thing) telling you what you did wrong and recommending you fix it.
any questions feel free to message me, or they may be answered in the site documentation or if you are still unsure send a message to one of the admins or global moderators
Hope to see you around
Thanks Jessye, and Mia. : )
Welcome, Alan!
Digging your little GIFs in that signature. So cute. Hope you have plenty of fun here!
Hey Alan! :)
Welcome, once again! ^_^
If you have any specific questions/concerns, don't hesitate to contact me. :D
(Once you submit the sorting form, it will probably take until tomorrow morning EDT for you to be sorted,, so you don't get too impatient. :r )
Welcome to HNZ Alan!

Hoping to RP with you soon!
Thx everyone : )
I'm Blushing
Welcome Alan!
I hope you enjoy your time on the site :)
Hey Alan ^_^

Welcome to HNZ, I'm sure you'll have loads of fun here. You can always ask some people if they would like to Roleplay with you, this is a site full of friendly people that obviously love to Rp.
Anyway I'm Tenile, nice to meet you! :D
Oh dear Professor a.k.a Cyndi:

Sure, I'll enjoy it. I love RPG game text-based like Hogwarts NZ. Thanks for your hospitality here. But, Alon is Slytherin so his loyalty only belongs to Salazar Slytherin and Professor Kalif Styx, #kidding, lol.

Oh, thanks Madz:

My pleasure here as a member. : )

Hi Tenile:

Sure, I'd love too. RPG is so likeable. Hha, but I really need to be friend before ask them for RP. : )

Hi Kait:

Ayeye, I'd love too. Nice to meet you here.

And you are all so likeable, lovely. BIG THANKS. #hugs


Alan/Alon Barlev


Yay welcome to HNZ ^_^
Enjoy yourself! :)
Donna x
Welcome Alon!

I hope you enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to ask myself, any of of the Global Moderators, or one of the Admins if you have a problem. :)

And don't hesitate to PM me if you want to RP with me, and any one of my other characters. :)

I'm Zach, just to clarify. :p
Hey Alan,

Its lovely to meet you. I love when we get newbies. Its fun to get to know people. If you ever want to rp, I have a few characters to bring out of my box. Just shoot me a pm and we can think something up, yeah?

Hi Donna, Zach and Teigs.

Thanks for your hospitality : )

I'm Blushing



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