obligatory graphics request

Yuelia Rossingol

Sixth Year | Duelling Champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (31/05/2045)
"I'll pick someone well known", I said. "I won't have any problems finding decent images", I said. x_x five hours later..........

Character Name: Yuelia Rossingol
Play-by: Anya Taylor-Joy
Text on Banner: 'on wings unbroken'
Colour Scheme: Greens, blacks, blues? darker colours mostly, showing that Slytherin pride but not exclusively Slytherin colours, if that makes sense? don't have to exclusively be dark tones just those cooler colours if i'm not now confusing matters
Image Options: 1 or 2 or 3 4 5 6
Additional Information: i love you all so much you are all such creative and wonderful people thank you :wub: if the images suck let me know it was a bit of a struggle to find anything for some reason - at least in the right time period/aesthetic
Camilllaaaaa :wub: I had a go at this one for you, I hope you like it! If you use it for Yuelia's sig or bio please make sure you give me credit :D

Oh it's perfect! I love it, thank you so so much! :wub:
Glad you like it!! :wub:

Request Completed & Archived

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