New Pictures!

Found on Tumblr. Had to.

I have never seen this on HNZ weird.

If you know what this is from can we please have Nerdfighter babies together? It doesn't matter if you are a female and straight, we can definitely work this out.

OMFG! I know where that is from I just can't remember. I know where I have seen that before. Stupid seizures messing with my memory. Do you need help solving it? Cause I could but it would take me a few days.
Eden Koshiba said:
OMFG! I know where that is from I just can't remember. I know where I have seen that before. Stupid seizures messing with my memory. Do you need help solving it? Cause I could but it would take me a few days.
The equation doesn't actually work. It's from a book by THE John Green. It calculates how romantic relationships will end.
I've read all of John Green's books, but I don't remember that equation. xD *i haz teh memory of a goldfish*
Which one is it from, Alexis?
Okay good cause I was going to sit there and try and solve it. The nerd in me was not happy when I didn't sit down and do it right away.
it was dead on here earlier

I was the anonymous.
I genuinely don't see why that needs a picture.
Come on, guys.
It happens all the time.
People have lives and they live them.
Amazing, huh?
People comment all the time in the shoutbox "a-hurr-hurr-I'm the only member online"
So what?
What does that mean exactly?
Sooo Jessye want some?









260153_10150285405471397_593371396_9522193_618929_n.jpg made all those? :o
Were they recently made, or just stuff you've done in the past?
This is stuff I had made over the past four months. Except for the Chocolate Cake I finished that today. But its gone Kyle came home from lunch took a piece and than from there he said it "vanished" into thin air.
OMG, the Red Velvet Cupcakes and the Pumpkin thing, gosh so hungry now.
Why you gotta be so mean and torture me with sweets?! :correct:
Eden those cakes are amazing, can i have one? *reaches into computer*
seriously my stomach is starting to gurgle.
those look Amazing!! the Wedding cake is so cute :)
Stop it you guys. :shy: I wish I could do it professionally not enough money to go to school. I just watch the food channel and spent a lot of time in my aunts and godmothers kitchen when I was younger.
Omigosh, I want to eat those carrot cake cupcakes! It would be great if you could do this professionally! ^_^
Awwe thankies Pat :hug: but I'm not that good I would rather go to school and learn from a pro before I went out there and tried to put my name out there.
I dunno if I could post this here but it made me giggle xD


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