Closed New Life

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (56)
After so many years of wanting to be a mother, part of Kahurangi had worried the experience wouldn't live up to her expectations. That she would hold her daughter for the first time, and wouldn't feel the way she was supposed to, somehow. With Hinemoa sleeping soundly in her arms though, Kahurangi felt silly for ever having worried. Her daughter was perfect, and nothing else in the world could ever compare to how it felt to hold her. She had spent the weeks since her daughter's birth adjusting to life as a mother, and revelling in the unconditional love she felt just looking at the tiny face she had created, an entirely new person grown from her.

It had been difficult, if she was honest, to have other people around. Her whānau had been a little overwhelming in the first week, but the visits had finally dropped off slightly, and after a while she had felt ready to reach out to friends. It had taken a couple of owls to arrange a date, but now Kahurangi waited in the living room for her friends to arrive and meet her daughter, the front door slightly propped open so people could come straight in without knocking. As she rested on the sofa, lightly rocking Hinemoa in her arms, Kahurangi struggled to think of a single way her life could be more perfect.

((Open to all friends of Kahurangi's, if you're not sure if your character would be invited drop me a PM!))
Siobhan valued Kahurangi as a rather good friend, thankful they had met unexpectedly through a muggle sport. And she was rather excited to finally meet the woman's baby. Even though she hadn't had a biological child, she could only imagine how exciting it all was and wondered if she'd ever pursue that path someday.

As she apparated to Kahurangi's home, she quietly walked through ajar door, giving a soft knock. "Anybody awake?" she said with a laugh before noticing the baby in her friend's arms. Even though babies were generally cute, there was such a different feeling seeing your friend or someone else you know create a tiny human. "Kahurangi, she's precious. What's her name?" she asked, looking down at the baby before taking a seat nearby and glancing towards her friend.
Cyndi Kingsley was psyched! Today was the day she would finally get to meet Kahurangi's baby. It had been a while since there had been a baby born within her own family, and she was in no rush to be a grandmother so she was eager to have the opportunity to be around a baby. And see her dear friend and colleague. Cyndi had no doubt that she was mastering motherhood as easily as she seemed to master everything else.

It didn't take Cyndi long to arrive to the correct address, and she spotted someone slipping in through the door as she made her way towards the door. In a moment, she was entering the home herself, hearing the very tail end of the person's question. Cyndi gave a small wave, keeping her mouth closed, fear that she'd be too loud and scare the baby. The woman drifted closer, taking in the tiny little face. She beamed at her friend who looked like she'd been doing this forever and ever.
Elvera had been busy all morning in the kitchen. after receiving an invite to Kahurangi's baby party, she knew that she had to bring something. she had spent the morning busy making shortbreads and a shepherds pie filled with meat and all the vegetables needed in a meal for kahrangi to save and heat on days when she just didn't have the motivation to make something fo herself. Once the biscuits were cooked she had set about decorating them in a natural design that she thought suited kahurangi better than flowers or baby teddy bears or the like. before getting changed and setting off
with the platter of cookies resting atop the pie she made her way to her friends house. the door was slightly open as she walked up the drive, she lightly knocked as she opened it and let herself in so as to let her friend know she was here but not wake up the little one. "Hello" she whispered as she entered the room. andsmiledas she saw the three people inside, Kahurangi of course, Cyndi and lady she didn't know. she popped the tray down before makingherway towards the new mother. "Aww, She is gorgeous, just so perfect" she gushed admiring the baby. it was so easy to forget how small they were when they were grown up. "and how are you going with everything?" she said. her friend looked well. but she could remember how stressful those first few days weeks months years had been.
It was hard to tear her eyes away from the baby sleeping in her arms when she heard people arriving but Kahurangi managed it, beaming at the sight of Siobhan. It felt fitting, they were both starting their motherhood journeys at the same time, even if in such different ways. "We're awake." Kahurangi smiled, giving a small nod of greeting as Cyndi joined them. "She's just had a nap and a feed, so she's ready to meet some new people." Kahurangi explained, propping up the baby in her arms slightly so she was more visible, tiny face peeking through a comfortable swaddling blanket. "Her name is Hinemoa." She explained gently as Elvera joined them, smiling to the other woman in greeting. "After the story of Hinemoa and Tūtānekai." She smiled gratefully at Elvera's compliments, giving a small laugh at the woman's question. "I'm... going. I'm learning a lot as we go. Not sleeping a lot, but that just reminds me of university." She joked with a small laugh.
Monty had not seen his old friend and colleague Kahurangi in some time. It had been so long, in fact, that he had had no idea she was pregnant until he received her invitation to meet the baby. What a terrible friend he was. Anxiety told him she had only invited him to be polite, but guilt and a genuine desire to see Kahurangi compelled him to visit anyway, and by the time he arrived, he was glad that this kinder side of him had prevailed. He hesitated on the threshold, then went inside, following the sound of voices into the living room. Seeing Cyndi there, he relaxed a little. "Hello," he said, then blushed as he realised he had interrupted Kahurangi to do so. Afraid to crowd her, he lingered near the door, smiling tenderly at the tiny bundle of blankets she held close to her. There was something so pure and joyous about a new-born baby - and nothing more comforting than to see one in the arms of a loving mother.
Matt had been thrilled for Kahurangi and was glad to finally see her. He was a bit worried too, he knew how difficult it was to raise a child. Especially on your own. Matt had been with his ex-wife for the first few years of April's life, and even though Adelia had always been very busy, it had still been nice to at least have someone else there. Matt knew there were a lot of visitors, so he stayed back for now. He stood on tiptoes to catch a glimpse of the baby and beamed at the sight of her little face. He had a wrapped gift in his hands that he wanted to give Kahurangi once things quieted down a bit. He glanced at the other person who was still standing by the door. He grinned at Monty, glad to see him after so long. "Hey... how have you been doing?" He asked him quietly while keeping an eye on Kahurangi.

@Monty Pendleton
Kahurangi had been so engaged in staring down at her daughter's small face that it took her a moment to notice they had been joined by a couple more people, and when she looked up she was pleasantly surprised to see them. She hadn't see Monty in far too long, long enough that she was almost surprised he had actually come, and Matt had long been her best friend, this wouldn't have felt right without him. "Hi!" She smiled warmly at the two men, holding Hinemoa up a bit more. "You can come say hello, she won't bite. Might gum you a bit, though."
It was almost ironic, how one of Jon’s old colleagues had sent him an owl about meeting her newborn baby, right around the time that Jon was truly beginning to think about his future and whether he wanted to have children one day. But as coincidental as the timing was, Jon appreciated being invited and looked forward to seeing Kahurangi since the last time they hung out. He hadn’t been keeping a note of how much time had passed, although did know that since he left his career as a professor at Hogwarts and sought Kahurangi out for advice and instruction on teaching in the muggle world, it had definitely been a little while since they last spoke in person. It had been long enough at least, that he couldn’t help but feel a little awkward as he arrived to her home with a plushie Kereru in his hands, although he tried to hide it as he knocked on the door before walking in quietly.

Jon first noticed more of his old colleagues in the sitting room, including someone he didn’t know at all, before he realized one of the old colleagues in the room was Monty. He paused for a moment, his gaze darting to the floor as he was reminded of the fact he hadn’t talked to Monty in far too long. Jon had been avoiding checking up on Monty because he hadn’t wanted to confront his own grief over what happened to Olive, and it hadn’t fully hit him how long it had been, and how awful of a friend he must have been if this was the first time he was seeing Monty since Olive passed away. Jon was overwhelmed, but soon shook his head to focus on the present and why he was there in the first place. It was only after pulling himself together did Jon approach Kahurangi, a smile appearing on his face as he noticed the baby she was holding. He couldn’t help but gasp excitedly, the pitch of his voice becoming higher as he walked closer. “Oh wow, she’s so tiny.” He admitted, caught a bit off guard by how small the baby was. “I got this for you,” Jon then quickly added, offering the plushie Kereru to Kahurangi and holding out his arms. “Can I hold her?” He asked, wanting to properly meet the bundle of joy for the first time.​
Kahurangi beamed when she looked up and saw Jon had joined them, pleased to see her former colleague again. It had been far too long since she had caught up with Jon, and she beamed as he approached. "Oh you didn't have to, thank you so much!" She said warmly, accepting the gift with one hand. She wanted to look it over more closely but was quickly distracted by Jon's question. "Of course! Come here, I'll show you how." She stood up and handed Hinemoa over, carefully arranging his arms so her neck was properly supported. "There we go, you've got her..."

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