New Firsties

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Kayla Sheridan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey Guys ^_^

So pictured above is Kayla Sheridan. A newly sorted first year Gryffindor! I haven't had a first year in a long time so it's almost like starting again which is fun! Anyways back to Kayla here. Originally from Florida , Kayla now lives in New Zealand with her Mam. Her Dad who was a wizard died when she was very young and this had affected her life in lots of ways. Most importantly it is the main reason she is so excited to attend Hogwarts as she wants to feel closer to her Dad who also attended there. She loves to perform. It was what she spent most of her life doing before she got her acceptance letter. She is very unassuming however. She can be shy and quiet when she first meets someone but she warms rather quickly to others. She doesn't like to be alone much, she prefers the company of others. She is extremely loyal and would do anything for her friends. She wants to experience the world which leads to her exploring. She wouldn't mind breaking a few rules if it meant she got to experience something new. That being said, she does respect the rules and wouldn't make a habit of breaking them. I suppose what I'd like for her is friends. A best friend would be nice to, a boy or girl. Kayla is comfortable around everyone really. Since she has a history of being bullied,I could see something happening there if anyone was interested. Obviously she is too young at the moment to think about dating or anything but I'm open to ideas for her future loove life!
Anyways, I hope there is something there for someone xD The link to her Biography is in her signature or just PM me! ^_^
Let's talk firsties.

Well there's Octavian, as yet unsorted but the two did have a brief encounter before school so might be nice for them to bump into each other and become friends. Octavian is friendly adventurous, Quidditch mad (we're talking, talking her ear off mad). He'd be the kind of friend to drag her into the forest, get her lost, lose her some points then ask her why she's always frowning at him. Good for a good friend, best friend, potential future love interest, open to ideas.

Then there's my other first year Liam Adams. He is a similar position to Kayla, he grew up with his muggle dad in LA not knowing that his mum was a witch until he got his letter and it forced his dad to spill the beans, he's proud to be following in her footsteps at Hogwarts. Although half blood he is essentially muggle born in that he was raised by a muggle, all his home comforts stem from electricity and he will struggle to adapt at first but once he settles he will fall into his jock like persona. He is sport mad, back home he surfed, skated, played basketball the works so I see him taking up Quidditch within his next couple of years. He's loyal, friendly, a little reserved around new people and new places but once he's comfortable he really busts out of his shell. Anyway, same as Octavian he's good for a friend, best friend, potential love interest.

As you can see one is more developed than the other. If you want to keep your her best friend out of the love interest zone I'm totally good with that too. I'm open to ideas, let me know what you think.
I have Lilyanna if you're looking for someone who could perhaps be an enemy :r She's not a very likeable person but we can try and put something together if you like, or we could just wing it xD

There's also Eleanor who is Lilyanna's twin sister. She likes exploring and breaking rules just like Kayla so perhaps they could get up to some mischief together? :shifty:
Thanks for replying guys ^_^

Octavian and Kayla
I think these two could be really could friends. It would be nice for Kayla to even kind of know someone at the beginning and I can see them being possibly best friends? Breaking rules sounds fun and she'd go along with it! And initiating adventures as well.

Liam and Kayla
They have similar back rounds and seem kind of similar personality wise. They could become good friends I think and I see Kayla possibly falling for him in la future but we can see how things go? Rp with the two of them and see which one suits better, if you like?

Lilyanna and Kayla
Since the bullying she really has a thing against bullies and would try and intervene if she saw it happening xD And she herself would try and stand up for herself so they could easily become enemies! I'm sure we can find something to play with there!

Eleanor and Kayla

Yes I like the sound of that, that will be fun
! :cool:
Yay, I'm so happy you agree :woot:

Did you want to start an RP with them together or separate? We can start the RP once everyone is sorted or if you wanted to start one earlier we could maybe start one somewhere like the Hogwarts Express.
Octavian and Kayla

I like this, I reckon Octavian could get Kayla into trouble and that could be fun. I reckon they could be best friends. As fellow Gryffindors there in a perfect position to be best friends.

Liam and Kayla

Yes they will most likely bond over their shared past. Maybe if things go well between them romance could blossom. Maybe Kayla falls for Liam a little quicker than Liam does for her, I dunno just a thought.

I can offer you Zared to be a bully towards Kayla, he would definitely dislike her, and would probably say snide comments and tell her to get lost and stuff. He's not too outwardly mean he likes peace and quiet and doesn't like people apart from the guy he met on the train, so they would be enemies, but I can offer him up as a sort of bully to her and as enemies.
Other than that, I have Ares who could be a friend, he would love seeing her preform a lot, so he would encourage to do it, and he would love spending time with her if she was singing and dancing, he'd join in too, but Ares' head sits int he cloud and he'd tell her stories about how famous she was going to be, about how amazing she would be, I'm not sure how good friends they might be, but we can RP it out and see?

Let me know what you think of both of this!
So I have Lennon here who I think can be a good fit for your character!! His dad also died, but it was before he was born, and he came to HNZ like his dad to try and get to know more about him too! This is not something he really likes to talk about but I think he and Kayla can open up to each other about this!!

He's also somewhat shy in the sense that he doesn't really go out and seek adventure even though he really wants to experience new things. So I think Kayla can drag him along to whatever mischief she gets in to and he would definitely go along, but he won't be initiating the adventures himself first for a while. He's pretty much up for anything except Quidditch cuz that's how his dad died so now he's kinda scared to play & his twin sister would pretty much disown him if he even tried to fly. XD

But yeah, I think they would be good for each other!! ^_^
Sure, why don't we start with Lilyanna first and see how that goes and then with Eleanor? I don't mind , the early one could be fun!

Yaay, sounds perfect! We can get that up whenever!
Thats a good idea ^_^ She would be stuck between wanting to tell him and not wanting to ruin their friendship(plus the embarrassment)

I like it.She would probably take the comments on the chin at the beginning but as it persists she would confront him. Ask whats his problem and yeah they would very much be enemies then.
Well she would love it if someone took an interest in her performing. She loves to just sing and all that jazz so if someone shared that interest she would automatically warm to them. We can and see what happens!

Ooh fun. They could bond over the fact they both want to feel closer to their father. Kayla likes to be friends with most people and in this case she would make it her mission to help him to live a little on the wild side . I agree they would be good for each other. They could become very good friends!
Kayla Sheridan said:

I like it.She would probably take the comments on the chin at the beginning but as it persists she would confront him. Ask whats his problem and yeah they would very much be enemies then.
Well she would love it if someone took an interest in her performing. She loves to just sing and all that jazz so if someone shared that interest she would automatically warm to them. We can and see what happens!
I am game for both of this!
We can start one now and then start the other later in the year? Which would you prefer to begin now?
Puurf! I'd say break her in gently xD So maybe with Ares?
Sounds good! Do you want to start it or shall I?
I'll probably have some time tomorrow, even this evening, so I can if that suits?
That suits fine!
Oh wow, sorry this took me a while xD

Yeah let's do one with Lilyanna first and then Eleanor. Would you like to start it or should I?
You're grand! xD
Would you mind starting pleasee?
Ok cool. So shall I start something for Octavian and Kayla and can you do one for Kayla and Liam.
Here it is! Tell me if anything needs to be changed ^_^
I have Bryony Woods to offer for Kayla. I can see them becoming quite good friends although Kayla might be a bit much for Bry sometimes because she is quite the introvert and gets exhausted when interacting with energetic and talkative people for too long xD Bryony is kind, friendly and sweet and like Kayla she is loyal to her friends and does like exploring, I can see them bonding by exploring the castle together, what do you think?
That's perfect, I'll get to it soon!

Bryony and Kayla
Ooh sounds fun, they could definitely become friends have a few adventures. Would you like to start or will I? ^_^
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