Closed Never Leave My Side

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
Ainsley almost couldn't fathom how fast time seemed to move these days. Days blurred into weeks blurred into months, and somehow years were beginning to pass her by as well. She almost hadn't caught the date in time, with all the different things going on in their lives. Today was a very special day though, and Ainsley had made preparations to celebrate. It had been a year now since they had moved into their little flat in Obsidian Harbour, a year that had positively flown by. Though part of Ainsley had been terrified of leaving home for good, the move had felt right as soon as she got here. After sharing a room with Amber for so many years at Hogwarts, moving in together had felt more like coming home than leaving it. They had spent the year making the little flat their own, working out a balance for their very different decor styles and finding routines to spend time together amidst their busy work schedules. It had been a year of learning and growing, and it was one Ainsley was proud to have come out of even more in love with Amber than at the beginning.

This was a milestone that deserved celebrating. With an entire shop to manage, Amber had much longer work hours than Ainsley did nowadays. Which left plenty of time. Ainsley had put on nice music, an old singer they both had a taste for, and taken some time to make one of Amber's favourite meals for dinner, using vegetables Ainsley had grown herself in the spare room. Tonight was going to be special, a celebration just for the two of them. Humming along with the music, Ainsley lit candles and set the table, waiting happily for her beloved to come home.
Amber had had a long day at work. Running gladrags was fun, but it was also very busy. The busiest time was now over, as the Hogwarts break was over, but there were wizards and witches who needed new robes every day, and Amber was happy to help them. She had noticed the EVELYN brand she was now selling in her store brought new customers to her store, which made her happy. The launch party had been a great success, and Amber was glad she could work with her old friend. The girl opened the door to the apartment she shared with Ainsley, carrying her bag. She stopped in her tracks as she heard the music, and frowned a little in confusion. "Ainsley?" She called as she headed into the living room. "What's going on?" The smell of the food then registered, and she smiled as she realized Ainsley had made her favorite meal. She hesitantly approached her girlfriend, taking in the candles and romantic atmosphere. "This is wonderful, what's the occasion?" She asked hesitantly, standing on tiptoes to kiss Ainsley on the cheek.
Stirring a saucepan on the stovetop, Ainsley's mood brightened at once at the sound of the door. "Perfect timing!" She called out, lowering the temperature and moving out of the kitchen to greet Amber properly. "Dinner is going on!" She teased, bending down a little for Amber to kiss her. She wasn't entirely surprised Amber had forgotten the anniversary with everything else she had going on, chuckling softly. "It's been a year!" Ainsley said cheerfully, gesturing to the room around them. "We moved in a year ago today. Seemed like something worth celebrating." She smiled, squeezing Amber's hand gently. "Dinner will just be a moment."
Amber smiled at the sight of Ainsley, but her smile faltered when the girl said it had been a year. For a moment, Amber wasn't sure what she meant. But then her girlfriend explained, and Amber gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in alarm. "Oh!" She said, her eyes wide. "I forgot!" She looked around the apartment again, taking it in. "Has it really been a year?" She asked her, glancing back at Ainsley with a slight frown on her face. "That... really flew by." She squeezed Ainsley's hand and smiled a little. "I can't believe you remembered, and I can't believe I didn't." She said with a slight laugh. "Thanks for being so thoughtful."
Ainsley couldn't hold back a soft giggle as she watched Amber's reaction, heart filled with warmth for the girl she had fallen for so many years ago. "It's fine!" She said quickly. "You've had so much else to worry about with the shop. Remembering anniversaries is my job." Ainsley smiled, a hint of teasing in her voice. "Anyway sit down, sit down, I'll go get dinner." Ainsley beamed and bent down to quickly kiss Amber before releasing her hand, hurrying away to the kitchen.

Once she was alone, Ainsley took a moment to just reflect as she dished up their dinner. Her life with Amber felt like something out of a fairytale, almost too good to be true. Sure, they both worked a lot, especially Amber, and there had been disagreements about decor and organisation, but overall, their lives were happy and full. Before graduation Ainsley had been terrified of the adult world, and certainly she had had difficulties adapting to it, but now, things were good. With the two plates dished she returned to the dining room, levitating the two plates and two glasses of wine with them neatly onto the table. "Ta da!" Ainsley grinned, taking a seat across from Amber.
Amber was glad that Ainsley didn't seem upset with her in the slightest. She laughed softly as she said remembering anniversaries was her job. "Oh, is that so? I'm lucky that I don't have to think about these things, then." She asked jokingly. Amber took her seat in at the table, folding her hands in her lap as she waited for Ainsley to return with the food. It felt nice to know that her girlfriend had gone through this effort for her, and she felt a warmth inside her as she returned with the plates. Amber grinned as Ainsley levitated it onto the table. "Good job... it smells delicious." She said excitedly. "It looks delicious too." She reached for Ainsley's hand immediately. "Thank you... for all of this."
Ainsley chuckled softly at Amber's comment about not having to remember things, calling out to her from the kitchen. "You still have to remember my birthday!" She teased, smiling warmly as she prepared the plates. Once she was seated at the table with all the food served she smiled warmly, squeezing Amber's hand as it took her own. "You're welcome, it was fun to prepare." She said happily, meeting Amber's eyes. "I wanted to do something nice, to remind you how much I appreciate you."
Amber grinned a little at Ainsley's comment. "Of course, I'll never forget your birthday is march fourteenth." She said, purposely getting the day a little wrong. She then winked at Ainsley to make sure she knew she was joking. Amber's stomach growled at the sight and smell of the food, and she laughed softly. "I think I'm hungrier than I thought." She said lightly. "Thank you..." She added, meeting her gaze. "I appreciate you too." She murmured. "More than I can say."
Ainsley knew Amber well enough to know she was pretending to have forgotten Ainsley's birthday, but she pulled an offended face in jest all the same, giggling when Amber winked at her. She laughed again when Amber commented about being hungry, gesturing to the food. "Eat, then!" Ainsley said brightly, picking up her own knife and fork. She smiled warmly, meeting Amber's gaze when she thanked her, heart softening. "Thank you." Ainsley said softly, setting her fork down again to touch Amber's hand briefly. There were a million things Ainsley wanted to say. That she loved Amber, that she cherished her, that she would be perfectly happy for the entire rest of their lives to go just like this, but as their eyes met, there was no need to say any of it. Ainsley knew that Amber knew, and she knew that she felt the same. They had chosen one another years ago, and there wasn't a single regret to speak of. However their lives changed, they would always involve one another.
Amber happily started eating, and squeezed Ainsley's hand. Soon, the two fell into a comfortable conversation while they ate. Amber talked about a few things happening at her job, and a few pieces of gossip she had heard flying around Obsidian Harbour. The wizarding community was tight knit, especially here. It was impossible not to know each other at least vaguely. "And I spoke to Sophie briefly as she stopped by. She's been busy working at the Daily Prophet but it's clear that she loves it. It's so strange that she now works with Noemie Vanity and sees her more often than I do, but I suppose they worked together on Hogwarts Monthly too." She said, then paused. "I mean, Noemie Snow. I suppose." She said, taking a bite of her food. "I still forget she's married..." She said, shaking her head a little. It didn't matter to her much, she was happy if Noemie was happy, but she had been sad not to be invited to a wedding. "I wonder if anyone else in our year has gotten married yet." She said quietly.

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