MuggleLink International

Olivia Havelock

Director of MuggleLink Int | Fmr HG | CO Y29
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Izzy <3)
Sexual Orientation
Izzy <3
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
MuggleLink was originally the brainchild of KR's character Theresa Barclay and was taken over by my own Olivia Havelock when she left the site and I've done nothing with it. I'm looking to change that.

What is it?
MuggleLink is a charity that assists muggleborn wizards and witches adjust to life in the magical world. This includes scholarships for buying the various things needed for first years, mentorships from older students/adults, support for muggle parents to help them understand the world their children are entering and many more services such as career advice and study support to assist muggleborn children from the moment they get the news right through to school graduation and beyond. The hope being that children who benefit from MuggleLink services then go on to become ambassadors for the charity and mentors for future muggleborn children.

What I'm looking for?
Originally founded in New Zealand to assist students entering HNZ, MuggleLink is an international charity with its headquarters in Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand and offices in the UK, France, Japan, Australia and the United States (open to any other countries not mentioned if your character wants to run it). I'm looking for characters to take up roles within the organisation and there are opportunities across all levels of the organisation from regional directors (to run the branches in individual countries), ambassadors, student mentors, Olivia's assistant (please!) and anything in between (if you're not sure and want to suggest a role for your character I'm all ears), this is pretty much a blank slate so I'm open to any and all input as to where your character might fit in.
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Hey, I have Cairo who has recently resigned as Muggle Studies professor and now living in Australia. I can totally see her running a branch in Australia. :)
She'd be perfect! She's in!
Nadia could work in communications for Mugglelink. As a former Journalist she'd know who to talk to and how to make sure Olivia has the right connections both internationally and at home.
If you're looking for someone to be a mentor/ambassador :r it's something Aine feels very strongly about, she had the muggleborn support group going at school for a while and spent the better part of 7th year and after brushing up on muggle education enough to get into muggle university, so she can also be someone to help with transitioning back to the muggle world as well as getting in to the magical world. Help people keep their options open and take whatever pathways they'd prefer.

I also have (had) Serenoa Earnshaw, he was on the Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee and was working on writing a guide/FAQs for muggleborn kids - he just went inactive cause I didn't have anything going on for him but I can reactivate him and reapp him to the Ministry for something there lol.
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Ooh maybe Olivia and Kingsley here can have a meeting of the minds as muggleborn students adjust to finding their place in the magical world post-school.
I also have January who could maybe be a junior assistant (assistant to her assistant type thing) she's pretty disillusioned with the magical world sometimes so this might put her on a better path than the scitorari
I'd like to volunteer Eoghan as someone who could benefit from such a service :r

He wants to live amongst muggles in the future while also being able to use magic in his career, so he's still trying to find a balance between the two worlds. He grew up not knowing he was magical, so things are still relatively new to him, and it takes him a little longer to understand magical concepts that he can then use in his muggle life.

If there is someone he could talk to either at school (older student?) or during the holidays, I think that would help him. He could also assist with this once he's an adult if you're still looking for ambassadors!
Can offer Demetrius as another mentor. He already has a job so I see it as a volunteer position maybe? He's a muggleborn and he'd be keen to help others who are struggling because of being muggleborn because he remembers what it was like when he didn't know what he was doing. He also has to balance magic life with non-magic life so has experience there. Would work well beside Aine as mentor as well since they're friends.

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