Meet Your Character 🤝

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
In our Character Spotlight questionnaire, we ask you whether you would like to meet your character, and often the answer is yes!! Which got us thinking... what would actually happen if you met them? So let's write it out! :party:

Would you get along? Fall in love? Annoy each other? Have a terrible misunderstanding? Where do you think you would meet them? Would they strike up a conversation with you on public transport, or would you sit them down for an interview? There are no rules here, so let your imagination run wild!!

I can't wait to see your RPs! I'm thinking it'd be pretty fun to meet my Gryffindor, Van Voclain, even though she'd probably kick me in the leg and rob me, so I'm definitely going to be writing that soon :teehee:
Violet and I would absolutely sit down for a beer or five and go out for pub trivia. :r Probably at the pub run by Serenoa, where she'd probably give me playful ribbing for ogling and I'd point out "no, he's kind of a disaster, but he's cute though".

Actually, that gives me an idea...


Camilla wasn't sure what to expect looking at the kind of run down pub off a laneway in the CBD, but wanting to make the most of her weekend in Melbourne, and seeing a sign in the window for pub trivia, she couldn't help but find herself entering the pub. There was a TV playing today's major footy game (Collingwood v Richmond - she couldn't care less) - but another TV that seemed to be playing a...Quidditch game? Okay, that was certainly weird.

An older woman with blonde hair looked directly at her, her lips curving in to a sly smile of recognition. "Oh, I know you," she said, somewhat mysteriously. "How long's it been? 15 years?" Camilla was startled, only to realize she was having an isekai moment and had probably been run over by a bus and was in a coma.

"Oh," she replied. "You're Violet, aren't you?" Camilla looked around, stunned. "Did I really just get flung 30 odd years in to the future?"

"Of course not," a younger voice piped up, and Camilla looked around to see a kid of no more than thirteen or so with a glass of lemonade (to match Violet's beer). "You're having a hyper-realistic dream. Obviously." Camilla grinned, quickly realizing who that was too.

"Hi, Aine," she replied, smirking as she went to the counter and ordered a beer. Noah gave her a nod - didn't he have anything better to do on a Saturday afternoon? "Is it sad that I'm at the point of dreaming I'm meeting you all purely because I'm desperate to have a social engagement like pub trivia again?"

All three of them looked at her and said "yes" in unison.

"Okay, you know what, that's fair." Shrugging, she sat down on a stool with the two girls, pulling a pen and notebook out of her oversized and overcrowded handbag. Aine looked at her with some disdain.

"How can you go about carrying that every day? Isn't your back going to be f- ruined?" She only barely held back a curse, much to the amusement of Violet and Camilla. They turned to her in unison, almost matching smirks on their faces.

"Too late for that!" they crowed in sync, before bursting in to laughter. Aine rolled her eyes, muttering something about crazy old ladies. Camilla gave her a sympathetic look. "No, but seriously, when you're carrying your school books, use a backpack, else you'll end up doing what I did through high school and screwing it up forever." She nodded sagely.

"Yeah, okay, whatever," Aine grumbled, playing with the rim of her glass. "I definitely have some questions about your creative decisions, by the way. And some complaints." Violet chuckled, signalling to Noah for another round. Lemonade for Aine, naturally, beers for the pair of them. Camilla sighed, knowing she must've been on some desperation to hit this point in her life, but figured she'd make the most of it anyway. Besides, she had some apologizing to do to the pair of them - for what had already come to pass for Violet, and for what would come to pass for Aine.
So, since my main account is Styx, and he is my....3rd character I've ever made, might as well see how we would react if we met each other.

- - -​

Kaitlyn, after having arrived to New Zealand despite their fear of planes and leaving the homeland, walked along the cobblestone and sees a sign that clearly reads Brightstone. 'Huh, that's weird,' Kaitlyn shrugged it off and continued walking. But they stop when they see a familiar figure. Very tall, looked like the man forever had a stick up his rear. Onyx eyes shift and they felt like their mind was penetrated. Kaitlyn knew where they were, and who they were looking at. "Oh ****."

Why did they have to make Styx a Legilimens? And a dark wizard to boot? They did not have a chance to get away as the former Head of House dragged Kaitlyn into an alley. Kaitlyn, who was responsible for his life, the very same person who had him teach for years and years and wouldn't let him kill half the school. The same person that killed his wife off, and countless others. A bright green light, and only Styx emerged from the alley, as the creator had fallen to their own creation.

- - -​

I would not survive more than 2 seconds in the same room with that guy so....
I started to think of inactive characters and how they might feel meeting a creator who abandoned them. It had me writing about meeting Bobbi Bacuzzi.


No doubt about it, Verity had absolutely, one-hundred percent, lost her mind.

The thought had followed her Stranger Than Fiction experience, sitting face to face with her creation. She might’ve jumped at the opportunity to meet Bobbi Bacuzzi once, but now looking at her from across a table, reality was hitting hard. How did she start? "Hi" Verity had never been any good at small talk, especially when she was looking at the soured and disappointed expression of someone she had created and then unintentionally abandoned, "I am sor-"

With a dismissive wave of her hand Bobbi interrupted, after all this time she did not want apologies. "Save it. I am not interested." spat Bobbi, "I have been frozen because of you, encased in white space, drifting through nothing. And you've come here to write about meeting me? There is no me, I am inactive." Her eyes narrowed with drawn down lips, Bobbi looked with hate making it difficult for Verity to maintain eye contact. Bobbi was not finished, "I am nothing because of you! You made me in to nothing, I didn't even get my Character Spotlight!" Verity had not thought of character's wanting a spotlight feature before, but this had clearly once been important to Bobbi.

Verity could not fix Bobbi's pain from across a table but hoped she could do or say something that would make a difference on some level. She waited until Bobbi had finished speaking to try explain, "I did have grand plans for you. I wanted you to be the ugly duckling who emerged the beautiful swan, I wanted your journey to be one of growth and realisation of true self. You deserved a Character Spotlight with a dedicated roleplayer to see your story through and I am sorry that I could not do that for you." Verity paused, "But please understand that it wasn't personal, just - real life happened." Real life was easily understood by people with real lives but provided no comfort to Bobbi who needed more than her creator could give. This explanation was empty to her and she did not want to hear any more of it. Bobbi stood up and left the room in silence. Never to be seen by Verity, or anyone else, again.
I may have gotten a little carried away here. that is what happens when you decide to write this on a Six-hour flight and incorporated multiple characters. and please ignore that elvera is about to break the statute of secrecy. we will assume she has a reason for it and has seen that it is the right thing to do.
featuring in order of appearance, Leigh West, Niamh Erikson, Casper Beckett (Godmod allowed by Jess) Linden Cullen, and Professor Elvera Le Fey.

Book and Brew

It was a rainy day in New Zealand. Anyone who had any sense would be inside. Probably with a cup of tea and maybe a good book. At least that was what one redhead thought as she made her way down the high street head bowed against the rain as she ducked between shops. As it dripped off the bottom of her purple raincoat leaving wet shadows on her jeans. She had not taken time off work, flown all the way to New Zealand just to waste a day sitting in the hostel she had booked into. No way. She was going to enjoy herself and explore the place damnit. A clothes shop that was fairly generic. An overpriced gift shop that had some cute nice things in but she didn’t have space in her bag for a bowl and there was no way she would be allowed to take a succulent home no matter how cute the pot was. Ahh, this next shop looked promising. A quirky independent book shop with a cafe built in, looking slightly old and forgotten with its peeling green paint and faded gold writing naming it Book and Brew between the brightly lit glass storefront on either side of it. Even if there were no books that she liked she would sit and have a drink in the hopes that the storm would ease.
A bell chimed as she stepped inside and a lady looked up from the counter. Amelia smiled and waved a greeting.
“hello. Can I help you with anything” she asked. Her accent not showing the same lilts common in new Zealand instead with the slightly posh tone of someone from ‘the south’ a silly term seeing as both northern and southern British accents were all a lot further north than where she was currently.
“Oh no I am just browsing thank you” she said heading towards one of the bookshelves where there was a display of new releases on display. Their paper backs crisp and smart on the shelves. She moved along to the next set of shelves and though a doorway into a second room where there was a section of books that she recognised from her to be read list. It seemed like she would be spending a lot of time and money in here after all. she headed back to the lady at the till whose name tag said that she was called Leigh. It reminded her of someone but she couldn’t place who. “Would I be able to order a, hmm chocolate chai, umm no an earl grey tea and one of those delicious looking carrot cakes ” she said to the lady. Leigh nodded “Of course, would you want milk with your tea and did you want me to warm the carrot cake up a little for you just to take the chill off it?” she asked. Amelia nodded for both though could tell that she didn’t seem as impressed by her choice as she was with the range of teas available maybe she was an earl grey purist who was offended by the concept of milk in earl grey or maybe she was a coffee fan. Judging by the way the cafe section was set up with a large chrome machine and bags of roasted beans gave a distinct impression that it was the latter.

She headed back into the second room as the lady prepared her tea and looked at the shelf of queer fiction books she picked a few of them off the shelf that were on her to be read list but that she didn’t own, yet. Maybe it was a good thing that she had just finished her last book one that had been recommended by several friends and while she had enjoyed it she hadn’t found it as life-changing as they had promiced. She took a selection of back to a seat ready to read the blurbs and decide which one to buy as though she wouldn’t be buying multiple. It wasn’t the initial lady who brought the tea out instead a young girl walked into the shop. She hardly looked old enough to be working her hair cut into a short bob other thin a couple of places at the front and her fairy skirt and colourful top didn’t seem to fit in with the storm outside. She put her bag and some kind of instrument box down behind the counter before picking up the loaded tray and moving carrying them towards her table a smile on her face a unusual sparkle in her eyes. “The carrot cake is my favourite. Good choice” she said putting it down. Amelia smiled at the girl “thank you” she said
The girl looked at her again. “There is something unusual about you. You are right with the purple. That is one of your colours. But there is something else. A blue and a green and even some orange somewhere. Like you can switch between identities and names when you want to” She said. Amelia was a little confused but before she could say anything the girl walk away humming to some music that she couldn’t hear.

Amelia took a sip of her tea pleased that it was actually loose-leaf and not just a bag that many cafes tended to charge for and it was a really good earl grey, with a strong fresh citrus flavour. As she drank she thought about this shop. And decided it was everything she could want in a bookshop the only thing that would make it perfect was a cat. But that was probably some health and safety issue.

The doorbell rang again and a couple of boys walked in holding hands the shorter brown-haired one muttered something to the blonde who then looked around before saying something back. It seemed that they were regular customers as the blonde girl appeared again with the sound of “casper” before she put her arms around him. “It’s been ages. I saw some of your pictures in the prophet they were beautiful. I will have to play them for you” she said her words making just as much sense to Amelia as what she had said to her. but it seemed to make sense to the boy who greeted her with a light hug back a silent something passing between him and his boyfriend. “It is good to see you sky. How is school going” he asked
the girl shrugged “Same as always. The art club is going fine. I miss having you leading it” she said. She looked at the two boys. “Do you want your usual, hot chocolate and a flat white” she asked them the brunette shook his head. “Sorry Sky we are just passing through. Maybe on the way back” he said. Something with that struck Amelia as weird he was pretty sure that her name tag had said a different name on it. Something Irish. Niamh perhaps. The boys vanished into the back room and Amelia continued to read the blurbs trying to decide between one thousand doors of January and the house on the cerulean sea “have you finished with your plate?” Came a voice from behind her. The first lady was standing behind her with a tray. Amelia looked at her and nodded hardly realising that she had already finished the cake, she refilled her cup using what was left in the teapot. “Yes thank you it was delicious. And thanks for warming it. It is never as good fresh from the fridge” she said. The lady seemed to genuinely smile this time not judging her for her order. So it must have been the tea she had something against. “They are both good choices.” Amelia smiled and nodded. “I know I really enjoyed once and future witches, and one of my good friends recommended that one and I trust his judgement she said. “Thank you for the tea and cake. I might look a little further before I decide, do you have any recommendations?” she asked. The lady looked at the pile and pointed to one with a person on the front “that one was funny if you want a memoire. Or the song of achilles if you like myths” she said. Amelia smiled and nodded “thank you, yes my friend recommended that one too” she said. Getting up and picking up the small pile she may as well put the others back. The shop keeper chuckled. “If he is a local I think I know who you mean, he is a bit of a regular here I think he has read most of that section” she said but before she could continue the question and confirm is her friend really was the regular she had stepped into the back room.

Amelia looked at the shelf slotting a few back from where they came. Before she realised there was something off. The room was empty. Which was how it had been when she had been in there before. But she had seen the two boys walk in here. And there were no other doors. Just shelves and a wall with a painting of an old-style street on it. Amelia picked up one of the books on display. One that appeared to be set in some kind of Arthurian times. She leant against the wall and read the blurb and smiled. “well he is obviously this world’s merlin” she said her thoughts cut short as she fell backwards.

“What the hell”
she said as she sat up the cobblestones uncomfortable beneath her. In front of her was a wall with a mural of a bookshop painted on it. She looked up and down the street. It was not like the street she had left. For starters it was not raining. Secondly, there were items for sale that she had never seen before. Instruments that looked like they belonged in a museum not shiny and new in a shop were on display in the nearest shop to her. She slowly got to her feet and started to walk along the street. Stopping in front of each of the windows and looking in each one. The first held broomsticks that seemed like they would be useless for sweeping. The next had large leather books she would have to go back there once she worked out where she was. The next shop was called an apothecary. The window display was nothing she had ever seen in a pharmacy. Not medicines, not makeup or even gifts but jars containing all sorts of squishy things and plants. The next shop was a pet shop. There were cats like most places, but also a lot of owls and rats and there were some animals she had never seen before. But the brown haired boy from before was inside.She was about to go into the shop and talk to the boy when a lady stopped next to her. “Are you alright, you seem confused” she asked.
Amelia just looked at her. She was hard to pin down. She had long dark hair that seemed to just be showing the first flecks of going grey, less than amelia’s was when she had forgotten to dye it but a few silver strands that stood out clearly against the black and she must be at least a decade younger than this lady. She was also dressed in a style that was something between a teacher, victorian or earlier, and a witch. A weird mix but she was able to make it seem normal. But the thing that caught amelia’s attention was her eyes one a silvery grey which on its own would have been noteworthy. But the other was a remarkable violet. Amelia pulled her eyes away with difficulty and forced herself not to comment on them. She was sure the lady had enough people staring at them. In some cultures, people with different colours eyes could see ghosts and angels, and in other cultures they can see the future and past she thought to herself not that she was going to say anything. “Hey have you seen a ghost, or can’t you see the future” seemed like terrible ways to start conversation, especially if you are lost and looking for a way home. Instead, she smiled a little sheepishly. “Could you tell me how to get back to the bookshop” she asked?

The lady looked at her for a long second, or rather seemed to look right through her, or into her. Before she seemed to focus on reality. “The book shop? Flourish and Blotts? It is just a few doors that way” she said pointing down the street to the shop she had just passed. “No not that one, the one with the cafe” she clarified. “Oh Book and Brew, that is the same way, just a little further along. You haven’t been here before have you?” She asked Amelia shook her head. “No, was it that obvious where am I? I was walking in the rain went to a cool bookshop and now I am here” the lady chuckled. “If you made it through the wall you must have magic in your blood, even if you don’t know it yet you belong here. And you will find that out very soon” she said before actually answering the question. “This is obsidian Harbour, our, your communities New Zealand hub”. She said.
this lead to more questions than answers. “But there was nowhere marked that on the map. And it was raining before and I wasn’t that close to the sea” she continued trying to fit things in her mind as other questions popped in such as what community has its hub in a harbour, clearly they arent sailers or importers
“The bookshop you were in was in Dunedin. But now we are on the north Island” she said as though teleportation was the obvious answer to a change in weather. “Have you ever done things that you never thought were possible, known things you shouldn’t know”. Amelia thought for a second. “Yes sometimes but coincidences happen” she said. The lady smiled softly. The kind of smile that you give someone who you know is wrong but don’t know how to tell them that. “Before you go back I should show you around. But now you have been here you have to swear not to tell anyone about it. The statute of secrecy is at satke” she said as they rounded a corner and an actual harbour lay before them.

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