Meet the Family

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Finally nearly finished with all of the cooking that needed to be done, Cyndi Kingsley rushed up to her room to get dressed. They were having a small party, just for family and a few friends, nothing major at all, and even though the guests were set to begin arriving in twenty minutes or less, she was still walking around in a pair of leggings and a tank top. Eleanor looked adorable in her red dress as she sat in her room playing with her stuffed animals. As Cyndi peeked into the doorway, she seemed to be playing school with them. It was a huge subject of conversation in the Kingsley house, especially with Jacob set to start school the next year. No doubt he was still hounding his brother with questions about the castle and his friends and his girlfriend. "Boys, can you please get dressed? Don't you want to look nice for your girlfriend, Noah?" she said as she continued by without waiting for a response, hoping that would get the results that she knew mentioning that Aunt Kiera and Aunt Kat were coming by would not. He didn't care about impressing them as much as he did about impressing Evelyn.

Moving quickly after that, it wasn't too long before Cyndi sat at her vanity, her dress on as she quickly applied some makeup, chatting away to her husband. "I can't wait to see Kat. I bet she's showing by now...remind me to make a salad when we go back downstairs, mmkay? Oh Merlin, did I tell you about the..." she prattled on. Lifting her gaze, Cyndi looked at Cameron through the mirror and stopped talking as she took a moment to admire the man. They'd been together for nineteen years now, which was hard to believe. What was harder to believe was that Cyndi did not think she had ever been more in love with her husband than she was in this moment as she watched him get ready. She returned to her work, grabbing a bottle of perfume, and clearing the frog in her throat before she continued to chatter on. Kat and Kiera and their families were able to floo directly into the house though their other guests would have to ring the bell. It wasn't long before she heard a murmur downstairs that could only mean that their family had begun to arrive. It was confirmed when she heard Ellie yelling for her brothers to wait for her. "Zip me up, Cam?" she asked as she stood up, her back to her husband as she lifted her hair so it wouldn't get caught.
Cameron Kingsley had cleared his schedule as much as he could for the holidays. He wanted to spend time with his family especially during the holidays. It was always a difficult time for his sister with the anniversary of her first husband's disappearance. His term as Minister would be over before he knew it, and even though he would miss it, Cam knew his family would be much happier to have him around more. He was straightening his tie in the mirror as his wife talked to him about the evening. He smiled at her, glancing her way. She was busy putting on make up, but he could hear the excitement in her voice. Cameron knew it was the excitement at their family gathering together for the evening. Truly, he was a lucky man because his wife loved his sisters as much as he did. Of course, it helped that Cyndi had been best friends with Kiera during their school days. It was through Kiera that Cameron had first met his wife, and he would be eternally grateful for that. He was an intelligent man, and he knew he would be lost without this wonderful, loving, caring, adoring woman in front of him.

It was easy for Cameron to get lost in his thoughts. His attention was brought back to the present as Cyndi asked him to zip her up. Gently, he brushed a few strands of her hair out of the way before zipping up the dress. It wasn't too often that he got quiet moments alone with his wife. Even now he could hear his sisters' voices and the children all talking excitedly. Cameron wrapped his arms around Cyndi's waist, giving her a tight squeeze. "I love you. I don't tell you that enough, but I do." he said, kissing her cheek. "Let's go before one of my obnoxious sisters comes to find us." he teased lightly. In truth, Cameron was very interested in the evening ahead of them. He wanted to meet this Evelyn that Noah was dating, particularly since Cyndi seemed to dislike her so much. Cam reached for Cyndi's hand before leading her out of the room and downstairs to the excitement.
Noah was sitting in the room with his brother and sister, watching her play with her dolls while Jake pestered him with a thousand questions. He was a little too anxious to meet Evelyn, and Noah was hoping to keep him from bothering her with a million questions. Just then, Cyndi stuck her head in asking them to go get dressed. Noah nudged his little brother as he got up off the bed and went to his closet. He took off his old t-shirt and slipped on a blue button down shirt that matched the precise color of his eyes. He was just buttoning the last button when he heard many voices downstairs. It had to be his aunts, and Evelyn would be arriving any moment. The Slytherin boy quickly headed down to talk to Link and Lyra. He would be begging them to be on their best behavior in front of Evelyn.
Jacob actually really liked playing school with Eleanor, especially when he got to be the teacher but today he had other things on his mind. "Noah, can we show Evelyn the gnomes"he whispered the last part not wanting his mother to hear, "In the backyard?" He'd noticed them this morning and had counted 3 so far, though he hoped there were more. Just then she popped into the room and he jumped, but she hadn't seemed to have heard. Jacob followed Noah and then turned into his own room to change, his shirt neatly pressed on his bed. Mom had chosen his shirt for him, but it was blue kind of like Noah's so he was happy. He's just finished up when he heard downstairs suddenly get very crowded and he ran out of his room and down the stairs, shouting for his cousin, Jemma. He jumped the last two steps and skidded into the room. "Hi Aunt Kiera, Hi Aunt Kat. Hi. Hi. Hi" he continued to say hello and quickly hug everyone else before grabbing hold of Jemma's hand. "C'mon. I gotta show you something" ]he said as he tugged her away. "Noah says we have to behave today. For Evelyn "he finished in a sing-song voice.
Evelyn had never been more nervous in her life before. And she hated this feeling, it wasn't something she ever had felt. She had chosen her oufit weeks before, because she wanted things to be perfect and so should she be. She wasn't gonna pretend to be something else, because if something was real it was her. She expected others to be their true self too. Nobody should ever pretend to be something else or be something they are not. The blonde felt in her stomach that she was nervous and she wished it would go away. She was sure it would when she saw Noah again. She was nervous but was looking forward to this moment also, she dreamed of this and she got what she wanted. She wasn't sure how Kingsley would act and would look, she would get a close look at her head of houses home and family. But the most exciting thing was to meet the Minister of Magic. Even her mother showed some interest for the first time in her life, but her father was the most excited. He wanted to know everything and hoped to meet the man himself one day.

When she was dropped of by the house, she looked at it and wanted to see the inside as soon as possible. The blonde knocked at the door and looked inside her tiny mirror for the lastest check up. She quickly made sure her lipstick was fine and sighted deeply before the door went open. She wasn't sure who would open the door or if they would have staff for it. She was raised with a lot of luxuary so housekeeping wasn't strange for her. But perhaps this family didn't liked that or had no intention for it. Evelyn waited nervous until the door was opened.
Kiera had begged and pleaded and threatened her children to get them ready in time to leave for Cyndi and Cameron's. Lyra had been her biggest challenge today. The girl had returned from the Cades' Christmas party that morning and she wouldn't talk about it at all. Jemma had been her easiest since she jumped at the opportunity to see Jacob. Link had surprisingly been the last one on her radar today which probably meant she should watch him particularly closely at dinner. Kiera and her children all used floo powder to get to the Kingsley residence. Cameron had made it impossible for anyone to apparate to their house, and very few people had the ability to floo into the house. Strictly family. Kiera looked around the living room, not seeing Cyndi or Cameron, but she could hear the children clamoring down the stairs as her other sister arrived with her little family. She noticed Jemma and Jacob slip off as she heard the doorbell ring though it seemed no one else heard it. Cyndi was busy talking to Kat and Cameron seemed to be answering an owl at the moment, so Kiera took it upon herself to answer the door.

When Kiera opened the door, she saw a blonde girl standing in front of her. "You must be Noah's girlfriend, Evelyn. I'm Kiera Potter, his aunt. Best come in and meet the rest of our family." she said cheerfully. She led the girl into the living room where it seemed the entire family had gathered, save Jemma and Jacob. "Look who I found." the petite brunette said brightly.
The blonde felt stupid for being nervous about it. Why should she be nervous she was confident and pleased with how her live was turning out for her until now. Evelyn wasn't sure who would open the door. If they had some people who worked in their house or would Noah be the one? Or would Professor Kingsley it. And how did she get to call her head of house now? A lot of confusions were going inside of her head, but when the door opened and Evelyn saw a face she didn't knew she smiled. Evelyn wanted to open her mouth to say something but the woman introduced herself as Kiera Potter. When the blonde heard the last name she figured it would be the aunt and the mother of Lyra and Link. The woman sounded friendly and Evelyn returned with a smile. '' Hello! Yes I am Evelyn Manning. '' The blonde stepped inside and shaked the hand of the woman to introduce herself. '' Nice to meet you. I can't wait to meet the rest of your family.'' The blonde took out her coat and walked with Kiera to the living room. When the blonde entered she noticed some several people. Evelyn directly saw Noah and got a smile on her face. She also noticed her head of house and figured the man next to her would be the minister. Evelyn smiled and mostly focused on her boyfriend.
Cyndi narrowed her eyes as she watched Jemma and Jacob slip by even as she listened to Kat speak about her pregnancy. The redhead was absolutely glowing. It was the sort of thing that made Cyndi wonder if she and Cam should have just one more. That and the suit he was wearing this evening. They'd spoken about more children, but they were just so busy, Cameron especially and their children were getting older and older.

As the doorbell rang, Cyndi was reminded just how old. All of the family was inside so it could only be one person at the door. As Evelyn was escorted in by Kiera, Cyndi finished her conversation with Kat and then excused herself. She couldn't be a poor hostess. "Hello Evelyn. How was your trip?" She turned her head, looking at her husband as he finished up with the owl at his side. "Cam, hon, come meet your son's " she paused, the word sticking in her throat for a moment, "girlfriend."

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