Meet Aroha.

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Aroha Jennings

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Greetings all--
I'm looking for a kind, funloving Gryff [3rd year or 4th year please] to become an aquaintance of Aroha. Coz of limited time, they need to not mind me being slow to reply, and need to write more than 4 line posts.
So, more about Aroha:
--she's sweet and brave, sometimes she has a tendency to brood over stuff in her life.
[more coming soon- I can't move my hand.]
i have Briar Rowan, a 2nd year gryf. she is quite bold and outgoing. but she is kind and gun loveing.
i also dont often reply very quickly so i wont mind people being slow back.
i also have elvera a 5th year raven, i you would rarther someone older
Briar sounds good, I think Aroha has met her before. I'm busy this weekend, but maybe Tuesday I can get something done, maybe start a topic? That might be mon for you, not sure. Unless you want to start and PM me a link.
I'll start if you want commonroom okay?
if you want someone else as well, I can offer Sidda.
She's really energetic, outgoing and adventurous. She's protective and feisty - she'll always stand up for her friends of just the underdog. She's brave and loud, but can be very caring and gentle, if she's around shy/timid people or people who couldn't handle that kind of energy. She might be good for stopping Aroha brooding and cheering her up.

I don't mind the waits, I'm on a bit sporadically myself. And I usually write more than 4 lines, it's only on really rare occasions that I don't. If I don't have enough to say, I try to think of more before I post.

What you think? She's younger than you said you wanted, will that be a problem? if it is, just say, i don't mind.
I don't mind at all, Siddalee sounds good :)
oh yeah. I shall post nooow. :woot:
Ceara!!!! Okay, shall I start something and get Bitty onto it?
Okay! Yay, I has a excited now. Can you start something? I can reply tomorrow night.
I have Jenn Wilkonson who may get along with Ahora or might not. I'll give you options.

1. Jenn's twin brother had cancer, if she knew about Ahora she might be protective of her and then befriend her because of this.

2. Jenn's twin brother had cancer, if she knew this abut Ahora she might avoid her at all costs because it reminds her of what broke her family to bits and then slowly grow to hate her for the condition that Ahora has no control over.
Wow, I'ma getting a lot of replies.

Alexis; I'm thinking option 2 would be entertaining, Aroha already hates herself for her condition and how it's tearing people up. She does, however, hate sympathy, so in a weird way she would enjoy that someone wasn't talking in that horrible pitying voice ^_^ also, it's Aroha (swapping 'round the R and H). Means love in maori ;)

Catty; I'll get onto it nowwww :woot:
Zomg completely lost track and forgot about this.

Alexis; coolness! So, shall I start a topic or do you want to?
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