Man not the right way to greet

He smiled and looked away."Im serious it was nothing."
He walked behind her."I wonder when our parents will be her."He said wrapping his arms around her.
Max heard the doorbell, "coming" she yelled, giving Chris a long kiss and then moving her hands to his chest, "you better get a shirt" she said, smiling at him.
Chris smiled and siad"You know you don't want me to."He kissed her. The doorbell rang again.He sighed and said "Fine."Running to the room he sliped on his shirt.
Max walkes to the door shaking her head when she opened it up Chris's dad stood there, "oh um are you lost sir?" she said, max saw the guy checkign her out but before she could say anything chris comes out of the room dressed.
Chris walked out of the room and noticed his dad checking out his girl and yelled."Dad what are you doing don't look at her like that."He walked to Max wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the neck then whispered in her ear."Sorry he's always been like this since mom died."
Max got a weird look, "ok oh hello mr. Rock" she said, turning her head to kiss Chris on the lips who still was tickling her.
Chris allowed Max to kiss him smiling he said "Hey dad come in."He move toward the couch. He wispered Max's ear "Sorry about my really boys will be boys."
Max smiled, "at least i know he likes me" she whispered back, giving him another kiss.
Chris allowed her to kiss him he said to her "Look I'd rather not make out in front of my dad."The door bell rang. "Think it's your mom?"he asked holding her tightly.
Max smiled, "no i think it the boogy man no it might be my mom and lets not make out in front of her." she said, going to answer the door and getting a huge hug from her mom who stopped when she seen Chris's dad, "darling he's a little to old" she said, then looked to see chris and blushed, "yeah mom that not chris that is" Max said and went over to kiss and gave him a kiss on the cheek while pretending to whisper something.
Chris stood up and walked over to Max's mom and shook her hand."Pleased to meet you Mrs.Ride."he said.
max smiled as her mom looked surprised, "um mom and mr. rock i'm sorry but you'll be sharing the guest bedroom" she said, both of them looked at each other and then walked that way both saying they wanted to sleep so when they were gone Max looked at chris, "chris come here" seh said, puling him close.
Chris looked confused "Okay....."he said "Do you really want your mom sharing a room with my dad.."he asked.
Max smiled, "it don't worry they will be find" she said, pulling him and kissing him.
Chris allowed her to kiss him he said "It's not that I don't turst your mom I just don't trust my dad."He layed his head on her lap.
Max smiled, "so my mom can take care of herself but if you want my mom can have our room and i sleep on the floor and you on hte couch" she said, giving him a look.
He smiled and kissed her "Well we could share the couch."He said then winked.
Max smiled, "oh your not impliying anything are you?" she asked, giggling and kissing him harder.
He smiled kissing her harder "Maybe I am maybe I'm not."He said. He heard a sound from the guest room."I think we should check on them their old no telling what happened.
As they walked and opened the door they saw both of their parents kiss together, "mom, what the world" Max yelled, then stomped out of the house and right to the lake where Chris had showed her.
Chris followed to the lake he saw her laying there on the rocks her eyes closed as if to calm down. He walked beside her then layed down placing his head beside hers. ''Are you okay?''he asked.
Max opened her eyes and looked at him, "she does this all the time" she said, staring at the lake.
Chris rolled over and was on top of her but not laying on her."She does what my dad does this all the time I learned to control my emotions about it though."He said kissing her on the mouth.

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