Man not the right way to greet

Max smiled, "yeah" she said, kissing him and then taking off his shirt.
He allowed her to take off his shirt."You know we can't do much in plain sight."he said.
Max shook her head, "who said i wanted to do that right now i want to swim with you" she said, giving him a kiss.
He smiled and kissed her again he stood up helping her up he slid of her shirt and shorts."Okay that sounds like fun."he said kissing her again.
max smiled, "one two three" she said, jumping off and going under swimming around a bit then coming back up and not seeing chris.
Chris had slid of his pants then jumped in he hid under water and swam towards Max he wraped his legs around her waist. He brought his head out of the water."Did you think I was drowing." he said kissing her hard.
Max jumped, "chris oh" she said, kissing him back and smiling , "no just thought you were a shark" she said, giving him another kiss.
Chris smiled "A shark?"he asked."You ever heard of skinny diping?''he asked smiling.
max shook her head, " if we did that i be tempted to do something else" she said, running a hand along his chest.
He smiled "Thats not what I was thinking of. I've never done it I just wonder how it would feel."He said then kissed her.
Chris got out and pulled of his boxer. "Kowabunga,"he siad jumping in the water.
Max giggled, "yeah" she said, looking around and giggling as she wondered where he was again.
Chris swam under water for a while then came up."You know it's kinda weird."he siad kissing her.
Max jumped then kissed him, "what is?" she asked, giggling at him and trying to look everywhere else then him.
Chris smiled and noticed her looking away from him and he swam around her. Then kissed her on the neck.
Chris moved closer to her. "You know what. You should try it." He siad moving closer he kissed her on the lips.
Max thought about it, "hmm i don't know i'll need help" she said, giving him a look and moving closer.
Chris kissed Max "I told you it felt weird."he siad getting closer to her.

About an hour later.

Chris smiled "It geting late you think we should go home or sleep out here?"He asked puting his pants on.
Max smiled, "yeah i think we should just go home and sleep" she said, kissing him and throwing her tanktop and pants on and then grabbign her panties and bra.

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