Love Pentagon?!

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Samual Kaster

Father of 2 | Retired Auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've done this because lately I have been getting PMs and PMing people for roleplays, it's crazy! Anyway, it's late, and as you all know, I go a little nuts when it's late hours and I've had a far bit of sugar. So this is what my crazy brain cooked up:

Love Pentagon! :woot:
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So basically, five characters like eachother, or four characters are all crushing on one person. This is a spur of the moment plot I just thought up and it would be nice if I didn't have to do it all myself, because that would be awkward just roleplaying a love pentagon by myself :r
Anyway, I would be happy to put forward any of my Hogwarts New Zealand characters, but that's the requirement, they have to be attending Hogwarts New Zealand. I have a 6th year, 5th year, four 4th years, and two 1st years, depending on what character list we get, we can decide on the age range, because it would be a little strange if a bunch of seventh years crushed on a first year or something, so it would be nice if they were all vaguely around the same age.

So yeah, I just thought that this would be fun to try, since there are love triangles and stuff, and love square sounds too boring, a love pentagon was the next best thing :r and I know there is not that much information, but that's why we can iron out the kinks together ^_^



This does not have to be anything permanate either, so if your character has a final or something, don't worry, the character involved in this can all walk away with no ending commitments, or they can, it's up to you, the roleplayer, after we decide on the characters for this, and it's fine if you want more than one of your characters involved, just try to remember that other people might want to do this too ;)
Hey Tenilee
I have two fourth years,a second year and a First year that I could offer?
Mojo Jojo
Hey MojoJojo!

That's brilliant, let's wait for more replies so we can weed out the kiddies that are not suitable ;)
Only have two firsties... (They're my only characters).... And I guess you already know them both....


That's just fine, all that does is maybe cuts out my Sixth year, don't worry though, we'll all think of something. This is going to be hilarious ^_^
Tenilee!! :) :)

I have four fourth years.. but I don't think Fayt would fit in, so I'll offer Sophia, Ryuuji, and errr... Maria?? Then I have only one foist year to offer.. which is Raziel.. though he's 4D..

~Raze :r
I thought Raze had another First Year... I think a Slytherin??? What happened to that one???
I should probably have told you who they were :r
Ryan and Star Moon-the two fourth years
Damien Blade-second year
Amelia Jane-First year
Okay that's a good idea, let's list all the little kiddies we're willing to throw in shall we?

Tamalia Kaster, Gryffindor Sixth year, Female.
Grace Raven, Gryffindor Fifth year, Female.
Samual Kaster, Gryffidnor Fourth year, Male.
Drew Handler, Hufflepuff Fourth year, Male.
Justin Kuya, Slytherin Fourth year, Male.
Andy Hydran, Ravenclaw Fourth year, Male. But with him it would have to be very very unique circumstances if he is going to like someone, so he's sort of on the list, but not really.
Jeremiah Raven, Gryffindor First year, Male.
Deme Aurelious, Ravenclaw First year, Male.

There they all are, if you don't know them, check out their bios or CD's ^_^
I'll list mine too, though, I guess you know them already.. :r

Maria Leingod, Slytherin, fourth Year
Sophia Leingod, Hufflepuff, fourth year
Ryuuji Tsukino, Ravenclaw, fourth year
Raziel Kim, Ravenclaw, first year

Marga: the other first year that you're talking about is already tied with Sally's character.. :r
I'll list mine to go with the flow....

Ai Edogawa - First Year, Female
Conan Edogawa -First Year, Male

Raze: Now, I know.... :p
Okay guys, I think it's safe to say that I should cut out some of my older characters, considering the age range ;)

Tamalia Kaster, Gryffindor Sixth year, Female.
Grace Raven, Gryffindor Fifth year, Female.

Samual Kaster, Gryffidnor Fourth year, Male.
Drew Handler, Hufflepuff Fourth year, Male.
Justin Kuya, Slytherin Fourth year, Male.
Andy Hydran, Ravenclaw Fourth year, Male. But with him it would have to be very very unique circumstances if he is going to like someone, so he's sort of on the list, but not really.
Jeremiah Raven, Gryffindor First year, Male.
Deme Aurelious, Ravenclaw First year, Male.

Which leaves me with no females, but no worries :p
We'll see, Mojo, we'll see. So does everyone know who they'll vaguely put in? I'm going to shorten my list once more as I have further thought about it and their personalities ;)

Tamalia Kaster, Gryffindor Sixth year, Female.
Grace Raven, Gryffindor Fifth year, Female.

Samual Kaster, Gryffidnor Fourth year, Male.
Drew Handler, Hufflepuff Fourth year, Male.
Justin Kuya, Slytherin Fourth year, Male.
Andy Hydran, Ravenclaw Fourth year, Male. But with him it would have to be very very unique circumstances if he is going to like someone, so he's sort of on the list, but not really.
Jeremiah Raven, Gryffindor First year, Male.
Deme Aurelious, Ravenclaw First year, Male.
You have to draw me a diagram of this when you figure it out. :p
I can toss in my Fourth Yeah Lola Caracola for a dash of spice before she get with Beauxbaton.
Nick: Yeah :tut: I'll get right on it :p because we all know how much I love making tables... maybe I'll give it to Mia to make :r

Anyway I suppose it's safe to say that we don't need anymore Roleplayers, as I'm quite sure between Ana, Margaretta, Raze, MojoJojo and Myself, we'll have enough, now to decide who of our characters. Unless someone really wants to make a love hexagon :p but I think we'll stop it at that, because then we might as well add the entire school if it goes any further than six characters.

I'm thinking I'll put forth Samual Kaster as my final decision. ^_^ =))
Justin Kuya said:
Nick: Yeah :tut: I'll get right on it :p because we all know how much I love making tables... maybe I'll give it to Mia to make :r
:p there will be no more tables in werewolf since a. it got confusing and b. I got lynched
Making Tables is one way for me to keep track of things and to not study. I could make one, but you will have to send me lists of who likes who.
So you'll actually do it for meh? :wub: Because I didn't vote to lynch you? :D
Like I said I need the lists. but other than that I will have a go. it is one way to not study :r
Okay, once everyone has their finalised character, we'll all put in some info of our characters, or redirect to bios/Detailed CD's and we'll work something out, then I'll PM you all the stuff you need to know :wub:
why do i feel like I have just walked into something that I may end up regretting. oh well. how complicated can it be? #famous last words.
five people that is a maximum of 20 relationships but I am guessing that everyone will have gender preferences so there will be less than that.
Yes, and not everyone will be crushing on everyone, unless it turns out that way, which it probably will not. Some people might be crushed on my multiple people, we'll have to wait and see ;)
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