Lotsa plots!

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Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
Heeey I forgot to do one of these last year but I finally have characters in every year and I wanna PLOT! I've included all of my chars and they all need Stuff so hit me up!


Ainsley Lynch

Ainsley is pretty sorted for most things but she can always use more friends! She's running the Wild Patch club now, so I'm also super keen to hear any plots related to that.​


Lizzie Taylor

Lizzie had a pretty rough breakup at the end of last year but she's bouncing back and throwing herself even more into Quidditch (if that was even possible) so any Quidditch related plots would be great. She's also always keen for new friends, and I have no romantic plots for her going forward so that's open too! (Ladies only, of course)​


October Alcott

October is looking forward to a more relaxed year this year, and more time to focus on her hobbies. She could use more friends as always, and I don't have any romantic plans past her current relationship at the moment. She's really throwing herself into her ballet this year, so if any younger students would like a tutor she'd be happy to help them out, and if anyone needs a Ravenclaw prefect for plots she's available :)


Harley Tsuji

Harley is actually pretty sorted, but if you ever need someone to cause havoc and mayhem, she's your gal. I'd always be happy for more friends (or enemies) for her!​


Vivian Brackenstall

Vivian is a bit of a mess right now, trying to be someone he's not. He has some romantic stuff planned for this year, but could always use more casual flings afterwards. (Guys only, and keep in mind he'll also still be dating Tristan the whole time.) He doesn't really have any friends of his own at all right now, so a friend would be welcome too maybe.​


Kauri Tipene

Kauri is SUPER EXCITED to have been made a prefect, and head of Brotherhood, so he's really hype for this year! He always wants more friends, and I'd be open to enemies as well (his perkiness has to get annoying sometimes :p) I have some romantic stuff on the horizon for him but the timeline isn't concrete so if anyone wants to talk romance plots I'm open to that too! He's also always around to help out younger students with any problems in life or study :)


Caro Taylor

Caro's trying to break out of her place as Lizzie's Boring Sister right now, but she's not having a ton of luck. She doesn't have many friends, and could always use more. There's a small romance in her future, but I'd be open to talk about more serious romantic plots! (Guys only)​


Zoe Tsuji

Zoe is mostly sorted for most things, though she could always use more friends. It'd actually be pretty funny to rp her getting bullied at some point too. She's pretty weird and would probably make an easy target. She's spoken for romantically.​


Edmund Westwick

Edmund's life is a huge mess right now, and he's somewhat on the warpath. He could use some friends who aren't his brother, but he's an absolute nightmare to be around right now, and is far more likely to cause a huge fight than anything else.​


Charlie Madison

Charlie is pretty reserved, so plotting friendships with her is a bit complicated because it would take her a long time to warm up to people, but I'm totally open to new friends. Enemies are also a definite possibility, it doesn't take a lot to get on Charlie's bad side.​


Dominique Malone

Domi is a self-centered nightmare and she's up for anything. She has two BFFs but she can always use more friends (or enemies. most likely enemies. she's awful) If you need a bully, Domi's your gal. I don't really have any long-term plans for her so anything is welcome!​


Acacia Dunn

Acacia an absolute sweetheart, and I need to do more with her. She spent her first two years at Hogwarts depressed and homesick, and I'm really keen for her to settle in more and start making some friends. She's lovely and dedicated to making the people around her happy. She would make a great friend for anyone who needs it.​


William Kaimarama

William is extremely insecure, and tries his best to hide it behind humour. He's especially freaked out because his sister is joining him at school this year, and she's always been cooler and more popular than him. He could use more "friends", though he's the type to pick on the people he likes to make himself seem more important.​


Emily Madison

Emily is a well-meaning busybody, and could use more friends whose lives she can get completely involved in. She's friendly and sweet to most, but has some unresolved anger issues that could boil up if anything nasty comes up in her life. I don't really have much of anything planned for her so everything is welcome!​


Nell Wright

Nell is obnoxiously curious, and eager to know everything about her new home and the new people around her. If your character can handle endless endless questions she could use them as a friend, though at this stage I feel like she's more likely to unwittingly be making enemies. Either way, I'm really keen to plot with her!​


Clifton Ward

Clifton is the firstie I have the least ideas for thus far, so I'm really keen to brainstorm stuff for him. He's a big goofball, and doesn't have the best internal sensor for when a joke is appropriate or not. He's funny and nice, which could make him friends, but a bit rude and inconsiderate, which could make him enemies. Basically, anything goes with him!​


Blake Irons

Blake was a last minute sort, but I'm really excited about him. He's a Sports Bro, and always down to take things to the EXTREME. He's very charismatic, and used to getting away with everything. He could use plenty of friends, but he's definitely the type to make a few enemies too. All in the pursuit of glory, of course.​


Kyle Alcott-Ward

Kyle is newly wed and pretty happy with his life! I'd love some more friends for him though, or pretty much anything to do really :p I've neglected him a bit in terms of actual threads so it'd be nice for him to get involved in something.​


Maria Madison

Maria's home has recently had a new addition, so she's a bit on the busy side making sure Odette settles in well. She's still the counsellor at HNZ though, so if anyone has any plots that require a character seeking counselling, hit me up! I'd love for Maria to have some more friends too, so if you'd be keen let me know! I'm not looking for a romantic relationship for her right now.​


Kahurangi Josephs

Kahurangi's starting to come out of her shell a bit more, and I'd really like her to make some more friends at work, and get closer with the ones she already has. Any plots are welcome! I'm super keen to develop Kahurangi more :)


Ruby Folsom

Ruby is very happy in her new relationship, the only thing she could really use is more friends. She's friends with a couple of other nearby shopkeepers, but I'd love for her to have a wider circle.​


Cedar Dunn

Cedar has just graduated from Ilvermorny, and moved to New Zealand so his sister has family nearby while she's at school. He's a pretty relaxed, laid back guy, and could use some new friends in his new home. He's spoken for romantically in the long term, but I'd be open to a short term fling.​


Bernard Hackney

Bernard is my Scit, who I haven't actually done anything with yet. He calls himself a Healer, but he's got some pretty... experimental ideas on what's going to help people, and what should be allowed in medicine. I have a plot for him way, way in the future, but nothing in the mean time. He's not much the type for friends, but would certainly get along with his fellow scits to a degree at least, and if anyone needs a dodgy "healer" for a plot, Bernard's your guy.​


Jason Tsuji

Jason is Harley and Zoe's older brother, and he's a squib. He's currently in muggle university studying design, and trying to come to terms with his complicated relationship with the magical world. He could really use some friends, and I'm open to the possibility of a casual relationship, though I don't think he would be looking for anything serious right away. He'd probably have some insecurities dating someone magical, which could be fun to explore!​


Efren de Leon

Efren is by far the least developed character on this list xD He's just moved to NZ last year, and doesn't really know what he wants to do with his life yet. I'm planning for him to work at the ministry once that app is back up, but other than that I need to work out his personality a bit more. Some friends would be really helpful in doing that!​

WHEN did my list get this long x_x This isn't even all my adults, I just didn't include ones who are sorted for plots right now
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Okay so i gots plots

First off we should do Acacia and Mazikeen again, they were sweet and i think given time it could super develop into something good.

Second, Caro and Norton could hang out? I mean i don't think they've ever interacted much before but he's a free spirit happy person who could help her out?
Could also do norton and kauri? they're both perky excitable people, what could possibly go wrong in such a combo.

third, if you were looking for some quidditch for Lizzie, Vader could use all the help he can get! He's a very keen learner, he wants to do things that it'll include him in things, he wants to be good at sports, and if definitely trying for it.

Fourth, i got shane ackley who joined the fourth year class, he's quite reserved about who he makes friends with, so maybe a little enemy action with charlie? He'll pretend a little but more, he'll be friendly for the sake of making friends, he'll fake the occasional smile, so maybe she can see a little through the bull and calls him out for it?

Lastly, i also got Aonghas who could be friends(ish) with any of your first years. But specifically, i wondered if you wanted to do a topic between Aonghas and Ainsley, cause Aonghas doesn't know any older students apart from his brother, but with a lot going on at home, he doesn't have anyone to talk to about it, and i wondered if maybe you'd be up for doing a little topic between them where he asks her questions and stuff?

Anyway, let me know!
Rama needs help with anger management!!!
Yaay plots :D

Acacia x Mazikeen Yesss I would definitely be keen for them to hang out again! I feel like Mazikeen would be great at pulling Acacia out of her comfort zone and helping her have fun trying new things :)

Caro x Norton I think Norton and Caro could be a really fun combination xD she tends to resent people who are on the peppy side (anyone who reminds her of Lizzie) but she's trying to make friends and become more popular, so I can see her pretending to like him at first and it maybe turning genuine after spending time with him for a while?

Kauri x Norton I would DEFINITELY be keen for Kauri and Norton to become better friends! I feel like them & April would be a terrific overly exciteable squad :p

Lizzie x Vader Lizzie would absolutely be keen to help Vader out with Quidditch! She loves teaching people and she'd really enjoy the chance to help him out :D

Charlie x Shane I love this! Charlie doesn't trust most people at first, so she'd definitely be watching him closely and wouldn't be afraid to call him on things

Ainsley x Aonghas I would definitely love this! Ainsley doesn't always understand complex social situations but she'd be happy to listen to Aonghas and help him out as much as she can.

Rama x Maria Maria would absolutely be able to help Rama with her anger! She has a lot of experience with anger management, and she'd be happy to help her out :)
Rama and Maria: I can start something for them if you'd like? Rama would most likely storm into the Hospital Wing demanding to be seen by someone?
That would be great! Maria's office is in the library though (so people can pretend they're going to study if they want to be private about seeing a counsellor) so she'd have to storm directly into Maria's office :p
Me. I'm in. We need to do more Rowan. :)

Okay, I'm starting at the top and just sorta brainstorming. Seventh Years: Sapph needs quidditch things but they always seem to fall through. Maybe her and Lizzie could practice together sometime? Sapph needs kinda an older sister sort. She really needs some sort of guidance established this year.

Sixth years: I've always thought Vivian is adorable. I have a shy first year Hufflepuff who would really like an older brother type. Maybe she could help build up his confidence? I'm not sure if you want any younger year plots but it's what I've got. XD

Fifth Years: Maybe we could have Caro and Kira meet up again? Kira really needs development. I want her to try and break out of her shell some more, so perhaps the two could get into some mischief together.

Fourth Years: If you want someone stubborn enough to be Edmunds friend, it's Ava. She'll more than likely get yelled at (a lot) but she'll still bug him and be nice and force him to acknowledge she's there. I can see her making him little presents and stuff even if he doesn't like them. As for Charlie, I have a first year who needs development. I don't know much about him yet other than that he's competitive and driven.

Third Years: I could actually use Domi to bully my Hufflepuff XD She's so sweet and quiet. Speaking of Lily, perhaps her and Acacia could be friends?

Second Years: I like William's character... I have a few vague ideas. Maybe Jasper or Lily? She's sweet and eager to make friends. She would probably be the type to always be complimenting him.

First Years: Lily and Clifton could be friends? I know I've offered her a lot, but I'm eager to build her character :) She's quiet and a bit clumsy.

Adults: Kyle could be friends with James. I'm looking for friends for him. James is very caring, meant to be the cool uncle. As for Jason Tsuji and Efren de Leon, I offer Tyra. She's my Muggle with a magical sister. She runs rhw Wolves Inn, a muggle business outside Arrowtown in New Zealand. She's 22, and she's a bubbly, sweet fashion designer.

Let me know what you think :)
That would be great! Maria's office is in the library though (so people can pretend they're going to study if they want to be private about seeing a counsellor) so she'd have to storm directly into Maria's office :p

Yay! I always thought that it would be in the Hospital Wing, but not I know. Rama will storm through the library then. xD
Hi Rowan!

I have some ideas:

Lizzie x Jacob- we had spoken about her giving Jacob some advice this year, I think. Originally, I'd been thinking about relationship advice BUT I can see him perhaps seeming pretty distracted in the first few practices without meaning to. Maybe she notices and checks in on him?

Kauri x Corrine x Tristan but you know about this one

Maria x Cyndi/Jacob - I could see Kingsley perhaps going to the counselor to see if she would speak to her son, but first she needs to realize just how angry Jacob is about everything so maybe s2? Or it might come to her attention some other way. On Tuesdays he has class with his mom followed by class with Monty so that's just a powder keg waiting to ignite for Jake.

Let me know what you think!
Yaay so many replies! :D

Lizzie x Sapphire Definitely keen for this! Lizzie would love to practice with Sapphire and help her out. She's sort of fallen into a role as the mum friend the last couple of years and she's really enjoying it, so she'd be happy to give Sapphire some guidance as well.

Vivian x your Hufflepuff I'm not 100% sure Vivian's the best role model for a younger student :lol: I'd be happy for them to interact and see how they get along but Vivian's having a big personality crisis at the moment so he'd be pretty torn on how to act around someone younger who needs a good role model.

Caro x Kira I love this! I'm pretty sure I let their last thread slip, sorry about that D: I would be super happy for them to meet again though, and to see what kind of mischief they could get up to!

Edmund x Ava I don't know how well Edmund would take to this xD He's not the type who wears down to friendship, and he'd probably just wind up making her angry in the end. We can see how they interact if you want but he's at Peak Horribleness right now so he probably won't react well :(

Domi x Lily Domi would definitely bully anyone anywhere any time for any reason so I'm absolutely keen for this!

Acacia x Lily Acacia would love to be her friend! Sounds perfect :)

William x Lily Oh man, William would be ABSOLUTELY insufferable with a friend who piles on the compliments xD I love it

Clifton x Lily That would be great! Clifton's pretty clumsy too so they can bond over being awkward ahaha

Kyle x James That sounds perfect! Kyle could use friends who are better at parenting than him :p

Jason x Tyra Could be fun! Were you thinking romantic or just a friendship? (Or start there and see how things go?)

Rama x Maria Yaaay perfect :D

Lizzie x Jacob Aah that would be great! She could ask him to hang back after a practice and chat to him then?

Kauri x Corrine x Tristan I'm very excited for this thread xD

Maria x Cyndi/Jacob Ohhh boy poor Jacob and Cyndi :( I'd definitely be happy to have Maria help out, just let me know when you want to do this :)
Lizzie x Sapphire Definitely keen for this! Lizzie would love to practice with Sapphire and help her out. She's sort of fallen into a role as the mum friend the last couple of years and she's really enjoying it, so she'd be happy to give Sapphire some guidance as well.

Vivian x your Hufflepuff I'm not 100% sure Vivian's the best role model for a younger student :lol: I'd be happy for them to interact and see how they get along but Vivian's having a big personality crisis at the moment so he'd be pretty torn on how to act around someone younger who needs a good role model.

Caro x Kira I love this! I'm pretty sure I let their last thread slip, sorry about that D: I would be super happy for them to meet again though, and to see what kind of mischief they could get up to!

Edmund x Ava I don't know how well Edmund would take to this xD He's not the type who wears down to friendship, and he'd probably just wind up making her angry in the end. We can see how they interact if you want but he's at Peak Horribleness right now so he probably won't react well :(

Domi x Lily Domi would definitely bully anyone anywhere any time for any reason so I'm absolutely keen for this!

Acacia x Lily Acacia would love to be her friend! Sounds perfect :)

William x Lily Oh man, William would be ABSOLUTELY insufferable with a friend who piles on the compliments xD I love it

Clifton x Lily That would be great! Clifton's pretty clumsy too so they can bond over being awkward ahaha

Kyle x James That sounds perfect! Kyle could use friends who are better at parenting than him :p

Jason x Tyra Could be fun! Were you thinking romantic or just a friendship? (Or start there and see how things go?)

Lizzie x Sapphire This one should probably wait for the Quidditch results to come out so we know if Sapphire is an alternate again this year.

Vivian x Lily I'd like to try this one, anyway. As I said, I adore Vivian :) Do you want to start this one?

Caro x Kira Where would they run into each other? Maybe I can start this one with Kira attempting to go into the forest alone?

Edmund x Ava Should we just say no to this one then? She would probably never get angry with him and it would just be a long cycle of her being friendly and him being mean.

Domi x Lily Maybe we should put this one off for now :) I want to involve Dapph but she's a bit busy at the moment.

Acacia x Lily Would you like to start this one? :)

William x Lily This one could be awesome. Maybe she'd hear him attempting to brag to someone that didn't care and could chime in shyly with a compliment? Either of us could start this one, though it might work better if you do.

Clifton x Lily I have the perfect idea for this one! She could trip and drop her books and he could trip on her books rushing to help her XD I can start this one.

Kyle x James Great! James is a photographer for a muggle travel magazine. He can be most anywhere. Would you like to start this one?

Jason x Tyra Tyra is actually married right now, though it's secretly arranged. They could be good friends. :) If he's coming through I can start something at the Inn.

So, my ideas is basically...

No on Edmund x Ava.

Postpone Lizzie x Sapph and Domi x Lily.

You start Vivian x Lily, Acacia x Lily, and Kyle x James.

I'll start Caro x Kira, Clifton x Lily, and Tyra x Jason.

And either you or I could start William x Lily.

Acacia x Mazikeen Yesss I would definitely be keen for them to hang out again! I feel like Mazikeen would be great at pulling Acacia out of her comfort zone and helping her have fun trying new things :)

Caro x Norton I think Norton and Caro could be a really fun combination xD she tends to resent people who are on the peppy side (anyone who reminds her of Lizzie) but she's trying to make friends and become more popular, so I can see her pretending to like him at first and it maybe turning genuine after spending time with him for a while?

Kauri x Norton I would DEFINITELY be keen for Kauri and Norton to become better friends! I feel like them & April would be a terrific overly exciteable squad :p

Lizzie x Vader Lizzie would absolutely be keen to help Vader out with Quidditch! She loves teaching people and she'd really enjoy the chance to help him out :D

Charlie x Shane I love this! Charlie doesn't trust most people at first, so she'd definitely be watching him closely and wouldn't be afraid to call him on things

Ainsley x Aonghas I would definitely love this! Ainsley doesn't always understand complex social situations but she'd be happy to listen to Aonghas and help him out as much as she can.

I could start the Aonghas one, the Shane one, the Norton with Kauri one and the mazikeen one?
Rowan! How do you think Edmund would be with Geo? She's met the twins briefly but never spoken to them properly. If he needs someone to get angry at that won't relailate and perhaps she can help him out too?
Hi Rowan!

I have a few plots to offer:
Gabriel x Lizzie: Gabriel likes Lizzie a lot and is happy with her as his captain. I would love for them to train together.
Lizzie x Elizabeth: I think they should be having fun together. It's their last year and Elizabeth is missing her boy Leo a lot so she could use some friends.
October x Beaubelle: I think they could hang out together. Beaubelle can always uses more friends, they are in the same year and house.
Beaubelle is more confident about herself than before, but she could always need someone that helps her discover her talents. I just like to see if they match.
Kauri x Gabriel: They are in the same year and Gabriel is a really excited person too (that changes when he loses with Quidditch) But Gabriel would love to hang out with Kauri.
Acacia x Athena: Athena loves making friends and is in the same year. She is serious about her studies but is always in for a good chat or do fun things together.
Clifton x Lauren: I have also a Hufflepuff first year and she loves to go on adventure. I think Lauren can handle his humor and she would love to go on adventure or do fun things or jokes together.
Maria x Sofia: And I still need to start this haha! I think this can be interesting and helpfull for Sofia.

Let me know what you think! We don't have to start anything now.
Lizzie x Jacob Aah that would be great! She could ask him to hang back after a practice and chat to him then?

Kauri x Corrine x Tristan I'm very excited for this thread xD

Maria x Cyndi/Jacob Ohhh boy poor Jacob and Cyndi :( I'd definitely be happy to have Maria help out, just let me know when you want to do this :)
Lizzie: Yes, that would work!
Kauri: I'll poke both of you guys this weekend and maybe we can figure things out a little more?
Maria: I will let you know. It might be sooner than I originally thought! :p
Oh my god so many replies :wub:

That all sounds great! I especially love the idea for Clifton and Lily, that's perfect =)) I'll try to get to starting the threads soon but I might stagger my ones a wee bit so we don't have six threads suddenly all starting at once xD
That sounds great :D So I'd be starting Lizzie and Vader and Caro and Norton? I'll try to get to those asap :)
EDIT: You replied again while I was typing this xD I'll reply to that thread asap, thanks for starting!
I don't know how well Edmund would react to Geo... I feel like he would push back against any efforts to make him feel better or fix things but we can at least throw them together and see how they interact? (He's a horrible gremlin and will probably just be horrible to her so if you'd rather not I understand) I'd like to wait a little to start it if possible though, just so I can get him a bit further in the breakup plot and have a better idea of HOW pissed off he's gonna be at the world xD
So many plots!
Lizzie x Gabriel I definitely love this, Lizzie would be happy to train with Gabriel :D

Lizzie x Elizabeth It's been ages since they've hung out, I'd be happy to do another thread with them!

October x Beaubelle That would be great! I'd love for them to interact more, I think they would get along well :)

Kauri x Gabriel I love this too, I think they would probably be good friends :D I keep meaning to make open threads for their dorm and then forgetting to do that, it's a fun group of characters but I don't think they've ever all had a thread together, I'd love to get that going sometime.

Acacia x Athena I think they would be cute friends! Acacia would probably encourage her to take her studies less seriously and have more fun :D

Clifton x Lauren Sounds great! I think they'd be good friends :)

Maria x Sofia Definitely! Feel free to start that whenever you have time and give me a nudge :)

I'm totally happy to wait on whatever threads until you have time, just let me know when you're keen to start stuff :D
Sounds great :) Just let me know when you want to start stuff and I'll be around :D And I'll chat to you and Daph this weekend then about the patrol stuff :D
Thanks for the reaction! I've posted my students also, so if you have more idea's I'm always keen for that haha!
I can start:
Gabriel x Lizzie
Clifton x Lauren
Maria x Sofia

You can start and choose which you like and the other(s) we can just do later?
That all sounds great! I especially love the idea for Clifton and Lily, that's perfect =)) I'll try to get to starting the threads soon but I might stagger my ones a wee bit so we don't have six threads suddenly all starting at once

Okay, so you pick one to start and I'll start one of mine then link you :)

Edit: Here you go. :) I tried to keep it OSW. You don't have to, I just didn't want to rant forever about how scared Kira was :p
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Yaay thanks guys :D I'll get to those asap!

Jamie would it be cool if I did the Kauri and Gabriel one as an open thread for their dorm? It'd be nice to open it up as a potential hangout for the rest of their roommates too :)
Yaay thanks guys :D I'll get to those asap!

Jamie would it be cool if I did the Kauri and Gabriel one as an open thread for their dorm? It'd be nice to open it up as a potential hangout for the rest of their roommates too :)

Sure that's fine I love open one's too!
I had a decent amount of spare time with no internet access on my break today so I got a bunch of starters done!

Jessica - Acacia x Lily (Sorry Emzies I only realised when I got home that I had set this in the same place as Maze and Acacia's thread :X )

Emzies - Caro x Norton

Jamie - October x Beaubelle
(Also excellent! I will try to get to the dorm one on the weekend then :D )
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