Lost the plot

Sofi Ayre

All I can do is be me, whoever that is.
Hello everyone! I’m going to keep this one brief because you don’t need to read all my character’s respective life stories. I’m looking for plots, roleplays, random encounters, anything really for the new school year for the following people:

Sofi Ayre, First Year
Sofi is sweet but lacking in confidence. I'm looking to gradually build her up. Looking for friends to help her along, and maybe a few adversaries to keep it interesting.

Morrie Ayre, Second Year
She doesn't want to be at Hogwarts, she's frustrated about everything and she already doesn't like you. Would you like to meet her?

Teddy Pirrip, Third Year
Fun, playful, competitive, Teddy has a heart of gold but he's also quite a wind up and enjoys playing silly pranks. I'd like a sparring partner, friends and fun stuff.

Todd Cobbler, Sixth Year
Weird but well meaning, I’d really like to break Todd out of his shell and have him make the most of his remaining time at Hogwarts. A girlfriend would be nice if any upper level girls are looking for a boyfriend to fall head over heals in love with her. Loving him back is not compulsory.

I have a centaur lurking about in the forest if you'd like to meet him, even if for no other reason than to check off one for Thread Bingo. Let me know.

Professor Cairo Keller, Lower Years Muggle Studies
She's new to teaching having joined Hogwarts mid year last year, Cairo is still finding her feet. She's available for all sorts of plots and professory things.

Let me know if you'd like to plot. I’m also available on Discord too.

Sofi x Ambrose: I have't fleshed Ambrose out too much either because he was a spur of the moment decision but I think they could be sweet together. He's very relaxed but can be clumsy and a bit awkward from time to time, very capable of saying the wrong thing. (And since she's lacking in confidence he could definitely say the wrong thing at some point and accidentally upset her if that's something you're up for )

Morrie x Summer: I feel like there's a mutual dislike there that could definitely grow some more during which Summer would very much keep trying to act all backhanded sweet

Cairo x Joseph/Leif: for Cairo I could offer either of my professors for professor thingies, :r Joseph has been teaching CoMC for a few years now and has two graduated kids, Leif has only been teaching Transfiguration for 1,5 years and is a bit younger
Sofi x Rosalind: I can offer Rosalind as a friend! Rosalind's kind, loves reading and gardening, and is all round kind and thoughtful (though she can be a bit pushy). I'd love to see how they get on.

Teddy x Lucy: I'd love to do more with them! They're a fun duo. Maybe even something simple like studying together - or an attempt at studying that goes awry.

Aside from inevitable Audrey and Teddy competitive shenanigans ("my flobberworm looks better than yours" etc) I've got:

Dahlia x Todd: my poor criminally neglected 5th year girl needs some attention (especially if it's from boys), she's been feeling sorry for herself but she's supposed to be peppy and a performer. Can't really see anything on this lasting but could be a fun diversion for a semester or so :r

Oz or Aine x Cecras: Take your pick, Oz met Aspen previously and is a sensitive kid who has an interest in woodcarving and wandlore (and has the whole part-goblin thing going on), Aine, despite everything, is actually quite caring and just and probably planning on using a bit of 'I'm an adult' leniency to check out the forest properly (part of her conquering fears). Probably leaning more to Aine than Oz myself but I can do either!

edit: if I do find a face, I may have a firstie who would probably really get amusement from setting Morrie off also :r
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@Ambrose Webb
Sofi x Ambrose: Lets grow these two together! Sofi can be very sensitive but she's got inner strength, she just doesn't know it yet. I'm happy to start something to get them introduced.
Morrie x Summer: I really enjoy the way Summer handles Morrie, I suppose by now they have been living in the same room for a year and the mutual dislike is well rooted. What do you think about a thread in the second year girls dorm to see in the new year?
Cairo x Joseph/Leif: Yes definitely, but I think we need to do some plotting! Can we focus on the other two and get the professors together later in the IC year?

@Rosalind Montgomery
Sofi x Rosalind: What a sweetheart, sounds like they will get on well. If she's pushy Sofi will initially go along with it, but it could cause tension when they get older.
Teddy x Lucy: I'd also love to do more with them! I think they bounce off each other really nicely. They'll be seeing a lot more of each other in class too. Something awry is right up Teddy's street.
Shall I start one and you start the other?

@Aine Thompson
Dahlia x Todd This could work, I'll message you.
Aine x Cecras If you're leaning more to Aine then let's do Aine. Cecras will gladly interrupt her brave venture into the forest.
Also down for anything that sets Morrie off!
Cool! I'll start the Teddy and Lucy one and get back to you once I post that.
Sofi x Ambrose: Lets grow these two together! Sofi can be very sensitive but she's got inner strength, she just doesn't know it yet. I'm happy to start something to get them introduced.
Morrie x Summer: I really enjoy the way Summer handles Morrie, I suppose by now they have been living in the same room for a year and the mutual dislike is well rooted. What do you think about a thread in the second year girls dorm to see in the new year?
Cairo x Joseph/Leif: Yes definitely, but I think we need to do some plotting! Can we focus on the other two and get the professors together later in the IC year?

Sofi x Ambrose: that would be great!

Morrie x Summer: a dorm thread sounds good, I'd be happy to get it started

Cairo x Joseph/Leif: absolutely, no worries!
Sofi x Ambrose: that would be great!

Morrie x Summer: a dorm thread sounds good, I'd be happy to get it started

Cairo x Joseph/Leif: absolutely, no worries!
Thanks, I'll send you the link once I've started Sofi x Ambrose
She doesn't want to be at Hogwarts, she's frustrated about everything and she already doesn't like you. Would you like to meet her?
I'd love more with her and Vanity, since they got on so well last year :r maybe they can be true enemies?

Todd Cobbler, Sixth Year
Weird but well meaning, I’d really like to break Todd out of his shell and have him make the most of his remaining time at Hogwarts. A girlfriend would be nice if any upper level girls are looking for a boyfriend to fall head over heals in love with her. Loving him back is not compulsory.
I also have Penelope in sixth year who dated someone last year and was pretty heartbroken by him. She could fit into a plot like this?
Hey :D

I have a second year Gryffindor, Miro, who I think could be friends with Teddy! He's a year younger than Teddy but I think they could be good friends. Miro loves pranks and is also competitive so I think they would get along for sure and I think if Miro spotted Teddy in the common room he would for sure say hello.

Let me know what you think! Do you think Miro could run into Teddy who is working on setting up a prank and help him with it?
(I was 100% waiting for group changes before doing anything). I'm happy to start something in the forest!

As for Ignatius, take your pick if you want him to set Morrie off or get bewildered and angry at Sunny. Or both. :lol:
I'd love more with her and Vanity, since they got on so well last year :r maybe they can be true enemies?

Hello! Omg yes, Morrie hates Vanity more than most, we can definitely do more with that. Jabs at the Start of year feast again to kick it off?

I also have Penelope in sixth year who dated someone last year and was pretty heartbroken by him. She could fit into a plot like this?
Todd is perfectly fine to be the rebound, any girl paying attention to him is welcome as far as he's concerned. Let's do it! I can start something for this, unless you would like to?

Hey :D

I have a second year Gryffindor, Miro, who I think could be friends with Teddy! He's a year younger than Teddy but I think they could be good friends. Miro loves pranks and is also competitive so I think they would get along for sure and I think if Miro spotted Teddy in the common room he would for sure say hello.

Let me know what you think! Do you think Miro could run into Teddy who is working on setting up a prank and help him with it?

Hey Anna, yay Miro and Teddy sound like similar people who bonce off each other nicely. Actually, Teddy could use someone like him to help with revenge for a prank that was played on Teddy. I can start something in the common room to get them started if you're keen.:)

(I was 100% waiting for group changes before doing anything). I'm happy to start something in the forest!

As for Ignatius, take your pick if you want him to set Morrie off or get bewildered and angry at Sunny. Or both. :lol:
Ignatius x Sunny please! ☀️ I can start that one as you're doing the forest.
Hey Anna, yay Miro and Teddy sound like similar people who bonce off each other nicely. Actually, Teddy could use someone like him to help with revenge for a prank that was played on Teddy. I can start something in the common room to get them started if you're keen.:)
Sounds great! PM me the link once it's posted and I'll reply as soon as i can :D
Hiii Verity!! I know I'm a bit late, but I hope you're open for some plots!!

I would loveee to do more Teddy and Marley threads! I always love their threads together!! I can offer her for anything you need for Teddy, especially if you need a pranking partner of sorts or anything else!! Pretty much open to do more threads/plots with these two!!!

For Sofi I'm happy to offer my firstie, Thomas! He's very introverted and shy, wont say much in the first interaction but over time within that first interaction, he'll eventually warm up to you, but he's very shy hehe!

Those are my thoughts at the moment! Feel free to decline any offers if you'd like! No rush or anything hehe!
A little late to the party but I figure I’d throw a couple things out there!

Sofi x Naveen: What happens when two aggressively shy firsties meet? lol Always down for throwing first years together. Maybe he could be trying to find his sister but runs into Sofi and we can see how it goes from there?

Teddy x Santiago: These two have interacted a bit and I'd love to throw them together again. Santiago is not the easiest person to befriend, and while I think he appreciates Teddy as a teammate there energies are so different I think they are destined to clash.

Ceras x Ethan: Ethan has practically been living in the forest since first year and is a little bitter he has yet to run into any creatures out there so I would love for him to finally get caught by someone out there. He has a little shelter/club house he's been working on since first year so I imagine it's quite something at this point, could be fun if Ceras finds it as Ethan arrives or something like that?

Cairo x Yvonne: Always down for professor things if you just wand to throw them together. Yvonne's been at Hogwarts a while now but she still feels a bit like a newbie compared to her tower-mate. She is very social and loves gossip so is always up for a chat.
Todd is perfectly fine to be the rebound, any girl paying attention to him is welcome as far as he's concerned. Let's do it! I can start something for this, unless you would like to?
Sorry for responding so late, I would love it if you started something!
Yay more plots!

@Samantha Jacobs

Hey! I'm always keen for Teddy x Marley. I've got my eye on the skipping thread so he might pop into that one with Marley and Lucy.

Since starting this, I've made a new character, Sunny Day, who might be a better fit for Thomas. She's kind of a lot, very friendly but subtly very judging. I think she could bring him out of his shell a bit. We could start something with them and see how it goes if you're keen?

@Poppy Perkins okay I've picked my two favourite, not to say I'm not down for all of them, but four is a lot and these two I'm most interested in at the moment:

Teddy x Santiago: I'm totally down for this, they've interacted at the various events and training but have never actually worked out if they are friends or not. Perhaps an interaction away from Quidditch in the common room or around the castle some place?

Ceras x Ethan: Yep I'm up for that, if you get started, my centaur will find him. How far into the forest is the hideout though?

@Amber Chou Wilson It's on my list :)
okay I've picked my two favourite, not to say I'm not down for all of them, but four is a lot and these two I'm most interested in at the moment:

Teddy x Santiago: I'm totally down for this, they've interacted at the various events and training but have never actually worked out if they are friends or not. Perhaps an interaction away from Quidditch in the common room or around the castle some place?

Ceras x Ethan: Yep I'm up for that, if you get started, my centaur will find him. How far into the forest is the hideout though?
Perfect! 👌

Common room would work! I don't think Santiago hangs out there that much (this could be a reminder to why haha). His more regular haunts are probably more secluded areas or outside. But I'm open to anything! What ever strikes inspiration!

I can definitely start something for Ceras and Ethan! I imagine it's not terribly far in the forest maybe a 5/10 minute walk. He loves the forest but isn't THAT brave haha.
Yay more plots!

@Samantha Jacobs

Hey! I'm always keen for Teddy x Marley. I've got my eye on the skipping thread so he might pop into that one with Marley and Lucy.

Since starting this, I've made a new character, Sunny Day, who might be a better fit for Thomas. She's kind of a lot, very friendly but subtly very judging. I think she could bring him out of his shell a bit. We could start something with them and see how it goes if you're keen?
Oooo yess sounds good!! Feel free to if you'd like!! But I'm always up for Teddy and Marley threads in general as well hehe!

Oh! If you reckon Sunny is a better fit for Thomas, I'd be interested to see what the pair are like together and see how it goes! Would you like for me to start something, or shall i?
I'm here, hi!

Sofi and Tanith are roomies, could bond as shy besties?

Morrie and Zaros: That seemed like a fun something or the other?

I couldn't reply without saying Amodeus and Teddy.

Mallory is going to have some big news this semester if you want her and Cairo to be buddies?

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