Closed Lost Boy

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
It said a lot about the situation that Zennon was no longer sure entirely where Jake hung out. It had been far to long between chats and he had a ridiculous amount of things to tell his best friend now. Between Jake's Captaincy and Zennon's Prefect duties, last year had just been impossible. They'd had quick chats between class and such, but he'd been splitting his time between Sam and his Prefect Duties, and considering he'd never been great with time management, finding the time for anything else had been almost completely impossible. Now he was Headboy and he hoped a little more reliable when it came to time (certainly Analei would keep him on his toes) he hoped he would find himself more able to manage his time evenly. Of course it had all come at the completely wrong time, pretty much like everything always did. They say these things came in threes of course. Zennon hadn't really wanted to be head boy. He thought he'd gotten away, clearly Professor Alicastell had a lot more faith in him than he had in himself. Lately he'd been flashing back more and more to his first conversation with Analei in first year, when they'd met and he'd made it pretty clear he never wanted to be a Prefect. Times had certainly changed and most of it wasn't for the better. He tried not to think about everything he no longer had, but it was difficult to do. How was he supposed to just be a head boy to these people? It was impossible. He'd lost so much, even his confidence in himself. He figured he could find Jake on the pitch, he knew tryouts usually happened around now, though he wasn't sure if they were now, later, or if they'd been yesterday. Time meant little to him these days, it seemed to move too quickly and not quick enough. As if three months ago was only yesterday or maybe a year ago. It was all muddled. He wasn't much in Jake's life anymore and Jake wasn't in his, he didn't even know what Jake didn't know anymore. He just needed to see him, that was all. He could go back to avoiding him later, right now he wasn't thinking about the strange feelings he got whenever he saw Jake. Best leave that behind. He just needed his friend to know what was happening in his life... and to apologise for missing his party too.​
Jacob spotted Zennon as he walked across the pitch. He hadn't been practicing, tryouts were later that day though, but he had been checking to see if the rest of the pitch schedule had been posted yet. Jacob had rushed to hand in his paperwork and was now just waiting. So it was quite the surprise, a pleasant one, to see the Head Boy. To say that Jacob hadn't been surprised at the news would be a lie. He'd been quite surprised, though when he had thought about it more, he realized that was pretty silly. His surprise was only based on the Zennon he knew, which to be quite honest, was a Zennon of the past, apparently. The Zennon who'd become Head Boy was clearly a stranger of sorts though not a stranger at the same time. It was an odd sort of thing to consider.

Jacob still reached out and invited Zennon to his party, but the guy hadn't shown up. It wasn't so much that Jacob had expected everyone to show up, but he sort of had hoped it would happen. It was a big day for him, and he'd been looking to share it with all of his friends. Jacob didn't know what it meant that Zennon hadn't shown up. Perhaps he'd just outgrown their friendship. The title that Zennon held was small proof of that. Jacob had never been considered for prefect, rightly so. He usually stayed just on the side of following rules and that was mostly because of quidditch. And though some of his friends were prefects, he didn't usually go out of his way to befriend that crowd. "So...Head Boy, huh?" Jacob asked, hands stuffed in his pockets as he drew closer.
Zennon wasn't quite sure what he was even going to say to Jake. So much had happened in the last year that he found it hard to concentrate on the last good memory he had, or of the last time he'd even spoken to his best friend. Could he still consider Jake his best friend since they hadn't spoken in what felt like a hundred years? He noticed Jake out of the corner of his eyes and headed over to him. There was a natural and pretty fair awkwardness in the air between them. How could there not be when so much had changed for the both of them. The fact that Zennon had never thought he'd become prefect, let alone headboy, felt strange and though he had become both of those things, he found it hard to think back to the eleven year old he had been, when he'd first met Jake. He certainly wasn't the same person, even if he hadn't realised how much he'd changed in the last seven years and definitely more so in the last few months than the last seven years combined. "Yeah," he said, as Jake greeted him with something pretty typical. As far as greetings go, it wasn't bad. It wasn't like he expected Jake to run up and hug him or whatever, that wasn't the type of friendship they had after all. If this had been Analei, he would have assumed, but with Jake, this was mostly it. Though they hadn't had a really proper conversation since he'd first revealed his abilities to Jake. He wasn't sure who was at fault for that, no one probably, but it was what it was. "Still trying to wrap my head around it to be honest," he said, shrugging. He didn't want things to be awkward, but they were and he was trying to his best to not be, but considering part of the reason he'd come to see Jake was to apologise and explain, he didn't really know where to start. "Never thought I'd end up here, six years later, thought I'd done enough to knock it out, but I must be more trusted than I realised." He was sure Professor Styx's tutoring lessons had something to do with it. Not that he wanted to admit he'd asked for extra help. "How are you?"
Jacob smirked at Zennon's comment. Seven years ago, Jacob wouldn't have pegged Zennon for Head Boy.
"Nah, you were always good at keeping me from getting into too much trouble. Should've known" he chuckled. Zennon had always made Jacob want to be a better person than he was.

"I've been alright. It's my last year as captain so I have this last chance to get the team just right" he said by way of explaining why he was on the pitch in his regular clothes. "Tryouts are tonight" he added. Jacob had never liked being considered a jock. He knew it came with the territory of being a captain, but there was more to him than that. "Can you believe we're seventh years?" he asked, giving a small shake of his head. He could easily remember Zennon from when they were younger and now this Zennon who looked similar but also quite different. "Time really does fly." Jacob had always found breaks incredibly slow and that lessons dragged but it seemed in almost a blink he'd she'd seven years. "Before we know it, it'll be graduation" he continued on that train of thought for a moment more.

"Listen to me, being all nostalgic. Never thought that would be me. Anyway, how have you been? Any cool perks to being Head Boy?" he asked with a grin.

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