Looking for friends *edited*

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Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
Hi! I'm trying to get back into the swing of rp things, and some friends (or possibly enemies) for Ainsley would be much appreciated!

Ainsley's grown up very isolated from society, and she doesn't have any real experience socialising with people her own age, beyond what she's read in books. She's very curious and imaginative, and given that she's just had confirmation of something she always thought was imaginary being real (magic) she's in a bit of an odd place where she's no longer sure what else is not only the realm of fantasy. She asks a lot of questions (which could annoy some people) and is prone to tangents of thought and long rambling speeches in the middle of conversation. She doesn't have a lot of practice acknowledging or understanding the feelings of others, so can be somewhat insensitive at times, and tends to think of herself ultimately as the main character of her own story.

I'm looking for any sort of interactions for her, friendly or not so, and it'd be nice to possibly get a couple of long-term friends for her, though they'd have to be the kind of people with a high tolerance for the strange and daydreamy.

EDIT (dunno if im supposed to edit this or make a new post but WHATEV ill play it safe)

I'm still looking for people for Ainsley, but also for Lizzie Taylor!

Lizzie is a Gryffindor firstie, with sports in her veins and adventure in her heart. She grew up at the ski lodge her family runs, skiing and flying all day with her dad, and making friends with the kids passing through the lodge at night. Running a tourist destination she's never really had many permanent friends before, but she's very good at making friends quickly, and making people feel at ease. She doesn't like to sit still or do the same thing for long, always looking for something new and exciting to do.

I'm looking for any kind of people for her, friends or enemies or anything inbetween, but in particular it'd be really nice for her to have a couple of close friends in her year... (she's met a few people already she's getting along well with...)
Hey Rowan I have Aaron Walden to be honest I'm not sure how well they would get on because Aaron has a short temper and is quite lowkey so with Ainsley asking lots of questions he may get annoyed xD I mean they could get along though. Aaron is always up for fun and he is quite playful when he wants to be but can also appear to be distant and cold because he has his guard up. He is quite observant and will notice everything so he can read people quite well. As they both can be quite insensitive could make for an interesting RP xD

Let me know what you think/if you have any ideas.
Aaah that sounds like they could definitely have some interesting interactions, I think Ainsley wouldn't know quite how to react to someone like that... I think it would be fun to just start a rp with no specific aim and see how the characters bounce off each other :)
Great! Would you like to start it or shall I?
Bumping cause I'm still looking for people for Ainsley, but the info about Lizzie is all new :3

(dunno if this is how I shoulda gone about this but it seemed weird to make a new post while this one was still so recent :X but I didn't just wanna edit it and leave it at that cause it'd already slipped to the second page IDK im overanalysing bye :X )
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