Looking for a Wifey for Kingy

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Agreed but then there are so many options here for him :p
Steph Shirley said:
Okay, this is totally just a random thing,
but this is the funniest topic in plot and story development I've ever read;')
well maybe that's because im in an odd mood, but it really has made me grin
good luck finding love Kingy, its like a soap opera in here.
-runs away-
So true. this is the best plot line development i have ever read. too bad i dont have anyone to offer to add to the conflit. :pop:
We should do some sort of RP like The Bachelor or something for Kingy.
Leah Winters said:
We should do some sort of RP like The Bachelor or something for Kingy.
Awesome idea... :lol:

Pity Abathyn hates/wants to kill all guys, or I'd be offering her xD
Oh my! Nick you're popular!
Uhm. Zoe's actually looking right about now, too ;) .

Or Aphrodite, though her boyfriend is kinda MIA. :p
Agreed. Greatest Plot Development topic EVER :)
It should be highlighted on the Weekly or Bi-weekly update for highlighted plots... just saying :D
Too bad I'm no longer active...I think Bruin and Nick always had great chemistry!!!
Ahahhaha xD

Right, I'll offer up Lumina. ^_^
I would like to offer up Haruhi Koshiba she is the mother of Hoshi and Tohoru Koshiba and she has takein in Eden and Lilith she is looking to remarry and maybe have a few more kids or if not than Haruhi is on the market for any guy out there.
Damn you Bruin stole my spotlight xD! I was gonna offer you Link! Since he's not good at keeping a girlfriend xD!
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