Liz's Team

Liz had collected votes from everyone, and began to tally them.

Once she was done, her eyes went wide.

"So... guys, we have a tie." she laughed. "We're about as stuck as before. 2 votes for each name! And one vote for 'Die Hard'" Liz bit her lip. "I guess we're going to have to do a tie-breaker with the person who voted for die hard.... Would you please let me know your new decision?" she grinned. "In order to keep the voter anonymous, I'd like everyone to whisper something random in my ear. The voter should whisper their vote."

((you can actually PM my a whisper if you like. you don't have to though ;P I'll assume you whispered))
(((you mean the Korean symbol?)))
(((skinnyish, though not stick figure skinny and medium sized height. brunette hair thats just long enough to pull back in pony tail.)))
(((i think i threw it at Liz)))
Ford caught the quaffle, and looked over his teammates, then passed the ball to Sophia.
Sophia, who had been listening to their conversation, quite glad to not be involved, passed the quaffle to Courtney. She still seemed to be a bit on edge at this point, her expression showing this.
"haha, okay, Trix is fine with me! :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: "
Courtney caught the quaffle, then tossed it towards the center of everyone. She wanted to see who would have the initiative to get it.
After the last person whispered, Liz took the paper down from her broom.

"Alrighty! So we've come to a conclusion!" she grinned. "We're the Valkyries!"
Pungahn looked over at Liz. "do we have a team name yet or not?"
Caysi looked at Kiera and said" So Peachy you got a nick name for me name is short it is kind of hard."
Ford turned to Kiera and cocked his head, his vivid green eyes peered at his fellow chaser inquisitively.

"They don't bother me either way," he softened his dour expression as to not offend his teammate, "As long as it's not offensive or anything." He looked over to Liz as she announced their new name, "Valkyries." He said, as if accustoming himself to the name and looked at his teammates, "So, we're the Valkyries."
Kiera frowned a little. She hated that name but decided to try and make the best of it. To Caysi though she smiled. "Nope Im working on it though!" ((( what does your charater look might help...))) She smiled at Ford. "What do you think about car star? too girly?"
Liz grinned at Ford. "Yep! And since you suggested the name, would be explain a bit more about it's origins to the team?"


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