Closed Letters To and Fro

Lucy Holland

wild child🐥cheerful chook beater & co-captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2049 (14)
Hi everyone!

I miss you all so much already, but Hogwarts is AMAZING! The train ride with my friends was so fun, and I've got friends in my dorm too! I haven't talked to Grace yet, but I saw her at the feast and I'm going to have classes starting with her soon. The school is SO BIG, and I can't wait to explore properly. (And yes, Rose, I'll remember what you said about the forest ;) )

I've just gotten settled into my room so I don't have too much new stuff to talk about yet, but I wanted to write right away because I missed you. And of COURSE, to share the most important news from tonight's feast... the ROAST CARROTS were my favourite part. I know everybody's been on tenterhooks waiting to see where I would land, but finally we know now.

Okay, I'll stop teasing. Sorting was amazing! It was so exciting seeing the Great Hall for the first time and getting to hear the hat sing. And then my turn came and the hat sat down and thought...

And thought...........


And I made this letter so long so you would know how I felt! It took a HUNDRED YEARS to say anything, WAAAAAAAAAAY longer than the others! I was just sitting there while it was rummaging through my brain. I guess having all of you around made me hard to place!

But finally... I got put in.........


So Dad and Phoebe win, I love them the most out of everyone. A hat said so.

Just kidding, I love you all, and miss you lots and lots. WRITE BACK SOON!
Love, Lucy 💙
Dear Lucy,

How lovely to hear from you so quickly, your dad and I have read your letter a few times. We're so proud of you! I heard you also sent a copy of this letter to your sisters, I'm sure they appreciate it. Phoebe has been celebrating rather loudly. Diana has been very busy and she might not have time to respond, but she told me to say congratulations on her behalf.

I do want to know what Rose told you about the forest, and I will be asking her that. Please do not break the rules Lucy, the forest is dangerous and forbidden for a reason.

Your dad is also over the moon about you being in Ravenclaw. I'm proud as well, though it sounds like the hat had a lot of trouble knowing where to sort you. I don't think that had anything to do with us, darling. You're perfectly unique on your own. I hope you don't feel pressured to live up to anything your sisters did. You're going to have your own amazing time at Hogwarts. Have you made friends yet? Make sure to eat healthy.

We love you lots. We'd love to hear more about your Hogwarts adventure. We miss you!


Mum & Dad

Dang it, I now owe Phoebe 5 galleons.

Congratulations!!! I hope you have the best time!! Please tell me you didn't send the thing about the forest to mum, though??

Dear Lucy,

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so thrilled, clearly I've trained you well. Phoebe will be ecstatic too, no doubt. One more eagle for the flock. (I knew I was your favourite...)

Everything is well here, though the house is very quiet without you in it. At this rate I'll have to build another daughter out of your Lego just so there's someone else around making noise.

The garden is doing very well, I'm keeping an eye on your plot for you. Thought I might plant some blue flowers in there for you to enjoy when you get home.

We all miss you lots, but we're so proud of you. I hope you're having plenty of fun at school, making lots of new friends, and remembering to fit some study in between the adventures.

Love you always,

I saw the letter you sent Phoebe, so I thought I'd send my own to say congratulations. (Phoebe has plenty to say on her own, hopefully you'll get this first.)

I think you'll be really happy in Ravenclaw, I know Phoebe loved it, and it'll be a really good environment for you to ask lots of questions and get lots of support. (And Rose, Claudia, and I won't be crying that you're not in Gryffindor with us, not at all, we'll be totally fine and normal.)

Have fun, study hard, and don't be afraid to get help if you need it. (And because I know you, I won't tell you not to go into the forest, I'll tell you to wait until you know some defensive spells. Official Auror policy.)

Lots of love,
p.s. I attached some lollies to this letter to make up for the one Phoebe's sending...
Dear everyone except Phoebe,

Thank you for your nice letters!

Dear Phoebe,

People keep asking if I've had my ice cream yet, so now you HAVE to buy me some. Played yourself lol


I miss you LOADS AND LOADS. I get homesick all the time, but I know it'll get easier once I settle in more. The school is really cool though, so I've had lots to distract myself with. I've made loads of friends already, and the castle is super fun to explore. My roommates are super cool, and I'm starting to get used to sharing.

Archie is fitting in well with the other owls too, even if she's heaps smaller than them. She comes to my window every night for treats, so you had better give her some once you get this letter - it's a lot to carry when you're so small!

But the biggest news of all! I'm making waves, forging my own path, going where no Holland sister has gone before. I MADE THE QUIDDITCH TEAM! I'm only an alternate, but there's almost no first years on ANY of the other teams at ALL! I can't wait, it's gonna be so cool! I haven't managed to catch up with Grace yet, but I wanna see if I can get some tips from her to make me even cooler 💪

I still miss you guys soooooooooo much, but I'm having lots of fun settling in. Please write back soon!

Ainsley did Not write a letter to this complete stranger :)
Dear Lucy,

I'm glad to hear you're fitting in well, although now I'm concerned about what Phoebe's letter was like. Please don't make me have to tell all of your sisters off before you've even had your first Brightstone weekend.

That said, congratulations! It's a real accomplishment making it onto the team in your first year, (albeit more likely in Ravenclaw than other houses...) and you should be proud. I hope you're practicing hard, and staying safe. Which position did you wind up trying out for?

I miss you lots and lots, so I'm spoiling your owl in your stead while she's here.
Love, Dad

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