Let's Go to the Movies

"Oh I dunno, I might be able to sneak you in," she laughed. She shook her head slightly. "Little rule breakers." Only it wasn't said with any seriousness. She often spotted swimmers from her office window. As long as they were safe, she was okay with it.

Once they'd reached a clearing and the sky was all the way dark, Cecily tapped his shoulder to let him know to slow down. Making sure he was aware before she dismounted she said teasingly, "This is my stop." She slid from his back to land lightly on her feet. Sliding her feet out of her flip flops, she paused to wiggle her toes in the soft green grass then looked up at the stars. "Children of your own." She met his eyes, a smile on her face while her green eyes held a tinge of wistful sadness. "It must be wonderful, hearing about their day, having them come home for holiday with stories of their friends."
Prodan came to a full stop and he gave her a mischievous look, "I think I would much rather take you to the beach sometime rather than me going swimming in front of a bunch of teenagers." Prodan laughed, and turned to stare at her. He realized that she had no kids of her own, and Prodan felt a ping of pain. I shouldn't be rubbing it in like I have been. How could I have been so heartless? So uncaring? Am I growing to be like my father already or am I just a goof? Prodan preferred the latter. He nodded, and stared into her eyes. Prodan replied shortly, "It is." He glanced up at the stars, and he smiled to himself. His gaze went back down to hers, and he smiled once more. "Cecily, I believe this topic is giving you a bit of grief. Shall I try to lighten the mood up a bit more?" Sparkles of amusement flashed in his stormy eyes. Though he had no idea how to lighten the mood. Anything to take the sadness away.
"Seeing," she laughingly replied, "as I don't want those teenagers seeing me in my bikini, I'll have to take you up on your offer." Twin dots of colour marked her cheeks. How humiliating would that be? There were just some things kids shouldn't have to see of their superiors she thought with an inward chuckle.

He was so perceptive. She thought she hid her wistful pain well most of the times but he saw right through it. Should I tell him? No, she decided. It wasn't appropriate to a first date and also something she didn't like to admit to anyone. Hadn't it been a factor in ending her last relationship? She'd rather get passed the moment and just enjoy her time with Prodan.

Smiling into his eyes she nodded slightly. "Give it your best shot Ace," she winked.
With a laugh, he stated, "Yeah, drive all the teenage boys insane. I don't think I would like that. But what if someone walked by and saw you in a bikini? I bet those other male professors would drool." Prodan nodded, and smirked. Though he wouldn't appreciate anyone looking at Cecily in that manner, it also gave him a bit of amusement. Who would have thought that a Headmistress would ever look attractive in a bikini? There weren't many Headmistresses in the past that were remotely young.

Prodan thought for a moment, and he suggested with a sneaky twinkle in his stormy eyes, "I could easily pick you up and swing you around like a ragdoll. I think it makes people giggle when they are being spun around in the air."
The blush deepened but this time she could grin about it. He wouldn't like that? My that was telling, she thought, her grin widening. Just then she could picture in alarming detail his brother Kalif spotting her swimming. That had disaster written all over it and she made a vow never to swim on school grounds again.

Cecily's eyes widened in mock alarm. Being spun around? She raised her hands up, palms out, in front of her. "I just don't think that could ever happen," she smirked. The hand holding her flip flops opened, they dropped to the soft ground. She sized him up. "You would have to catch me."
Prodan laughed, "I think I am strong enough to handle someone as small as you." Prodan gave her a once over look on her body, and nodded, "Yeah, I could totally lift you up like I could my sister. And she is...I think a little taller than you... Though I wouldn't know unless I compared firsthand." Prodan glanced up at the sky once more, his brunette hair moving a little around his face. Prodan inquired curiously, "You want me to? And if you did try to run, I think I could catch you." Though falling over something seemed quite probable.
Cecily whistled lowly, rubbing a hand on her jaw. "Appearances are deceiving, you know." Hands on hips she nodded. "I think I'll get it started the old fashioned way." She pursed her lips, eyeing him with one eye widened more than the other. Swiping out, she touched her palm to his bare arm and took off running deeper into the woods. "Tag!" she called back gaily, her laughter following behind her.
Prodan raised an eyebrow, but when she yell tag, he knew what exactly was going on. He and Iulia played this when Asparuh wasn't home. Prodan called back, "You little cheat!" And he started off after her. His leg muscles would hate him after this. After all, he hasn't really ran in a long time. Prodan could barely see Cecily in the distance, as he pushed himself to run a bit faster. Never had he really had this much fun.
Cecily could hear him in the background. She pumped her legs harder. She hardly was ever sedentary at the school, she probably walked or jogged over seven miles a day just from tower to dungeon and so on. Slowing down, she didn't spot him and it made her cocky. With a grin she decided maybe would play a practical joke on him. Looking around at the trees, she spotted one that would make the easiest climb.

Putting her foot up, she began to lever herself up, her other foot now off the ground. We'll see whom catches whom.
His legs ached slightly in protest as he started to gain speed. Narrowing his stormy eyes, he noticed Cecily climbing a tree. He thought of his attack, and smirked. As silent as a mouse, he crept up, and while she was in the middle of climbing, he wrapped his arms around her middle, and gently pulled her off the tree. Prodan fell to the ground softly, so that he wouldn't hurt her either. Prodan gave her a wicked smile, "I think you are caught." He gave her a wink.
Cecily lifted her foot for the next branch when she was plucked from the tree with a shriek. Startled laughter turned into a fit of giggles as they went rolling to the ground. Laughing, she managed to get a hand free to push the mass of hair off her face. Green eyes bright in the moonlight, she looked up at him. He was wonderful, he was a free spirit, he was wild! She felt she'd finally found someone she could connect with, whom she could be herself.

His smile, so delightfully wicked, caught her eye. The smile fell slowly from her lips as she looked from his mouth to his eyes. "I do believe I am."
Prodan planted a tiny peck on her lips, and he smirked, "So, if my legs weren't yelling at me to stop running, I'd get up and run. What would you like to do?" Prodan was willing for anything. It shouldn't be late, right? But time usually flew when he was with her. And Prodan did not like that. He hated it when time flew by when he was having fun. He couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun with anyone. It had been years. And it felt good to act like himself again. Well, as much as he could when it was on his daily medication.
Cecily smiled, eyes flicking up to his. She raised her head and put her hand on the back of his head. Her lips brushed and pressed to his before she drew back. "Your legs are miles longer than mine, how can they be sore already?" she chuckled. She brushed his hair back from his forehead softly and shrugged. "I don't know about you but I am starving."

There was something that usually only the adults around the school and her family knew. Cecily could pack away the food. She didn't eat like a disgusting pig or something; it was just one moment her plate was piled high with food, the next it was all gone. She also was a constant snacker when time allowed. Biscuits, fruit, granola bars her mum owled to her, in the winter her cloak pockets were stuffed.
Prodan took a once over glance over his legs, and over hers, and shrugged. "Maybe it is because I am so out of shape with my legs because I generally work my upper body." Prodan laughed and he wondered something, "You don't plan on eating out this late, do you... Should I take you back through Brightstone, and have you go to the castle and get something to eat?" Prodan wasn't hungry at all. Though he usually ate only twice a day. He wasn't a very picky eater, he was just slightly paranoid about food that wasn't fixed by him. Like his dad, he was a major health freak.
Having felt his upper body strength, she could believe it. "Oh no," she groaned playfully, flinging a forearm across her eyes. "Don't tell me one of your ancestors was a camel and you've inherited the ability to store food for long periods of time?" She giggled and glanced at him, then removed her arm to drap it over his shoulder. "Prodan my dear," she began as though telling a deep, dark secret, her lips twitching in humour, "there's something you must know about me. I like to eat. Doesn't matter what it is, what time of day or generally who's kitchen it came from. I've an abnormally active metabolism," she shrugged sheepishly.

Cecily pondered his question for a moment. "I'd rather not go back to the castle--," she trailed off.
Prodan laughed as hard as he possibly could. "Oh no, my ancestors may not have been a bunch to be proud of, but I would be sure that I do not descend from camels. But I must confess," Prodan bit his lip, and glanced down. He murmured, "I am highly paranoid of other's cooking other than my own. Cecily, would you still like me if you knew I were a health freak? Because I kind of...am." Prodan glanced back up into her green eyes, and a smile decorated his lips. He breathed, "It's okay. I like a girl with a healthy appetite. You don't think you are overweight, are you? Because if you think so, then I would break my back picking you up, and I surely did not."

Prodan inquired softly, "Where would you want to go then, Cecily?"
Cecily giggled, her stomach beginning to become a bit sore from contracting so much. It was good to let go, especially with Prodan. His smile. She could look at it all day, it filled her with a breathless feeling. "Ohh," she drew out, her brow furrowing for a moment before smoothing out. "I dunno," she tsked, tugging very slightly and playfully on his ear. "I'm reminded of a muggle fairy tale; Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean." She dissolved into helpless giggles. "I am in no way obsessed with my weight and I'd like you even if you suddenly sprouted two heads."

Green eyes locked onto his. Maybe it was the moonlight dancing off his brown hair or shining in his silver eyes. Whatever it was was left her a bit spell bound. Reckless words followed. "Anywhere, so long as you're there."
Prodan played absently with her blonde hair, completely mesmerized by Cecily. Something about her made him breathless. Chemistry? Perhaps, because he had no other explanation for it. Prodan grinned, "I haven't heard that tale. Perhaps you should tell it to me one night." Prodan winked at her, and flashed his white pearly teeth. "Note to self, try a potion that will do that to test your statement." Though he thought it was be a little weird to have two heads.

Prodan smiled faintly, and he wondered aloud, "Are you sure that you want me around for a long night?" Prodan was trying to think clearly, but it seemed difficult here with Cecily. And he liked it.
She ran her fingers through his hair and didn't let herself over think things. Doubts would emerge, or those very silly thoughts; did she feed her cats, did she have duty in the morning. She shook it all off and just let herself fall forward into the night. She'd made arrangements, the day and the night were hers. No one would even miss her or expect her to get up until late morning. "It's been ages since I've stayed up simply because I could and not because someone was in trouble." She grinned slowly. "I'm very sure. Let's go."
Prodan ensured that his arm was safely around Cecily, and he smirked deviously, "Do you trust me enough to apparate you to my house then? Maybe I can cook you up something good." Prodan was an excellent chef, and had no idea where he received it from. According to the portrait of Lydia, Lydia was an excellent cook, and that was Prodan's grandmother who happened to be a little on the dark side.
Cecily pressed closer, wrapped her arms tight around his shoulders and nodded. "Away we go," she whispered, laughing softly into the air. She trusted him not to splinch her but side along from the opposite side sometimes had a bad effect on her stomach. She could only hold on and pray for the best; that is hoping she wouldn't be ill because the promise of good food had stomach growling.
Prodan smiled and apparated, being as careful as he could about not splinching either of them.
Prodan arrived in his house with Cecily in his arms. They had arrived in the living room. Prodan shrugged, "It's not much, but it is a lot better than the Zhefarovich Manor. That place gives me the chills. But I'll show you to the kitchen so I can prepare you something. Anything you prefer to have?" Prodan inquired as he led her to the kitchen. Everything was clean, and that was all Prodan. He did not own any house elves. He preferred to clean the old fashioned way. Prodan made sure that his medicine wasn't on the counter, and it was safely in one of the cabinets. He did not wish to reveal his disorder so soon. Especially as he was recovering from it.
Cecily would have swayed on her feet as the uncomfortable feeling of side-along apparition washed over her, were it not for Prodan's arms around her. Smiling gratefully she glanced around, corners of her mouth turning up at the clean and tastefully designed living room. She didn't trust herself to speak until she was safely in the kitchen, and seated upon one of the comfortable high chairs at the long L shaped counter.

"Thank Merlin," she breathed, her stomach happy once more at the promise of food. A kitchen like this, it had to have good stuff stocked in it. "Side-along doesn't agree with me most of the time. I think you have a gift because I didn't feel the urge to uh, nevermind," she grinned, color staining her cheeks. No need to be gross about throwing up in the past. "Anything is fine, I'm not picky."

"You have a lovely home." Blonde hair fell across her forehead as she turned her head to look around her. "You um said your family has a manor? Is it your father's home?"
Prodan smiled, "Okay then. I think I'll fix some pasta and some breadsticks. Maybe a little bowl of fruit for the side." Without much more words, he started to get out the pot and the pan to fix the desired food. He put water to boil, and then the frozen breadsticks in the oven. He got out some apples and pineapples along with some grapes to the counter. He summoned a bowl to him, and a knife. Luckily, only one came to him.

Catching it, he got to work on the fresh pineapple. Prodan nodded, "A few actually. The Zhefarovich Manor is the original one, and my ancestors have owned it for a long time. Though it has very high security and it is more of a haunted mansion than anything. My father and uncle live in it. Very few people are allowed there. Kalif owns a manor in Bulgaria, and one in New Zealand. It is a lot brighter than the Zhefarovich Manor. I guess it was for his youngest daughter or something."

Prodan finished cutting up the fruit, and places it elegantly in the bowl. "If you want to snack on that, you can until the pasta is done." Prodan walked back over to the boiling water, and put a box of rotini into the water and stirred it, while turning down the heat. He walked back over to the counter, and leaned against it in front of Cecily. Prodan murmured, "I couldn't take you to the Zhefarovich Manor." He rolled his eyes.
Cecily watched him cook with an efficient manner; he was obviously comfortable in the kitchen. She liked hearing him talk about his family, even the small glimpses he dared to show. It was becoming plainer to see that his home life, his family life, was one of discomfort, maybe even pain. She'd been lucky, she thought, to have loving parents who weren't selfish and loved her unconditionally. And who'd provided a home warm and filled with sunlight and living things.

Munching on a small piece of fruit, she listened and watched. She wanted to offer to help, to do something. It was on the tip of her tongue when his silver eyes were in her view again, he was facing her across the rapidly diminishing counter. Then his last words were like a dose of cold water slapped over her face. She well remembered his father and uncle, the cold, mean look to them. She had her suspicions about them and for a moment she felt the pulse of old sick fear drop into her belly. Anything to do with those cold blooded monsters, or her ex who had tortured her, made her shudder.

She controlled her responses best she could, but the utter stillness of her body wasn't something she could stop. "Why couldn't you?" Before the words could be recalled, she asked softly, her eyes not falling from his, "Is it because I'm of mixed blood?" As soon as she heard her own voice as such a stupid question she wished she could take it back.

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