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Bethany Zanders

apparation & portkey regulation committee | surfer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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Curved 13 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
9/2029 (24)
Hi guys! So I officially have all my characters sorted (a whopping 3! :p ) and situated and now that I feel I've fully integrated back onto the site, I am so ready to start RPing with them!!

Bethany Zanders, First Year Gryffindor

This is Beth. She has 5 older brothers and is raised by her dad because her mom died during childbirth, so she's definitely a bit of a tomboy. Because she's the youngest she's always trying to prove how tough she is!! She can be very stubborn and sliiiightly spoiled because she's the only girl so she's used to getting her way. But not spoiled in the material sense, because her family is actually very poor. They get by, but think Weasley family poor; it's not a secret that they struggle. Her robes are definitely faded grey and oversized because they're her youngest brother's old robes and they couldn't afford to buy her new ones, so she's a little self conscious about that. And all her books are definitely falling apart because they've gone through 5 generations before her. But besides that she grew up in a happy home and is definitely super eager to learn magic because she thinks magic is the solution to everything! She is glad her family are all wizards because without magic they'd probably be worse off financially, or at least in the sense that magic can fix so many things. Her wand is the one thing that is not a hand-me-down, it's new and all hers so she loves it very much and can't wait to start using it.

So, what I'm looking for is just friends for Beth! I want someone who will be just as eager as she is to learn magic and getting themselves into shenanigans trying to pull off some of the harder magic they haven't learned yet. I would also like a few enemies. Some good old fashioned Gryffindor vs. Slytherin enemies, someone to make fun of her impoverished status, a guy who tells her she can't play with them because as a girl wouldn't be able to keep up, that kind of stuff! I'm up for anything!

Lennon Cohen-Knight, Ravenclaw First Year</SIZE></SIZE></SIZE><i></i>

This is my boy Lennon Cohen-Knight. This poor boy is suuuper shy but he wants to break out of his shell. He's very reserved for family reasons but he's hoping coming to Hogwarts will help him branch out a little. He wants to break out, he wants to make friends and try new things, he's just afraid to put himself out there and make the first move, so someone definitely has to approach him first. Once he breaks out of that shell he is a super goofy person! He will eventually grow to be a silly, charismatic person once he lets his guard down and just relaxes and lets himself just be. Here is his bio if you want to know more about him!

What I would like for Lennon is friends who will approach him first and make him come out of his shell. Since he is dying for some adventure and new experiences, he wouldn't say no to anything. If someone said "let's go blow up the Potions classroom!" he'd hesitate but he is so desperate to make friends he'd go along with it, and probably enjoy himself too. I just want him to be unintentionally led into mischief. With that being said, he can be a bit of a pushover, so I would like some bad influences/enemies who can realize he will say yes to everything and take advantage of him, like make him do the dirty work for pranks/revenge, or just make him do humiliating things. Or, just general bad influence friends who cause his grades to slip or for him to get in detention a lot. I would like this for him to realize that he needs to make his own choices and figure out what type of person he wants to be and that'll help him grow. I would also like some friends (or non friends) to eventually pressure him into playing Quidditch with them (hella peer pressure is needed!) because he is deathly afraid of it but he doesn't want to miss out or disappoint his friends. All of this will probably cause some backlash with his twin sister Zara btw, who is super protective of him. :p

<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100">First Year Gryffindor, Marisol Woods

Last but not least is my bb, Marisol. Marisol just got her entire world turned upside down. Just a month after finding out she was a witch and was accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand, her family decided to visit the country to see what her new home would be like. She was super excited to find out she was a witch and start learning magic, partly because she felt it made her a little better than everyone else. But while on the trip she accidentally ran into a werewolf and got bitten. Thus, not only does she have to adjust to the magical world, she has to adjust to dealing with this new condition for the rest of her life. Hearing that no magic could cure her, Marisol's thoughts on magic have drastically changed and now she is feeling more resentful towards magic and doubting its abilities and usefulness.
Before she was bitten, Marisol was a very bubbly, active girl. She loves Muggle sports and learning new things, but she is also very stubborn, selfish and prideful. She is very selective of her friends and even who they hang out with as well. Coming to Hogwarts and seeing how certain people are will definitely influence her views on the Houses (for example if she meets a mean Slytherin she will think they are all that way and won't want to change her mind). She first thought that being magical set her above the rest of her friends back home, but here at Hogwarts she will see that she will actually be an underdog in a way.

I am looking for A LOT of things for Marisol, as she will be my main account. First off, since she is a Muggleborn werewolf, this presents a unique situation for the Ministry and the school staff and such. I would like to RP Marisol meeting up with Ministry members (the Minister, the Department of Magical Creatures workers, the Muggle Department, etc) to explain to her that everything has to be kept secret. I would like to RP with Healers from St. Mungo's or the school staff to explain to her what will happen monthly, check up on her, etc. It's an incurable disease you know! And also the Headmaster/mistress and Potions Professors because they will need to be aware of her situation and how she will adjust to it at a school full of potential victims. :p
Aside from adults I would like Marisol to make a few friends, she's very guarded right now so she'll be on edge and won't be her usual active self, she might be bitter and angry so it'll be hard to befriend her, but I do want someone for her to be comfortable with and let loose with since she will be stressed all the time. It'll take a long while before she'll ever admit her condition though, that takes a lot of trust. Whatever interactions Marisol has I would like for someone to be very vocally prejudice against werewolves (and Muggleborns if you want) because she is new to the magical world so she doesn't know how witches and wizards view werewolves yet! It can be a friend who is prejudice against werewolves, because that will cause a conflict between their friendship, etc. Once she finds out she will feel even more alienated and bitter towards the wizarding world. Her resentment will make her an unpleasant person to be around for a while so making a few enemies along the way would probably happen. Just general displeasantness, maybe Marisol will speak up about werewolves and their argument will get them on each other's bad list. Maybe someone will make fun of her lack of magical talent (her wand is made for those who are resilient but take a while to bond with their master because they need to feel a connection/loyalty, so with her disheartened attitude about magic, that'll take her a while, thus her wand won't perform at its best).
And of course if there are any other werewolves out there who would like to RP I would love to!! She is the baby werewolf so she'll need help & guidance and perhaps you were the one who bit her?! Who knows! I am so ready to plot & RP! :)

So yeah! As for love interests, I haven't planned any of that out because they are too young to care, but if you have any ideas for a final or just an in-between time waster, let me know! I haven't even decided what orientation any of my characters are because I just let them go with the flow lol.
So those are my 3 characters, if you feel like you have someone to offer for them, please let me know!! I'm still sorting out my female character's bios but expect them within the next few days if you want to know more info on them! :)
I'm sure Hemi can help Lennon out of his shell, let's plot :)
I saw you mentioned the Headmistress and Potions professor for Marisol, but what about her HoH? :r If you're interested, I'm available for an RP.
I have my current werewolf, Lucas Chase, who could help her, maybe. Although to make it somewhat interesting, he is a proud pure-blood that hates himself because of what he is, and his views on muggle-borns aren't the best either. That's all I will offer for now as to not overload you. ^_^

Bethany sounds so much like my character Ray Lagowski that I think they'd actually make great rivals :lol: she's intimidated by other girls, and is in Slytherin, so maybe they could be frenemies. Or just enemies. XD

And I'm totally up for a RP between Monty and Marisol whenever ^_^
Lennon & Hemi
Lennon and Hemi sounds like a great idea! I was reading his bio recently and he would be a good person to get him out of his shell. I'll PM you! :)

Cyndi & Marisol
Haha of course!! I'll start a topic in her office then! :D

Lucas & Marisol
Oooh yes, that would be interesting!! Do you think Lucas would've been told of Marisol's arrival at Hogwarts, just to let him know there would be another werewolf at school now? Marisol has no idea how blood status is viewed so he'd open her eyes to that discrimination. I can see him making comments about her blood status, and her snapping back that his blood doesn't seem so pure now that he's a werewolf too or whatever, both just rubbing salt in wounds for each other lol.

Beth & Ray
Omg frenemies would be so fun!! I love it hehe. They'll hate each other first lol, the friends can come later :p Would you like to start something or shall I?

Monty & Marisol
Should I start a topic in his office so he can explain to her what the Wolfsbane Potion will do? ^_^
Beth & Ray: Hehehe, great! I'll start something tomorrow if that's OK!

Monty & Marisol: Perfect, thanks ^_^
Just an idea: Want to have Monty join our RP? I'm ok with that if you are. :)
Oh yeah that could work if Abby is up for it ^_^
before i give my suggestion i should say i am not the most repayable in replying at the moment. my muse went on a long term hiatus. but is slowly coming back in dribs and drabs.
however I have one suggestion for Marisol.

I have Briar Rowan-cullen. she is head of werewolf support services. she would be more than happy to get into contact with her and discuss any issues she is having. She also has a property in Australia that she can use to transform during the school breaks, a place that has been reinforced to be safe for werewolves.
Lennon Cohen-Knight said:
Lucas & Marisol
Oooh yes, that would be interesting!! Do you think Lucas would've been told of Marisol's arrival at Hogwarts, just to let him know there would be another werewolf at school now? Marisol has no idea how blood status is viewed so he'd open her eyes to that discrimination. I can see him making comments about her blood status, and her snapping back that his blood doesn't seem so pure now that he's a werewolf too or whatever, both just rubbing salt in wounds for each other lol.

<FONT font="georgia">He wouldn't exactly call her anything because he's kind of, he is coming to his own, but he may show lack of interest in her at first. Act a little standoffish. He's been a werewolf for two years so it takes a toll.
But otherwise, I think he would be told, and the other werewolf too. He could show her the Howling Cavern?
@Mia: That sounds great!!!! I was wondering what she was supposed to do over holiday breaks lol. We should RP something!! :D

@Kaitlyn: The howling cavern idea sounds good!! Should we start that now then? :)
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