Let's do some plots

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Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (26)
It's a new year and I just caught up on a bunch of threads, so naturally I've decided I need some more. x_x

I've got a handful of students, but these chars are ones I'd like to use a little more this year!


Solomon "Sully" Tofilau
Gryffindor 2nd Year
Sully's a Gryffindor through and through. He's loud, excitable, and greatly enjoying finding he's magical. Sully's always down for something a bit more active or getting into some mischief. He's taken it on himself this year to seeing what chaos he can cause mixing magic with other things, so if you want any threads with some magical nonsense, I am down. Sully could always use some new threads and I'm open to some flings maybe as he gets older (any gender welcome).

Sydney Townsend
Slytherin 2nd Year
Syd is a huge brat, there's no escaping that. She thinks she's smarter than everyone and complains when things don't go her way. She's very much the intellectual type and likes to lord that over people. If you need someone to pick on your character, she's a great candidate. I wouldn't mind seeing if I could find her at least one friend who could put up with her bad attitude though. Romance in the future is also open, girls only.

Angel Castillo
Herbology Professor
Angel's still pretty new to this teaching thing, but after a year down he's pretty sure he's got it down. Angel is confident and a tad obnoxious if you aren't being distracted by all his theatrics. He's found he quite enjoys offering students advice though (whether it's any good though, is to be debated), and would be happy to help any unsure students. He could definitely also use some friends or potentially flings, in or outside the school faculty (any gender).

The Blue Lady
Hogwarts Portrait
Something a little different, the Blue Lady, or Blue as I like to call her, is a talking portrait located on the 5th floor. She's quiet and has quite a strong protective inclination towards the school and its students, but she's also quite lonely and shy, rarely leaving her own painting. If you have a character who needs someone to talk to, she'd love to lend an ear. She is also always ready to tell off any students up to no good in her immediate eyesight, though there's not much she can do till a teacher or prefect walks past.

Other Students​

Katy Miller
Ilvermorny 5th Year (Thunderbird)
Katy is social and always ready to stick her nose in someone else's business. She's happy to try to solve other people's problems, whether they ask her to or not, and is prone to having Big Emotions. I'm happy for any threads with her, friends, enemies, flings, etc. She just needs some more love.

Orélie Manuel
Beauxbatons 5th Year
I'm still trying to round out Orélie as she's fairly fresh. I feel she's starting to become a fairly loyal, protective friend but tends to be more of a follower than an instigator. Possibly with a bit of a mean streak to those she's not close to. Again I'm open to any potential plots with her, though potential romance would be girls only.

Francis Ruis
Homeschooled 6th Year
Frankie's a bit of a loner. He's got a chip on his shoulder over not being at one of the "official schools" and often skulks around Brightstone being a brat to students. He covers his insecurities with fake charm and he's quite used to being people's rebound or second choice. If you have a shopkeeper maybe who needs someone to cause some trouble he's your guy. Open for anything, bonus points if it's a shallow interaction, Frankie can be a bit hard to have a sincere relationship with.
Sully and rose.

She's sulking. good luck, lol
Aspen could be good friends with Angel! She'd love his theatrics :lol: And maybe later in the year/when Hufflepuff's herbology is, Analei could ask for advice, Herbology is her most hated subject :teehee:
Katy and Isaac could do something else at Ilvermorney? Their convo was interesting =))
I still wanted so much post with Elliot. He is realy nice :) i hope we do something fun :) And we can post with Katy Ilvermony, i have Olivia there to :)
@Daisy Parker AspenxAngel yess Angel would love to have an audience to wow with some dumb stories. He fancies himself quite the adventurer. Hmm I'm sure there's probably some sort of intersect between their subjects. Maybe they can chat in the interest of trading resources or something?
For Analei, I am also so down. I cannot promise he'll have anything helpful to offer her, but he'd be happy to try.

@Leda Layton Yess, I would love another thread with those two. Does Isaac have any life woes Katy could pry into maybe?

@Jenna Jusantrea Elliot and Jenna should definitely hang out! They're in that open thread together right now, let's see how they interact and we can plan something from there?
Isaac only really had one friend while at Hogwarts - Sophie Wilson - They dated for a bit and he misses her being around because he thinks she was the only one with a similar outlook on life welp
Isaac only really had one friend while at Hogwarts - Sophie Wilson - They dated for a bit and he misses her being around because he thinks she was the only one with a similar outlook on life welp
👀 If Katy thinks he's pining she will definitely be on his case about it if that works? Do you feel up to starting something with him or I could start and have her hunt him down.
I could start if you want? He's always on his own so she could question that =))
Orélie Manuel and Katherine maybe girlfriends? :shy:
Sure Elliot, i agree with you :)
@Katherine Greene Yess, (assuming you mean as friends?) that could be fun! We can throw them together and flesh Orélie out a bit better. They're in the same year so they likely already kind of know each other unless Katherine is a new transfer?
Very good. Yes, they may be familiar and know what secrets to each other?
I'll PM you and we can talk deets :geek:
Heya Kris!

I can offer you Archer here as a friend for Orélie. I found out I've got a complete bio written for him already somehow, but can't seem to remember much about what I had planned for him so need to dig into that a bit. He's a nice kid though and will make a loyal friend. He also can get somewhat cocky, but I could see her bringing him down a bit when that happens or something.

For Sully I might be able to offer my firstie Chloë as a friend and perhaps a future fling. She isn't much of a troublemaker, but I could see her tagging along to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and he could perhaps drag her into some mischief, which she eventually could even enjoy. Idk, let me know what you think about it all or if you have some different ideas. ^_^
Marjke, yess I like the sound of both of those. I'm thinking Orélie might end up being something of the mom friend at times, so it might be fun to see if she could temper Archer's more cocky moments. I'd definitely be interested in seeing how they work together! Do you mind starting something for them?

And yes for Chloe and Sully (including maybe future fling 👀 . If you like I can start a thread for some potential mischief and we can see how they play off each other go from there.
Hi Kris!

I'd love to do more rps with Amy and Sully, they seem to get along really well! I don't have any ideas, but maybe we could think of something? :)

I've also got my first year Slytherin, Jacinta. She's insecure and doesn't like being in Slytherin. Maybe we could do something with her and Sydney? Let me know! I'm happy to do anything ^_^
Hiya!! I realised that we haven't really roleplayed together before! I was wondering if you'd like one with of your 2nd-year characters, with my 2nd year, Samantha :) Like usual I don't have any plot ideas. But if you'd like to do a roleplay together and have any plot ideas, let me know! :)
@Amy Jewel yess, I love Amy and Sully, I'm sure we can figure out some things for them to do, I'll PM you in the morning and we throw something together.
Jacinta and Syd could be very interesting. If she's willing to listen, Sydney definitely has plenty of opinions about houses. Maybe if you feel up to starting something, Sydney can come share her wisdom :teehee: (Also we should have something with Jacinta and Nicole later too)

@Samantha Jacobs Maria hiii! I am definitely down for that, Sully is the easy choice since he's more social (I also think Samantha's friends with Amy so they have that in common if we ever want a group thread too), but if you want to try something more difficult, we could throw her in with Sydney and see what happens? If you're feeling bold we could try both, I can start one thread and you can do the other if you're down
@Amy Jewel yess, I love Amy and Sully, I'm sure we can figure out some things for them to do, I'll PM you in the morning and we throw something together.
Jacinta and Syd could be very interesting. If she's willing to listen, Sydney definitely has plenty of opinions about houses. Maybe if you feel up to starting something, Sydney can come share her wisdom :teehee: (Also we should have something with Jacinta and Nicole later too)

@Samantha Jacobs Maria hiii! I am definitely down for that, Sully is the easy choice since he's more social (I also think Samantha's friends with Amy so they have that in common if we ever want a group thread too), but if you want to try something more difficult, we could throw her in with Sydney and see what happens? If you're feeling bold we could try both, I can start one thread and you can do the other if you're down

Ooo that group thread idea would be an awesome thing to do in the future!! I think it would be cool to do both if that's okay with you? Samantha needs some spice in her life right now haha but yea that seems like a great idea! We could do what you suggested with you starting one thread and I start another thread. Just let me know with which character you will start the thread with :) If you want to discuss any further details, feel free to PM me :)
@Amy Jewel yess, I love Amy and Sully, I'm sure we can figure out some things for them to do, I'll PM you in the morning and we throw something together.
Jacinta and Syd could be very interesting. If she's willing to listen, Sydney definitely has plenty of opinions about houses. Maybe if you feel up to starting something, Sydney can come share her wisdom :teehee: (Also we should have something with Jacinta and Nicole later too)

@Samantha Jacobs Maria hiii! I am definitely down for that, Sully is the easy choice since he's more social (I also think Samantha's friends with Amy so they have that in common if we ever want a group thread too), but if you want to try something more difficult, we could throw her in with Sydney and see what happens? If you're feeling bold we could try both, I can start one thread and you can do the other if you're down

Sounds good! I'll start the one with Jacinta soon. (And I'd love to do more with Jacinta and Nicole, that would be great!)

And I'm totally down for a group rp! That would be super fun :)
Marjke, yess I like the sound of both of those. I'm thinking Orélie might end up being something of the mom friend at times, so it might be fun to see if she could temper Archer's more cocky moments. I'd definitely be interested in seeing how they work together! Do you mind starting something for them?

And yes for Chloe and Sully (including maybe future fling 👀 . If you like I can start a thread for some potential mischief and we can see how they play off each other go from there.

Works for me! I’ll let you know when I’ve put one up for Orélie & Archer
Just let me know with which character you will start the thread with :) If you want to discuss any further details, feel free to PM me :)
Sweet, I can start with Sydney if you want to start one for Samantha and Sully 👍
(and we should see about that group thread maybe a lil later into the year!)
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