- Messages
- 5,317
- OOC First Name
- Mia
- Wand
- Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
- Age
- 53 (11/2009)
It was the first day back at school. she had lost track of how many first days back she had had now. but there was always a buzz about it. after watching the sorting the previous evening she was surprised at how many new students there were there almost seemed to be twice as many as there usually were. usually, the professor liked to stay up in the divination tower. she didn't have much else in the rest of the school other than meals and there was a lot of steps. however, she had the foresight that today the professors would need all the help they could get making sure that the first years were able to find their classes and to be honest it was always exciting watching. the final bell of the day had rung and the students were out free to fend for themselves until dinner. Elvera made her way into the professor's common room ready to look catch up with her colleagues who she hadn't spoken too for more than a while. accompanying her was a lemon cake that she had made the previous day as she had the feeling that by mid-afternoon any of the staff would need a pick me up and she hoped that she would end up having afternoon tea with a friend.
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