Open lemon cake to get you through the day

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was the first day back at school. she had lost track of how many first days back she had had now. but there was always a buzz about it. after watching the sorting the previous evening she was surprised at how many new students there were there almost seemed to be twice as many as there usually were. usually, the professor liked to stay up in the divination tower. she didn't have much else in the rest of the school other than meals and there was a lot of steps. however, she had the foresight that today the professors would need all the help they could get making sure that the first years were able to find their classes and to be honest it was always exciting watching. the final bell of the day had rung and the students were out free to fend for themselves until dinner. Elvera made her way into the professor's common room ready to look catch up with her colleagues who she hadn't spoken too for more than a while. accompanying her was a lemon cake that she had made the previous day as she had the feeling that by mid-afternoon any of the staff would need a pick me up and she hoped that she would end up having afternoon tea with a friend.
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Matt was glad he had managed to catch up with April and October over break. He was so proud of how they had developed after Hogwarts, and while he missed them being in his class, he was incredibly happy about how well they were doing now. But while he missed his family a bit, he was perfectly happy to be back at Hogwarts again. He felt at home here now, and he really enjoyed the company of his colleagues. He had been sad to hear Monty had stopped teaching potions, but he knew that he would be able to keep in touch with him. Matt headed to the professor's common room and smiled at the sight of Elvera with some cake. Both eager to catch up with a colleague and have some cake, Matt made his way over to her and took a seat. "Hello Elvera, did you make this?" He asked her, nodding at the cake admiringly. "If I had known, I would have visited you in your tower more often." He said with a smile to show her it was a joke. "Did you have a nice break?"
Elvera had just put a pot of tea on to brew and cut herself a slice of cake when she heard the door open. she saw Matt enter the room. "hello matt" she greeted her colegue. and smiled when he asked if she made the cake. "Yes, it is lemon. did you want a slice" she asked offering him hte one she had just cut for herself and cutting another for herself. she chuckled slightly at his comment about coming to visit the tower. "there is always cake or some other hom made sweet up there and you are always welcome to visit. Tea?" she said. taking a cup and pouring it and checking to see if she should pour another. "My holiday was good. we spent most of it here with a few weeks back in England. It was good to be able to actually spend time with Morgan and the girls. not that they necessarily want to spend time with their mum and grandma. and It was a good chance to sort things out within the shop." she said. "how were yours" she asked as she took a seat on one of the sofas.
Matt grinned as Elvera confirmed she had made the cake herself, then offered him a slice. "Of course, I'm not saying no to that." He said, taking the slice she offered. He took a bite, nodding as she offered him tea as well. "Thank you, you're spoiling me." He said lightly. "Good to hear you had a nice break. I know the feeling of teenage daughters not necessarily wanting to spend time with you." He said with a chuckle. "It gets a bit better when they're older, at least... in my experience." He said. "I'll have your girls in my class this year, assuming they take History of Magic. I noticed Selene was made prefect, congratulations." He commented. "My holidays were good. Spent a lot of time with my family. April moved in with her boyfriend and had us over for dinner. It was nice, but strange." He sighed, shaking his head. "I still think she's eleven sometimes." He admitted.
Elvera nodded you are welcome as Matt thanked her for the cake. "with this many first-years to look after figured we would need an afternoon sugar hit" she said. as matt said that he knew what it was like to have a teenage daughter not wanting to spend time with you "I keep forgetting you have a daughter" she said. She felt a little embaressed that he knew not only who her daughters were but also also that they were in his class and that selene had been made a prefect. "Thank you. She was very excited to get the badge. they will both be taking history of magic. " she siad she was pretty sure it was one of selenes favorte classes where as Helia prefered potions and transfiguration. as Matt explained that April had moved in with her boyfriend she thought. she could not imagine her grils moving in with a boyfriend, or of selenes current relationship was to be continued girlfriend. "I hope that it was a good evening. and that she is happy. she said thinking about what he said. "It is weird that they are growing up. I still sometimes think mine are eight and i can protect them from the world she said. there were some things she would never be able to protect them from but they were growing up. they were almost sixteen. in just over a year they would be seen as adults capable of making their own way in life. it wasn't long but they still seemed so small.
Matt laughed softly at Elvera's joke, nodding in agreement. "The sorting did seem particularly busy this year." He said. He smiled sheepishly at her next words. "You do? I have two now, actually. My husband has a daughter too and I consider her my own." He explained. "She was head girl a few years ago, October Alcott? I don't remember if you were working here yet." He admitted with a small shrug. The years were blurring together, especially now that both his girls were done with school. "Excellent, I'll look forward to seeing them in my class next semester." He then told her as she said the twins would both be taking History of Magic. Matt nodded in agreement at her words, shaking his head slightly. "I'm afraid that's not going away, that feeling. And graduation will be upon you before you know it." He said a little sadly.

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