Lazing About

Kirsty read the sweet Matt passed." Keep cool. Aww i will." Kirsty said jokingly.
Alex laughed again at them, rolling his eyes. He realized that he mus tbe the only one here that wasn't a sweet lover. 'You know, I've never actually been to a sweet shop yet and here you are talking bout them. I'm going to have to take a visit to one now,'Alex said smiling.
" Oh you should, theres lots to choose." Kirsty said smiling.
"What?! Dude here try some of these." Matt said pulling out fizzy jelly snakes (that wriggled) from his jeans pocket. "These rock!"
'Don't mind if I do thanks,'Alex said taking the sweet from the boy smiling .he tore a bit off and ate it. 'Nice,'Alex said eating the other half as well.
"Here help yourself! Oh everyone please tuck in..I have more than enough." he said taking the large bag of candy from his pocket.
" How much candy do you carry around with you." Kirsty asked as he pulled out another bag from his pocket.
"Oh you haven't seen half of it!" he said pulling out four liquice laces from his coat pocket, a large bag of jelly bears and dolly mix, four packets of Jawbreakers and three choclate frogs. " Thats not even near the amount I still have left..." Matt sighed. "I think I bought a little too much..." He luaghed as he began to chew on a jawbreaker.
" Yeah, just a little too much, not like thousands too much." Kirsty said jokingly.
Matt laughed with her. "Ah yeah...please take some!! I'm begging you." he said stumbling over to Kirsty walking on his knees. He laughed more, he really enjoyed her company.
Kirsty rolled her eyes and said." Ok." and smiled.
Isabella looked at all the candy he was pulling out of his pockets. "Woah, you must have a lot of cavities!!" she said. "Halloween just started and you've already got more candy than we'll ever get if we went Trick-or-Treating," she said joking. Out of curiosity she took a wriggling worm and slid it in her mouth. "Hmm, not bad," she said.
"Forever gratefull!!" he said jokingly and bowed to her before returning to the small groove he had made in the grass. "That goes for everyone else, unless you want me to beg you?" he grinned.
Kirsty laughed as he bowed. " So your a candy lover and a begger." She added grinning.
" No wonder you have so much." She said grinning.
Kirsty laughed as well. " Ok, good point." She said.
"So Kirsty have I already asked what you were going as for the Halloween Feast?" he said pulling a lump of grass from beside him.
" I was going as a skeleton.What about you." She asked smiling.
" Cool." Kirsty said smiling.
Kirsty laughed at what Matt said. " Good idea." She said jokingly.

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