Lazing About

" Im fine and you." Kyle said grinning." Well better than fine." He added then looked at Matt who was really quite.
'Yeah, same hosue and same year. We're good freinds'Alex answered the question about Nina before the boy who had probably zoned out spoke. 'Glad to hear it Kyle,'Alex said smiling.
" So is the tournament good." Kirsty asked.
'I wouldn't know. I just know as much as you guys probably do,'Alex said truthfully.
"Well since you say you and Nina are really good friends she hasn't told you anything?" Isabella asked the older boy interested. She just wanted to know what was going on with the tournament.
" So Matt, whats your favourite class." Kirsty asked
" I think DADA and potions is good." Kirsty said then looked across the lake.
" No, ive heard that people have fell asleep in that class. Do you." Kirsty asked smirking at the thought.
"Yeah, unfortunately though...I feel I need to go asleep in that class!" Matt laughed. He pulled out a packet of "Love Hearts" from Brightstone. Here he said throwing it to Kirsty who sat beside him, he took out one for himself, in swirling read letters its "Be Mine". "Awww how sentimental.." he said sarcastically and popped it into his mouth. "What does yours say? Anyone else want one?"
" I feel sorry for you." Kirsty said grinning." Thanks." Kirsty said then caught the sweet and read it. " Be mine.The exact same." She said laughing then placed it in her mouth.
"Oh I forgot to mention, they taste like crap." Matt said laughing at her face as it looked revolted. "Want another one?" he smiled.
" Thanks, but i think its to late to tell me now." She said. " No, your alright." She added.
Matt hoped she didn't take it as an offence or anything as he was just being a joker. "Here I also have thise twisty flog things, these are nice." he said truthfully and handing one to the girl.
" Thanks." Kirsty said then smiled. "I take it you love candy." She said.
Alex shook his head at the question Bella asked. He smiled and laughed a bit as Mathew and Kirsty exchanged sweets.
"Well I mean who doesn't, see I'm muggle born and...." he thought about what he had just said. Slytherins don't usually like muggles but he decided to keep going as it sounded a bit stupid. ".....and you just can't get candy like this. Even in America. But in brightstine the have awesome stuff. My trunk in my dorm is practically full of them." he laughed at the thought of it.
" Ive just thought of a good nickname for you. Candy lover." Kirsty said then started laughing. " Yeah, Brightstone is the best for candy." She added.
Isabella laughed while listening to Matt and Kirsty's conversation. "On the way to school here on the Hogwarts Express I threw a party for all the unsorted kids so we could get to know each other and everyone brought piles of sweets, all different kinds, Bertie Botts, muggle lollipops, chocolate frogs, and more. They just kept piling more and more candy and by the end, I swear I have enough to last me through the year! It's all up in my trunk as well," she concluded laughing a little.
"Hmm..Candy Lover..I love it!!" he smiled cheekily at the girl. "But by the time Halloween is over..I think I might be burying them in the grounds..or everyone is getting stale sweets for Christmas!!" he laughed hard and it hurt his stomach. He decided to sit up. For some reason he couldn't sit still.
" Stale sweets, sounds weird." Kirsty said smiling. " Oh well."
"Yeah usually people are supposed to eat the sweets that they have...but it will take me at least a month to eat all the sweets and by that time my teeth will be like coal." he said he took out another Love heart sweet. "Aww I love you.." he popped it into his mouth, the next one read Keep Cool. "This has to be for you." he laughed giving the revolting sweet to Kirsty.

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