Lazing About

" Hi. Can i join you's." Kirsty asked.
"Hi. Sure sit down. I mean compared to the Elementry School I went to...tch! This place is just I.N.C.R.D.I.B.L.E!!!" Matt said expressing "incredible" loudly. "Hi. I'm Matt." he said to the girl who had joined them
" Thanks, Im Kirsty." She said smiling then took a seat.
Alex was sitting on a tree by the lake bored stiff when he over heard a couple of first year boys talkign about girls. Alex bit his lip to stop himself laughing. He wondered why he never actually thought much about girls. It always seemed to be planning of the sommer for him, what jobs he would do and what the stock rates were to earn money for him and Haden to live and then if it wasn't that, it was about their cousin and aunt. He had been here for a while and still hadn't seen any girl who was a ravenclaw and hyper. He smiled and decided to go over to the first years. 'Hi. Mind if I join your little group?'he asked, hoping they wouldn't resent him since he was a fourth year.
Alex smiled and took a seat. 'Alex,'he said 'nudging' his fist thoguh it was slightly harder than it was meant to be. He smiled. 'So, your all first years right?'he asked smiling.
"Woah! Dude nice nudging." Matt laughed shaking out his hand. "Yep all of us." he nodded and looked around at Kyle and Kirsty. So your probably here for the Tournament are you?" he asked the boy who looked older then they were.
Isabella strolled across the lawn, knowing she had homework to do but decided she'd do it later. The weather was changing and she liked it, but she made sure to wrap her scarf around her. As she was making her way over to her ususal spot at the lakefront she came across 3 boys and a girl she'd seen around the common room. "Hi," she said to them. "Nice day out, do you mind if I join?" she asked a little uneasy.
"Sure, free country." he shrugged. He had recongnised the girl from his potions class. She must be a Slytherin he thought to himself and Harri's advice came back into his head. He turned away from it though, she couldn't be that bad if she had come over to sit with them. "I'm Matt." he smiled. "Your in my Potions class right?" he had hoped he was correct or this would have been extremely embarrassing.
Isabella smiled as the boy said she could sit so she smoothed out her skirt and sat down lightly. "Hello Matt, and er, everyone," she said looking at them all. "I'm Isabella." Then she turned to Matt and said, "Yes, I recognized you from my Potions class too," and smiled.
Isabella groaned slightly. "Ah don't remind me! I haven't even started yet," she sighed. "I just can't get myself to do it," she said simply. "Lucky you though. I'll probably do it soon though, I mean, I want to gain as many points as I can for Slytherin."
"I was dreading it, I just forced myself. But for advice use the book in the libary, it gave me a ton of help." Matt smiled. "Oh yeah how you guys doing in that?" Matt asked he didn't even know how Gryffindor were doing.
'Yep,'Alex said grinning. He noticed a slyhterin came over and joined them, listeing to the discussing homework. He laughed a bit. 'The library always gives you tons of help..most of the time anyway,'Alex corrected him a bit.
'Scotland'Alex said smiling proudly.
"Oh, I just love it there, my Aunt and Uncle live there, sometimes we go to visit them. So were you selected for the Tournament?" Matt had hoped he didn't dip into a touchy spot....
'No, I didn't even expect to come here in the first place but jokes do tend to go wrong,'Alex said shrugging. 'I take it you're interested in it then?'
Isabella made a mental note to go to the library to finally do her Potions homework. "I heard the winner for Scotland was a girl named Nina. Do you know her?" she piped in their conversation. Of course it was very possible for them to know each other so Isabella felt dumb for asking, but on the other hand these schools were so big sometimes you didn't know half the people!
" So how are yous all." Kirsty asked.

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