Last Movie You Saw

Frozen voiced by: Idina Menzel (Elsa) and Kristen Bell (Anna)
I went and saw The Hobbit just before the New Year, and I liked it a lot.

There's a cinema down the road from me and I never go there but I wouldn't mind checking out The Book Thief.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (I think that is the title, anyway). It was ok.
I was highly amused seeing the PBs for Cameron Kingsley and Kiera Potter as a couple in the film. :p
Burke and Hare
Very dark comedy. Contains scenes unsuitable for children. Quite a fascinating look at history, though.
Frozen. I adored it, but it could use less singing.
The Croods

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I love them! Where's my feet?!" -Eep
Just saw The Lego Movie.
Amazingly amazing. Didn't expect it to be nearly as good as it was.
Nicolas King said:
Just saw The Lego Movie.
Amazingly amazing. Didn't expect it to be nearly as good as it was.
I also went to see this recently. And absolutely agree. It was a lot better than I had expected it to be. Ended up really enjoying it.
Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story.

Great movie. Brilliant. Aussie Actress by the way xD
I watched Sudden Death which was on tv the other day.
It was er... something special, I would describe it as a low budget Die Hard set in at an Ice Hockey match!

Ooh this movie is not to be taken lightly. Psychological Thriller by Stephan King.
"And don't even think about anybody coming for you. Not the doctors, not your agent, not your family. 'Cause I never called them. Nobody knows you're here. And you better hope nothing happens to me. Because if I die... you die." - Annie Wilkes.
Beauty and the beast, haha i started watch disney movies also! I love this movie, the best of disney princesses.
The Big Lebowski

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